Florida State 2014: Mission Impossible 2---They Canceled The Sequal

And I do agree that this is dumb, but unfortunately the world we live in. I think the problem with this event was he didn't do it partying with his boys in the dorm, he apparently stood on a table in the middle of campus and yelled it. While, I don't think he should be suspended, he continues to show that he's really really dumb.
But lol at sportsbooks even thinking jimbo might suspend him

There is a better chance of him being in jail Saturday night than jimbo suspending him for something

My guess is this suspension came from above Jimbo's head with all the other negative PR stuff they have going on now
It shouldn't drop more than 3-4 points MAX

If you see anything at 14 I'd hit FSU

Funny that Coker woulda gotten more PT at FSU than Bama this year
Can you imagine the shot in the arm a suspended Jameis brings in the 2h of a close game with Clem? Yeeeee Haw cowboy, gonna be classic
How many times does this guy have to go to principal's office before he gets it?

Firing BB guns in public and shooting out windows of a complex - check

Drinking free soda at a Burger King. Being told more than once to stop or police get called ... They got called - check

Possibly raping a woman - check

Walking into a Publix and walking right back out of Publix with free shell fish - check

Standing up on campus and yelling vulgarity's bc you think you can - check

Am I missing one more thing he did?


"I'm not a "me" person" - Jameis Winston

You know what? You ARE a ME person. One of these acts alone (minus the rape charge) aren't that big a deal. It's the TOTALITY that's the problem and with the same 'ol empty apologies.

Earlier today at the presser the AD tells the media that they're not answering any more questions about this, but to only ask questions about the Clemson game. It's easy to lead when you are out front in clean air. It's harder to lead when you are sitting in "it". The top brass at FSU are doing everything in their power to get to the "finish line" with JW instead of yanking a knot in this guy by leading with examples. They don't care about JW the person; just the football player.

I can't imagine how hot under the collar Jimbo Fisher is right now. If FSU is handling Clemson rather easily at HT on Saturday night, don't be surprised if he continues to sit JW.
Ohh and because it's prolly not well known........ Sean Maguire is GOOOOD! You'll see. He'd prolly start on all but like 15teams
Welp I'll take 14-1. Gonna need Clemson to lose another game in conf though :(, maybe at BC. If not FSU is fucked

If FSU loses tonight, they better hope like hell Florida ends up being good, because not a lot of quality wins left on that schedule, unless you count what is sure to be an overrated Notre Dame.
But I'm sleep though.......



4 Hours Ago

Jameis Winston's lawyer has fired off a letter to Florida State University ... claiming the woman who accused his client of rape demanded $7 MILLION to buy her silence.

David Cornwell, the lawyer for the Heisman Trophy winner, sent a letter to FSU, saying Winston will fully cooperate with the University's ongoing investigation into the handling of the rape charges. The alleged victim claims the University engaged in sexual discrimination by sweeping her claims under the rugto protect its prized athlete.

According to the letter -- obtained by TMZ -- the alleged victim's lawyer, Patricia Carroll, demanded $7 MIL to settle her client's claims against FSU and Winston, telling Cornwell, "If we settle, you will never hear from my client or me again -- in the press or anywhere."

Cornwell says he rejected her offer and 4 days later she went to the media.

Cornwell also says Carroll claimed her client's sexual encounter had to be rape, because she would never sleep with a "black boy." Fact is ... the alleged victim's boyfriend at the time was black. The criminal case fell apart, partly because the alleged victim had semen from 2 different men on her shorts.

Cornwell ends his letter to FSU by saying, "Mr. Winston will cooperate with the Investigation. He looks forward to clearing his name. But Mr. Winston will not walk into a honey trap. The Investigation must be a legitimate investigation."
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sure sounds like cornwell is making shit up. gotta be rape because she won't sleep with black people, but her boyfriend at the time was black? huh?
Cornwell is dude that don't fuck around, if that guy is at the other table it's best they fold tent. Dude is the goto guy for athletes
pretty bold strategy to go public with this 7mm thing now. but how in the hell does he square that black guy statement? if he's making that up, what else is he making up?
man, that is just hard to believe. if that attorney really said that and didn't know the accuser's bf was black she's a goddamn moron. and where the hell would jameis even get 7 million dollars from? what's the point in asking for a number that high from a college student? would they be suing against hypothetical future earnings?

and how does this explain the other girl that needed counseling after a visit from jameis? all this just stinks man, just weird. i don't get it.
Despite a lack of cooperation, police eventually did find the identity of the second semen sample on the accuser's shorts -- an African American football player at Kent State University school who originally attended Zephyrhills High School.

"[The accuser] acknowledged having sex with her boyfriend," State Attorney Willie Meggs said. "But she wouldn't tell me who her boyfriend was. Being a shrewd investigator, we found out, and we got his DNA." -- Sports Illustrated, December 5, 2013.

i believe the letter came before the identity of semen #2 was revealed. Seems Erica did NOT want the rents knowing she was down with the brown, refused to tell investigators and her attorney.
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Lawyer of alleged victim in Jameis Winston case says Winston's attorney tried to pay off accuser
Dr. Saturday
Sam Cooper 1 hour 15 minutes ago
A lawyer representing the woman who accused Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston of rape released a statement Wednesday afternoon saying that Winston’s attorney offered to pay the alleged victim to stay silent about the incident. This statement contradicts what Winston’s attorney, David Cornwell, wrote in a letter to Florida State that surfaced on TMZ Wednesday morning.

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According to the Orlando Sentinel, John Clune, a Title IX lawyer who represents the alleged victim, issued the statement in response to Cornwell’s claim that Patricia Carroll, a lawyer for the accuser, asked for $7 million to “never hear from (the accuser) or (Carroll) again – in the press or anywhere.”

The lengthy statement says that Cornwell leaked the letter to TMZ himself “at a time when Mr. Winston is suffering from the negative attention of his own continuing misconduct of last week.”

In reference to Florida State’s continuing Title IX investigation into the alleged incident from December 2012, Clune also says “Cornwell appears to know that Mr. Winston is about to be charged by Florida State with sexual assault and this letter seems to be his final attempt to prevent FSU from complying with federal law.”

Clune then goes on to say that it was Cornwell, not Carroll – the accuser’s former counsel – who discussed “paying off” the accuser.

The statement continues:

“Patricia Carroll didn’t even know who David Cornwell was until he called. Mr. Cornwell then himself flew down from Atlanta to negotiate with Ms. Carroll. Settlement discussions were immediately unproductive as Cornwell was crude and insulting going so far as to say ‘your client likes to [expletive] football players.’ When told that the client’s main concern was not money but that Winston be held accountable for his actions, Cornwell threatened to sue our client and her parents for civil racketeering in an effort to intimidate them into staying quiet."
Clune goes onto to say that Cornwell misrepresented the timeline in which the accuser reported the incident.

“Mr. Cornwell additionally and inaccurately portrays that our client chose to file a complaint ‘two years later.’ The truth is that the University approached our client in October of 2013 and asked her for the first time whether she would cooperate with disciplinary charges against Mr. Winston after the school received a second report of sexual misconduct by another woman.”
After a 11-month delay in the case, Winston was never charged due to a lack of evidence.

Florida State interviewed Winston in January as a part of the ongoing Title IX investigation. Clune said previously that the woman was interviewed by FSU in August and that he expected FSU to bring code of conduct charges up against the Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback.

Meanwhile, Cornwell maintains that Winston will continue to cooperate with the investigation and that he “looks forward to clearing his name.”

For more Florida State news, visit Warchant.com.

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Sam Cooper is a contributor for the Yahoo Sports blogs. Have a tip? Email him or follow him on Twitter!

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Glad you put that because David Cornwell just fired back & states he has PROOF & will provide to FSU.

Your move Patricia Carroll & Erica's team of lawyers.


Jameis Winston's attorney has been firing back at the woman who accused him of sexual assault. Ultimately, the evidence against Winston was not strong enough for a charge or arrest, much less a conviction, the State Attorney decided in late 2013. Wednesday, TMZ Sports obtained a letter Winston's attorney sent to Florida State University.

Winston's attorney fired back at comments from the accuser's attorneys.

