Fox announcers are high

Man just once I want to Gronk Spike that crystal ball when something unworthy wins it. Would be therapeutic
I hope that's never a relevant valuation for a championship of it's really worthless

I agree with you.

I am just saying that I don't think it is reasonable to put them in the playoff despite my belief they are the best team.
I agree with you.

I am just saying that I don't think it is reasonable to put them in the playoff despite my belief they are the best team.

If it the only criteria is winning a conference championship, why even have a committee?

I would put in UCF if Ohio State wins. I am normally not a supporter of doing that with nonPower 5 teams, but in a year like this with no clear 4th team, UCF is it for me (assuming OSU win). These teams are all in the same division or their not. Give me the undefeated mid major compared to a P5 1 loss divisional runner-up (Alabama) and a P5 2 loss Champ (OSU and USC).
If it the only criteria is winning a conference championship, why even have a committee?

I don't think there should be a committee, but if the playoff is at 4 teams there still needs to be some ranking to determine the qualifers among the 10 conference champions. I'll take the original BCS standings as my preferred method to do that.
I would put in UCF if Ohio State wins. I am normally not a supporter of doing that with nonPower 5 teams, but in a year like this with no clear 4th team, UCF is it for me (assuming OSU win). These teams are all in the same division or their not. Give me the undefeated mid major compared to a P5 1 loss divisional runner-up (Alabama) and a P5 2 loss Champ (OSU and USC).

I agree they should be in ... i just think it is ironic because they are one of the worst "best" nonpower5 teams of the last decade, if not the worst. They deserve their shot though.
What this comes down to is opinion and opinions are like assholes we all have one.

I say

1) leave it the way it is with 4 teams and take conference champions only
2) go to 8 teams and take conference champions only (8 out of 10 champions qualify)
3) split the 130 field into two divisions P5 and nonP5 and have a 4 team playoff for each with conference champions only.
I would imagine most who know me here know I was against this bullshit playoff and now it's in the hand of administrators who have financial inheritance from certain teams getting in. F that committee
What this comes down to is opinion and opinions are like assholes we all have one.

I say

1) leave it the way it is with 4 teams and take conference champions only
2) go to 8 teams and take conference champions only (8 out of 10 champions qualify)
3) split the 130 field into two divisions P5 and nonP5 and have a 4 team playoff for each with conference champions only.

I think if you make conference championship a pre-requisite, you have to eliminate divisions.
I think if you make conference championship a pre-requisite, you have to eliminate divisions.

Agreed. Have conferences limited at 10 teams, eliminate conference championship games and instead extended the season a week. Conference play full round robins.
I think if you make conference championship a pre-requisite, you have to eliminate divisions.

That is fine.

Go back to small conferences, have every team play everyone in the league with no conference title game. That is pretty much my ideal scenario. I'll keep dreaming
Yeah, BUT the BCS did give us two non conference champs, Nebraska in 2000 and OU in 2003, and the Alabama-LSU rematch. Use the BCS and make it conference champs only and I'd be happy enough.
The end doesn't justify the mean.

One thing I think we can all agree on is the committee sucks!
That is fine.

Go back to small conferences, have every team play everyone in the league with no conference title game. That is pretty much my ideal scenario. I'll keep dreaming

Ugh but that takes away so much from the rivalry aspect that we all love and that means a lot to the schools. We need conference champs
I just want there to be a chance for every team when the season starts. Give them objective goals to reach to win a championship. Whatever team achieves those goals, is the champion. It is ALL decided on the field of play. NOT in a committee room, or in a computer or in a poll.
Conference championships don't do anything to enhance rivalries.
I just want there to be a chance for every team when the season starts. Give them objective goals to reach to win a championship. Whatever team achieves those goals, is the champion. It is ALL decided on the field of play. NOT in a committee room, or in a computer or in a poll.

And you can do that in an 8 team model using only conference champions, 8 out of 10 will get in. Whether it is Alabama, Northwestern, Air Force or UTEP. It puts everyone's destiny in their hands. Now what to do with ND, Army , BYU, UMass and New Mexico State next year? They will have to join a conference if they want a potential seat at that table.
I just want there to be a chance for every team when the season starts. Give them objective goals to reach to win a championship. Whatever team achieves those goals, is the champion. It is ALL decided on the field of play. NOT in a committee room, or in a computer or in a poll.

