FSU QB under investigation for sexual assault from 11 mos ago?

ok QB not talking investigation tonight, because it's open, football questions only, so nothing will get resolved or addressed tonight. F that.
Jimbo Fisher has a policy of suspending players Under Investigation for anything. Guarantee he breaks that policy

No way they just found out about the investigation. It's probably BS, but the court of public opinion pretty much convicts any guy once the word rape is yelled, due process be damned. If nothing else, this likely lost him the Heisman
BTW ... the initial police reports lists the suspect's height at 5'11'' max ... Winston is 6'4.' That report also says the suspect has straight hair. Discrepancies aside, we have confirmed with law enforcement sources Winston is indeed the suspect.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2kZkI5kHq
This is awful either way, Justice needs to be served in either case tho. Sexual assault is serious & a false allegation is just as serious. I want for him not be involved with this, but if he is the victim deserves Justice. If he isn't he deserves an apology
This is awful either way, Justice needs to be served in either case tho. Sexual assault is serious & a false allegation is just as serious. I want for him not be involved with this, but if he is the victim deserves Justice. If he isn't he deserves an apology

or another round of consensual sex
Thought he was Yag, personally. Hope it isn't true as he seems like a good kid in my limited watching of his career.
This is a serious thread. Here's why the story doesn't stink. These allegations came in December of last year. Not like it's some crazy Florida fan filing charges last week. It's been announced that he is still a go for the best game
This is a serious thread. Here's why the story doesn't stink. These allegations came in December of last year. Not like it's some crazy Florida fan filing charges last week. It's been announced that he is still a go for the best game

Wouldn't that be evidence of why it does stink? If the allegations came almost a year ago, why hasn't anyone heard about them at all until now? The investigation has been ongoing for an entire year.
Maybe that does stink. But I would say the allegations just happening would stink more
Maybe that does stink. But I would say the allegations just happening would stink more

Okay, but the allegation didn't just happen. They occurred in December 2012. Unless you meant the reporting of those allegations.
This is a serious thread. Here's why the story doesn't stink. These allegations came in December of last year. Not like it's some crazy Florida fan filing charges last week. It's been announced that he is still a go for the best game

I always plan ahead
In Jameis defense, he did not have his contacts in and his squinty eyes could not tell the girls head was shaking no
couple things: if jameis is guilty, he should be prosecuted fully. if this woman made false accusations, obviously, she should also be prosecuted. but here's some insight on to why it's taken 12 months so far.

i was accused of a sexual assault several years ago in a completely consensual sexual experience. we were both sober, zero alcohol or drugs were involved, and afterwards we hung out at my house and watched a movie, then i drove her home.

the woman in question was on a break from her long time boyfriend, who has a history of physically abusing her and being a general psycho. a few weeks later, i woke up to 32 voice mails and about 144 texts. no bullshit. it was her boyfriend, and they were back together. most of the voice mails talked about how i was going to go to prison, and how he's taking his girlfriend to the sheriff's office and he's gonna laugh when i'm arrested. i was freakin out, and my heart sunk 1000 feet with every new voicemail and text.

i called a friend of mine, who is also a defense attorney and he told me to cut off all contact with the boyfriend and the woman in question and to just shut my mouth. he also told me that if this ever makes it to court, i'm fucked. at the time, i was a single male pretty much just hanging out and having a good time. i visited a lot of strip clubs, casinos, and basement bars and engaged in a lot of tom-foolery in general. i wasn't exactly employed at the time, and i was usually out at night, hanging around some interesting characters, if you catch my drift. my attorney told me that if we got to court and this woman's attorney started calling the strip club bouncers, bartenders, casino employees, and other people i spent my time with to the stand asking how many times per week i was showing up, or how many of the strippers i'd slept with, or the nature of my relationship with some of the people i surrounded myself with, it would be a major problem in a civil case. it sure wouldn't help in the criminal case, but my attorney was more afraid of these witnesses fucking me in the hypothetical civil case. these witnesses would essentially be character witnesses against me. especially considering i have a criminal record as it is, nothing like what i was being accused of, but still. being a convicted felon wasn't helping me.

translation: i would go broke trying to defend my name because i was a man-whore, and had a criminal history.

the case against me was open for about 9 months. the cops never talked to me. the district attorney never talked to me, and the charges were eventually dropped.

my attorney talked to the district attorney, and the cops for me. he sent all the text messages and voice mails i received from the crazy boyfriend.

