Friday 04/12/13 NBA discussion thread

man these fucking refs. that was a moving screen there on howard. ok, they call it on the warriors, bullshit. but then they give blake the ft's and not howard. fucking refs.
Been scared all night with big money on GS and the GS ML both. These refs are trying their hardest for the Lakers
Watch Stern get the Lakers into the 7th spot and have a Rockets/OKC 1st round matchup...
Stern had to make a few calls that game, as he needs the attention. I have never seed a race for the flipping 8th seed get so much damn attention..... Fucking Pathetic
Watch Stern get the Lakers into the 7th spot and have a Rockets/OKC 1st round matchup...
"Hmmm.... that's a good idea emkee"

Lakers win, despite refs doing everything they can to give this one to the Warriors.
So many missed calls with obvious fouls on Kobe, Pau and Dwight, it's not even funny.
Should have broken NBA record for free throws, if refs would have called this one right...

I realize that refs can't call everything, but that Clay's foul on Dwight in the final minutes - should have been "and one", not just a basket - and Clay would have fouled out.

Also, how on earth did Dwight manage to put that final free throw in?! Lakers up one, 1.5 seconds left and Warriors without a foul. Just miss the shot and let the clock run out...
Lakers win, despite refs doing everything they can to give this one to the Warriors.

I just died.
Lakers win, despite refs doing everything they can to give this one to the Warriors.
So many missed calls with obvious fouls on Kobe, Pau and Dwight, it's not even funny.
Should have broken NBA record for free throws, if refs would have called this one right...

I realize that refs can't call everything, but that Clay's foul on Dwight in the final minutes - should have been "and one", not just a basket - and Clay would have fouled out.

Also, how on earth did Dwight manage to put that final free throw in?! Lakers up one, 1.5 seconds left and Warriors without a foul. Just miss the shot and let the clock run out...
are you kidding me?

I actually thought he meant to say 'Warriors' but read the rest of his post. Unbelievable.
You guys are too funny with your claims that refs helping the Lakers. If you show me one missed call...
Jack wasn't fouled. If anything, he travelled, the only question is, when did GSW ask for a time out...
You guys are too funny with your claims that refs helping the Lakers. If you show me one missed call...
Jack wasn't fouled. If anything, he travelled, the only question is, when did GSW ask for a time out...
I'm not even going to waste my time trying to disect this game with's pointless.
are you kidding me?

Lakers shot 50 free throws, but should have shot at least 60 - 65. I counted in second half only - two obvious fouls on Kobe, two on Gasol and one on Dwight, that I don't know how the refs missed.
I'm not even going to waste my time trying to disect this game with's pointless.

We can agree to disagree and you can call me homer and what not, but you can see my other posts from in games, where I said that Lakers got the benefit of the whistles (and of course times where it wasn't the case). Tonight it just wasn't the case...
Btw, tonight Adams was the refs - the one that Kobe called a "fa-ggot" a season ago, so when I saw him as a ref, I knew Lakers will get no help from the refs...
Lakers shot 50 free throws, but should have shot at least 60 - 65. I counted in second half only - two obvious fouls on Kobe, two on Gasol and one on Dwight, that I don't know how the refs missed.
that was a foul on Jack in the end. obviously you don't or won't see it that way. how bout the foul they called where artest ripped the warriors arm and threw him down but they call it on the warriors. the moving screen on howard but they call the warriors. then they give blake the fts not howard. my goodness it was so blatant. that's the last i'll say on it. i'm out. later guys.
Still doesn't hide the fact that the lakers are an absolutely abysmal basketball team. You cannot defend that argument.
if nots not an achilles I don't expect him to miss a game

but if it is he's gone until late 2013 I would think
I didn't know that. That's terrible.

Ok stern. Maybe now it's time to switch gears. Let the jazz get in.
Still doesn't hide the fact that the lakers are an absolutely abysmal basketball team. You cannot defend that argument.

You say abysmal, I say unfortunate. They had terrible luck this season with injuries. We can see right now that Gasol/ Dwight duo, that struggled a lot together all season, plays well together.
I'm absolutely sure that if the Lakers full roster would have played together 80 games, they would have looked a lot better.
Dwight and Pau would have found their rhythm earlier, Nash would have meshed much quicker and better with the Lakers and Kobe wouldn't have logged so heavy minutes and so on...

How can you establish chemistry, team defense (or offense even), if Lakers had maybe 10 games all season with all the starters healthy?
Their defense is never going to improve under Dantoni. The team is terrible and was so from the get go. It's a fucked up system
ya Divol that ref who Kobe called a ****** really tried to fuck them over... 50 FT's? Get real it is embarrassing even commenting on it when a team gets 50 Ft's to what 16? Too bad Lakers going to fizzle with the black Mamba finally biting the dust. Poor guy "I heard it pop"
this is so sad. even if he comes back, he's never going to be the same kobe again. sad

i'm pretty emotional right now...grew up in la watching kobe from the beginning.

d'antoni is an idiot. ya lets play kobe 46 minutes a game, nothing bad can happen.:boxing: