H-O-R-S-E comes to All Star Weekend

i see inside the NBA is on from 5-7.. anyone know what time during this the horse game is going to be played?

nvm i skipped some posts, see its right at 5
I think the other problem is that they picked guys who sort of don't really have a personality. Or, at least, are too shy at this point to really have a personality.

You sort of want 'em to talk s**t.
if Durant is not an all star by next year i just dont know

I'm starting to like him a lot. Really talented, seems like a good guy.
Just the killer instinct, too.

He says, 'f**k it, you can't shoot from outside so let's just shoot some threes.'

He leaned on him like a poker player.
Say what you will for TNT, but they have a sense of humor.

They gave Durant a little plastic horse for winning the thing.

that event should be discontinued next year...that was boring. I dont think shit talking can save that thing. You have to some crazy ass shots like from the parkway or something rather then from the corner 3 pointer
got my answer...slam dunk in 10 ....awsome...

i have fernandez to win......this guy is just voted a lot.
u guys bet on the 3pt, skills or slam dunk??

dunno what to think on any of them really besides dhoward for dunk but -165 is a lil steep
I wish Charles was doing commentary. I think the hardest ive ever laughed at commentary in a while was when the Birdman kept missing his dunks a few years ago and Charles just losing his mind making jokes. BRING BACK CHARLES
slam dunk contest wont be on until like 10Est at least i dont think.. they're going to dick around until 830 with stupid shit. and then start the skills/3pt/stupid team thing
there are kids on this forum dude

Seriously, of all the comments on this forum, 'that' comment drew this response?

Why did Joe Johnson look 2-3 inches taller than Durant at the beginning?

Sorry, this is bugging me big time. Durant is listed at 6'9" and sometimes is called 6'10". He is shorter than JJ. I am perplexed by this.

As far as contest, it came together too quick. This could be made into so much more.

For one, don't do it live. Ernie was having to orchestrate all the replas and commercials. Took away the "feel" to it. Tape it earlier in day and then you can mix that stuff in.

Second, personalities. Like someone said and I said before, Rasheed would be perfect here. A great personality and a guy who can do crazy shots. That being said, he would never do it. There are a few guys in the league though that would make this great. Shit, CWebb and Jet woulda been great tonight.

Lastly, get some props. Blindfolds, more chairs to standon and open up the space behind the hoop more to create more angles and deeper shots from behind(almost sounds sexual).
Lastly, get some props. Blindfolds, more chairs to standon and open up the space behind the hoop more to create more angles and deeper shots from behind(almost sounds sexual).

Totally agree. Not about the sex part, though if Mayo would have done the old, "hit her from behind, off the glass, from behind the arc" shot, that would have been pretty cool.

I kept looking at that ball rack thinking, 'shoot from behind that thing, or go with the one shot from each hand kind of thing. That's why Sheed would be good, get some guys with some imagination out there.

There was also no room, the court was too confined. Like in any gym you could never go off the wall or anything like that.
Well BAR...we dont want these guys to get injured

played Horse prolly 1000 times growing up doing random stupid stuff and was just fine.

I could care less about a corner 3 pointer....

yeah, mix stuff in but the chance for creativity in this contest is so much more.
Charlie ...on Nate Washington ..."ill tell u what, im not sure there gonna give you a lot of points for dunkin over another short guy....." BRING BACK CHARLES