it was a horrible time for me, and to be honest, it changed the way i live. i mean, i still frequent strip clubs, but i'm not as regular as i used to be, and i'm not runnin around town dirt-bagging anymore.

eventually i heard through friends that she wanted to apologize about the whole thing, and that her boyfriend had a lot to do with what they were doing.
i'm not saying jameis is a dirt bag or anything like that, i'm not even saying he's innocent of anything, what i'm saying is sometimes this shit gets dragged out. and it's not always so cut and dry. and it's not always a conspiracy. investigations sometimes take a real long time, especially when it's just someone's word against yours.
couple things: if jameis is guilty, he should be prosecuted fully. if this woman made false accusations, obviously, she should also be prosecuted. but here's some insight on to why it's taken 12 months so far.

i was accused of a sexual assault several years ago in a completely consensual sexual experience. we were both sober, zero alcohol or drugs were involved, and afterwards we hung out at my house and watched a movie, then i drove her home.

the woman in question was on a break from her long time boyfriend, who has a history of physically abusing her and being a general psycho. a few weeks later, i woke up to 32 voice mails and about 144 texts. no bullshit. it was her boyfriend, and they were back together. most of the voice mails talked about how i was going to go to prison, and how he's taking his girlfriend to the sheriff's office and he's gonna laugh when i'm arrested. i was freakin out, and my heart sunk 1000 feet with every new voicemail and text.

i called a friend of mine, who is also a defense attorney and he told me to cut off all contact with the boyfriend and the woman in question and to just shut my mouth. he also told me that if this ever makes it to court, i'm fucked. at the time, i was a single male pretty much just hanging out and having a good time. i visited a lot of strip clubs, casinos, and basement bars and engaged in a lot of tom-foolery in general. i wasn't exactly employed at the time, and i was usually out at night, hanging around some interesting characters, if you catch my drift. my attorney told me that if we got to court and this woman's attorney started calling the strip club bouncers, bartenders, casino employees, and other people i spent my time with to the stand asking how many times per week i was showing up, or how many of the strippers i'd slept with, or the nature of my relationship with some of the people i surrounded myself with, it would be a major problem in a civil case. it sure wouldn't help in the criminal case, but my attorney was more afraid of these witnesses fucking me in the hypothetical civil case. these witnesses would essentially be character witnesses against me. especially considering i have a criminal record as it is, nothing like what i was being accused of, but still. being a convicted felon wasn't helping me.

translation: i would go broke trying to defend my name because i was a man-whore, and had a criminal history.

the case against me was open for about 9 months. the cops never talked to me. the district attorney never talked to me, and the charges were eventually dropped.

my attorney talked to the district attorney, and the cops for me. he sent all the text messages and voice mails i received from the crazy boyfriend.

it was a horrible time for me, and to be honest, it changed the way i live. i mean, i still frequent strip clubs, but i'm not as regular as i used to be, and i'm not runnin around town dirt-bagging anymore.

eventually i heard through friends that she wanted to apologize about the whole thing, and that her boyfriend had a lot to do with what they were doing.
i'm not saying jameis is a dirt bag or anything like that, i'm not even saying he's innocent of anything, what i'm saying is sometimes this shit gets dragged out. and it's not always so cut and dry. and it's not always a conspiracy. investigations sometimes take a real long time, especially when it's just someone's word against yours.

Damn dude, that sucks. Thought I read last night that the Tally DA said that the police didn't inform his office of the investigation until this week. Is that consistent with your experience?
honestly, i have no idea when the police brought it to the DA's office, or if it was formally turned into the DA for consideration. i know the cops had the complaint, but beyond that, i'm not aware of what exaclty they did with it. Whether they had an informal conversation with the assistant DA, or if the actual DA was involved somehow. i just know that i never talked to anyone involved in law enforcement about it, but my attorney did. i didn't ask a lot of questions besides, "what the fuck do i do now"?.
I've spoken with someone who would know details, and what's floating around in the media isn't close to accurate. The unfortunate incident did occur, but Jameis was listed/named as a witness because he was at the party not because he had any involvement with the victim. The young lady was supposedly quoted as saying something to the effect of him being a nice guy and not wanting him to get in trouble.

Where this gets weird is that there's growing belief that this became a national story because a TPD officer who is a Gator fan sold the story to TMZ of Jameis being linked to a sexual assault. The national media then goes viral with assumptions and hypotheses and very few, if any, facts.

