February Ingame

not much, just watching the America game getting ready to eat some wings and then watch my Rangers ass stomp the Yotes.

Whats up with you Mong
America's first goal was a looping beauty, caught the gk off the line. Since then American been playing like Real Madrid on the counter, fucking dangerous. Coulda had 4-5 in the 1h. America may bunker down though a bit here
Can't believe the Stars are such a dog vs Colorado tonight Even without Seguin, I'm gonna play Dallas tonight
I played o2.5 in Adelaide/Perth game later but I'll be sleeping while that one is played. Just bet small on that
Seems a good day for Arse to lose at home

Anyone really give a fuck about this competition?
Ugh Inter already netted one and I laid off

One of my teams to bet on coming down the stretch
Alex seems like Inter is the team you and I should team up on, both high on them I believe