But how is that possible like it is in pro sports when there are so many teams of varying quality
They are either all in the same division of major college football or they aren't. Reclassify half the teams.
Independents like ND? If they want to ever compete for a national title in this dream world of only conference champions are eligible they will have to latch on somewhere.
Conferences. Players want to be conf champs and it means something to outcompete other top teams in the conference
10 conferences. Rotating schedule of playoff bracket.

10 vs 7
8 vs 9
for round one

After that 8 team playoff.

Easy peasy

And you rotate the playoff schedule so that no conference avoids the bye.

Then the independents have to join a conference for a chance to win the title. If they do not, they do so by their own choice.

Problem solved.

Win your conference advance
win your playoff game advance

Absolutely, make conference races and winners of the leagues matter. Teams always say 'control what you can control'. Everyone controls their own destiny in conference title hunts. You don't win, don't look for anyone else to give you second chances. Sometimes you try and hard, fail and don't get second chances. Get over it and move on, it's called life.
I'm pretty flexible on alot of different ideas presented here. One thing I am not flexible on is allowing teams who aren't the best teams in their divisions and conferences compete among the other best teams for the highest prize.
I'm pretty flexible on alot of different ideas presented here. One thing I am not flexible on is allowing teams who aren't the best teams in their divisions and conferences compete among the other best teams for the highest prize.

Because it is the anti-thesis of sport.
Alabama is a really good team. I don't mean to take anything away from them. But they had a chance to do the things necessary to compete for a championship and they failed. They lost the most important game on their schedule, it should be held against them. Doesn't mean they still aren't a really good team, they just didn't do what it took in my book.
Let me put it this way.

I work super hard trying to figure these teams out. Really hard. I get a lot of things wrong. I just have a hard time saying that one conference is SOOOOO much better than the other conferences that they deserve a second team in a 4 team playoff when we are looking at 130 teams or whatever it is now. It's just patently unfair and we are wrong too often. And I know that I am better equipped to make the call than the committee will ever be ... but I also know that I cannot be, and no one else can be, equipped to make that call. I just picked Ga southern to beat Coastal, UNT to compete with FAU ... etc. etc. etc.
We are wrong a lot.

and being wrong a lot is the beauty of sports. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks if you go on that playing field and play by the same set of rules. You win the game, you win the game.

If I want to watch scripted TV, I can do that.
I don't know how/what, but something

Bama loses one game and is out/in?

To me it's just odd to have a Power 5 and have 4 seats at the table

I'd have to wager we go to a 6-8 soon

The lil guys deserve a shot too......but part of me hates a team that hoes through their "conf schedule" that is real weak and gets in....I get that
Change? Part of what makes it great is the discussion it breeds

I agree that Alabama lost the one game it couldn’t afford to lose. But when we are using an arbitrary measure of “best” I think the loss to Auburn is far more excusable than losing to: Iowa, Syracuse, Pittsburgh or Iowa St. I don’t like a system where losing to worse teams is beneficial
Losing a team that isn't seriously on your level is not as bad as losing to a team that is because it's not making a komment to what you can do. As long as its just one loss. Like last year Clemson lost to Pitt but won nat champ. The ceiling, the potential, should be deciding factor because it matters for playoffs where the best play the best what a team can do not how low it can sink gegen non-playoff teams. And osu's ceiling is lightyears above that of bama. They won their reg season equivalent of bama vs auburn and big-ten champ should clinch it for them
I don't know how/what, but something

Bama loses one game and is out/in?

To me it's just odd to have a Power 5 and have 4 seats at the table

I'd have to wager we go to a 6-8 soon

The lil guys deserve a shot too......but part of me hates a team that hoes through their "conf schedule" that is real weak and gets in....I get that

4 seats at the table feels about right though. As part of a solution, I can compromise to an 8 team model, but if we are trying to keep it for the most elite teams rarely are there more than 3-4 teams in that elite category and this year we really only have 3 plus one midmajor undefeated team.

The biggest problem is the little guys are truly little guys. They are really only equal to their P5 counterparts in name only. So the best thing to do would be spin them off and give them their own 4 team playoff.
Why do the little fbs teams need their own playoffs aren't they content with bowls those maybe mean more to them