@wmdavidcornwell: Tries to extort a 20yr old college student for $7million .... and I'm unprofessional. #priceless

@wmdavidcornwell: Hmmmm...why no denial of $7million demand? #sirwalterscottandtangledwebs

@wmdavidcornwell: Will provide FSU with evidence exposing latest their latest lie.
Link to the letter Cornwell sent to FSU


soooo much goodness there!

[Accuser] used the media to defame Mr. Winston. On November 20, 2013, following her apparent leak to the media earlier in the month, Ms. Carroll issued a statement identifying Mr. Winston as [Accuser]’s alleged attacker and stated: "To be clear, the victim did not consent. This was a rape." Despite the ongoing criminal investigation, Ms. Carroll had what she considered to be the most compelling evidence of rape: she reportedly stated that the sex could not have been consensual because [Accuser] would never sleep with a "black boy." Presumably, Ms. Carroll was unaware that [Accuser]’s boyfriend at the time was also African American.

Ms. Carroll’s attacks on the two criminal investigations were particularly egregious given the fact that Ms. Carroll was concealing information. Ms. Carroll concealed that [Accuser] refused to identify and was reluctant to discuss her African American boyfriend with TPD and State Attorney investigators. She also concealed that [Accuser]’s African American boyfriend refused to cooperate with investigators. Ms. Carroll concealed that law enforcement investigators had to force [Accuser] s boyfriend to provide a DNA sample. Beyond the impact on her initial outburst that [Accuser] would not have sex with a "black boy," this information may have been concealed because there is evidentiary significance to the fact that a man did not cooperate with a criminal investigation into his girlfriend’s alleged rape.

Additionally, in direct conflict with her press conference, a source familiar with these events advised the undersigned that when she learned that another "black boy" was the donor of the other semen sample, Ms. Carroll asked a female friend of [Accuser] to lie and say that the shorts [Accuser] wore on the night of the alleged rape belonged to her rather than [Accuser] This information must be investigated to determine if it is true.

In this regard, upon information and belief, Ms. may have already destroyed potentially exculpatory evidence when she apparently deleted or altered information from social media site(s) relating to her alleged association with a group of women who called themselves "Cleat Chasers." These young women used the twitter handle #FSUCleatChasers to refer to themselves on social media. Mr. Winston is entitled to know if, as informed by a source, this group was focused on seeking the sexual attention of cleat wearing FSU football players, particularly African American FSU football players.
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Whose paying this attorney?He doing pro bono work, or is Jameis going have a hefty lawyer bill to pay when he goes pro?
i don't get the Pr move to get this all out right now. Seems Jameis needs people to start talking about him playing football and not all this other shit
btw, just posting that to post it, no thought either which way...it keeps dragging out...is all...
btw, just posting that to post it, no thought either which way...it keeps dragging out...is all...
Its worthy of discussion, but seems pretty cut & dry to me. Notre Dame's a good squad, I said so myself and bet em. It was a great game as well. But it was definitely a pick, just like the pick they ran on the 1st TD. I hope ND wins out and makes the playoffs, lets line up and do it again.
For all due respect to my FSU fans, I don't think that is ever called (I think it should be called more than it is). I agree that FSU's blown coverage actually made the pick more obvious than what it is designed to be. First of all the middle defensive back is the one that engages the middle WR to jam him off the line, but watching it live looks to be a pick. The outside corner does jump on the slant, which forces contact with the WR. You can see FSU arguing with each other after the play because the corner has to have the play recognition that they could run the inside WR behind and he is responsible. That's the problem with lining 3 defensive backs close to the LOS covering the bunch formation.

The first TD was more of a penalty than this one.
For all due respect to my FSU fans, I don't think that is ever called (I think it should be called more than it is). I agree that FSU's blown coverage actually made the pick more obvious than what it is designed to be. First of all the middle defensive back is the one that engages the middle WR to jam him off the line, but watching it live looks to be a pick. The outside corner does jump on the slant, which forces contact with the WR. You can see FSU arguing with each other after the play because the corner has to have the play recognition that they could run the inside WR behind and he is responsible. That's the problem with lining 3 defensive backs close to the LOS covering the bunch formation.

The first TD was more of a penalty than this one.

The way I understand it is college teams always defend the bunch by playing man to man and that is the incorrect way to play it. NFL goes zone and does a better job. Especially when the ball is thrown behind the line of scrimmage.