Unless I'm getting snowed this (as far as Jameis is concerned) should blow over soon as facts are released.
I've spoken with someone who would know details, and what's floating around in the media isn't close to accurate. The unfortunate incident did occur, but Jameis was listed/named as a witness because he was at the party not because he had any involvement with the victim. The young lady was supposedly quoted as saying something to the effect of him being a nice guy and not wanting him to get in trouble.

Where this gets weird is that there's growing belief that this became a national story because a TPD officer who is a Gator fan sold the story to TMZ of Jameis being linked to a sexual assault. The national media then goes viral with assumptions and hypotheses and very few, if any, facts.

Unless I'm getting snowed this (as far as Jameis is concerned) should blow over soon as facts are released.

Glad we know the answers now.
Weird, because all the Auburn fans down here are telling us that Alabama is behind it because we are scared to face them in the national championship game.
that would be quite a turn of events. but wouldnt winston's attorney be real quick to say that shit?

From what I know of the young man, something like this would be a huge personality outlier. That's not who he is. Pure speculation on my part, but one reason for staying quiet may be in the interests of the young lady; not wanting to send a lot of backlash her way by publicly, vehemently denying reports. I don't know if they are friends, but he's seems the kind of guy who can handle a floated false story and let tje facts play out while not embarrassing the young lady any further. Surely if something ever got to the point of charges being filed, he and the school would address it publicly, but it makes little/no sense to do so now since it's a media issue not a legal one (for him).
There's evidence Tallahassee cops tried to sweep the sexual assault investigation targeting Florida State University QB Jameis Winston under the rug to protect the team and its star player ... and ONLY took aggressive steps after TMZ Sports started asking questions.

Sources in the State Attorney's Office tell us they never even knew about the investigation until Tuesday ... JUST ONE DAY AFTER TMZ Sports began making calls to cops about the alleged assault.

Our sources in the State Attorney's Office say ... it was highly unusual cops wouldn't have filled them in about the case until this week. The sources say cops would have typically notified them when the investigation was completed, and Winston's lawyer reportedly says cops told him it was completed in February.

Now get this ... TMZ Sports started calling police about the case on Monday. We were told someone would get back to us later that day, but there was radio silence for 2 days ... we made repeated calls Tuesday and Wednesday and no one got back to us until late Wednesday afternoon.

Sources in the State Attorney's Office tell us ... the timing -- getting notified about the case months after it supposedly was closed and just a day after TMZ started calling -- is suspicious.

The State Attorney has now re-activated the case and sent it back to cops for further investigation.

And there's a twist -- guess what would happen if Winston was even CHARGED with felony sexual assault -- under FSU's rules ... he would be AUTOMATICALLY BENCHED ... killing the team's national championship hopes and his Heisman Trophy chances.
There's evidence Tallahassee cops tried to sweep the sexual assault investigation targeting Florida State University QB Jameis Winston under the rug to protect the team and its star player ... and ONLY took aggressive steps after TMZ Sports started asking questions.

Sources in the State Attorney's Office tell us they never even knew about the investigation until Tuesday ... JUST ONE DAY AFTER TMZ Sports began making calls to cops about the alleged assault.

Our sources in the State Attorney's Office say ... it was highly unusual cops wouldn't have filled them in about the case until this week. The sources say cops would have typically notified them when the investigation was completed, and Winston's lawyer reportedly says cops told him it was completed in February.

Now get this ... TMZ Sports started calling police about the case on Monday. We were told someone would get back to us later that day, but there was radio silence for 2 days ... we made repeated calls Tuesday and Wednesday and no one got back to us until late Wednesday afternoon.

Sources in the State Attorney's Office tell us ... the timing -- getting notified about the case months after it supposedly was closed and just a day after TMZ started calling -- is suspicious.

The State Attorney has now re-activated the case and sent it back to cops for further investigation.

And there's a twist -- guess what would happen if Winston was even CHARGED with felony sexual assault -- under FSU's rules ... he would be AUTOMATICALLY BENCHED ... killing the team's national championship hopes and his Heisman Trophy chances.

Where's the "evidence" they claim there to be in the first sentence of their article?

If it's true that Jameis is simply a witness, couldn't that explain their reluctancy to call back TMZ and explain what's going on, since it would have nothing to do with Jameis at all? In all fairness, how many police departments across the country are in the regular habit of calling TMZ back ffs?

I'm neither an FSU fan, or a hater of FSU, I have just tired of everyone being guilty immediately in the US. Especially when the source is TMZ.