February 2014 In-Game

This will be the kind of year a bunch of people move here. Very mild winter, been 80s for a couple weeks now while most of the country had it rough. Probably gonna be a hot summer but what's new..
Yup, dry heat took a year or two to get used to but much better than 85 and 90% humidity that I came from
Only crazy dogs I liked today were Sunderland and Palace

Think Sunderland keep this close and have a chance to equalize late

Hate to see you unload on United Dy, I know you're a fan but this gotta be game of the year type at Palace
Tucson is dirt cheap to live but I heard it sucks, you thinking about going to zona for grad school?

Yes I applied to Arizona and they called me in less then a week that I was accepted. Haven't heard back from asu or pitt
Hoffenheim games have gone over 2.5 in 27 of last 30 league games. :goal: :goal: :goal:

hamburger up 2-0 on Dortmund ffs
Isn't out of state tuition crazy, or you going get residency before going to school?

isn't gurv like uber rich?
either way, mba is all about the school you go to. Arizona mba's are meh. But at least the weather is nice and the pussy is great
This Nurenburg/Eintracht game fucking nuts
red for nurenburg, two missed PK's for Eintracht, and Nurenburg just missed a pk :hang:
ASU mba is looked pretty highly upon around here (of course) but WP Carey school of business isn't shoddy
I'm not even sure if I'm going. I applied to see where I am going. They are virtually tied in terms of how good the school is. I also applied to usce due to family in South Carolina. But I doubt id go there
MBA's are all regional EXCEPT top flight schools. UT MBA carries same weight as ASU MBA if you're applying for a job in NY or PA. but if you have a Rice MBA or UPenn or somethng, that carries way more weight. Really need to research schools network/job programs cause you want that job before you graduate locked up.
Teed it's between asu and Pitt when it comes down to it, neither of which I've heard from. It all comes down to the money. Do I want to stay here, work part time at my job, and go to school. Do I want to start fresh, live in a place I've always dreamed of living, but probably be broke for a few years. In terms of how the schools matchup. All 3 are very Similiar rankings wise. In terms of connections. I don't expect id move back east unless things just weren't going well. If I move to Arizona I plan to do it for the long teem
Dylan i don't have a prayer into getting into a top flight school. I finished Pitt with a 3.5. Which is fine. But it's not gonna get me into Upenn
Yeah I'm old, and to me MBA's are a waste of time and money, but if it were me, I'd find a company that would pay for my tuition :shake: