Elimination of the Extra Point


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[h=1]The NFL is reportedly considering abolishing the extra point after touchdowns as part of its scoring system.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told the NFL Network on Monday that the league's Competition Committee is looking at proposals that would end extra point kicks after touchdowns in favor of a revised scoring system.
"The extra point is almost automatic," Goodell told the network. "I believe we had five missed extra points this year out of 1,200 some odd (attempts). So it's a very small fraction of the play, and you want to add excitement with every play."
"There's one proposal in particular that I've heard about," Goodell added. "It's automatic that you get seven points when you score a touchdown, but you could potentially go for an eighth point, either by running or passing the ball, so if you fail, you go back to six."
Goodell did not specify a timeline for a possible change and said "some issues" stand in the way of such a move, according to the report.
For any rules to be changed, at least 24 of 32 teams must approve changes recommended by the eight-member competition committee, which consists of general managers, front-office executives, current head coaches, and owners.
I have no problem with this proposed rule. Xpts are pretty much automatic so why not just give them 7. And you can still go for 2 if you want. I see nothing wrong with it.
i wonder how quickly a rule change like this , if it happened, would trickle down to the college and high school ranks
I like it...as long as the option to go for two stays in play.

Might as well just completely eliminate the kicker from fantasy football now too.
I don't see the point of it. Since kicked XP's are currently converted at a 99% rate, you're essentially not changing the decision at all. They can already try for 2 and score 8, at the heightened risk of only scoring 6 instead of 7. Nothing changes, save for the disappearance of the blue moon missed PAT.

They should either make 'em run a football play from the 1-yard line for 1 point, from the 3-yard line for 2 points ... Or just move the kick attempt back and make it a 30-yarder.
I don't mind the elimination if the XP, but this particular way they're talking about doing it won't change any decisions on whether to go for 2. It's the same as we have now.
I guess I'm a traditionalist. It's not broken so don't fucking mess with it Goodell. Stop fucking with the game asshole.
They should make them kick extra point from the mark they crossed the goal line,30 yards out or something,make them interesting,like any form of rugby,they are never gimmes unless they are infront of the sticks.Now thats a good idea.ATM theyre pointless and a waste of time.
"There's one proposal in particular that I've heard about," Goodell added. "It's automatic that you get seven points when you score a touchdown, but you could potentially go for an eighth point, either by running or passing the ball, so if you fail, you go back to six."

wow just think of the moose possibilities with totals...and even spreads :rofl:
"There's one proposal in particular that I've heard about," Goodell added. "It's automatic that you get seven points when you score a touchdown, but you could potentially go for an eighth point, either by running or passing the ball, so if you fail, you go back to six."

wow just think of the moose possibilities with totals...and even spreads :rofl:

What's an example of a new moose under the proposed new rule, I can't think of any?
that proposal is identical to how it is now except the xp isn't kicked, nothing would change except eliminating an extra commercial break
I think what would change is that more teams would go for 2...maybe

they should move it back to 30 yards and narrow the goal posts. FG's are almost automatic at this point unless youre Ryan Succop
Why would more teams go for 2 than happens now? It's just as situational except you automatically get 7 instead of having to kick it.
I think what would change is that more teams would go for 2...maybe

they should move it back to 30 yards and narrow the goal posts. FG's are almost automatic at this point unless youre Ryan Succop

What would be the added incentive to go for 2 that isn't there already? If anything, teams would be 1% less inclined to go for 2 since they already have 7 without the kick.
I kind of like ManU's suggestion ... picture a kicker kicking an XP from the sideline because the TD was scored hitting the pylon.
"There's one proposal in particular that I've heard about," Goodell added. "It's automatic that you get seven points when you score a touchdown, but you could potentially go for an eighth point, either by running or passing the ball, so if you fail, you go back to six."

wow just think of the moose possibilities with totals...and even spreads :rofl:

I'm confused by this... What's different?
why is it ridiculous ?
They do it in rugby and kicking is a lot more important.
The thing that I think we can all agree on is that the extra point in the current format is "ridiculous"

tell me why its ridiculous ?

i've never watched rugby so I don't really know, but its ridiculous because its way too complicated for the NFL to ever implement it without getting major backlash... way too drastic of a change
Just have a special ball for xp's only......make it the weight of a medicine ball. I wouldn't mind watching that.

I'm with tip, just move it back to the 20. There would still be a lot made but it sure wouldn't be 99%. Also make it from the hash, not centered. Kicker can choose preference.
Just move the XP back or leave it how it is. Unless they will not show 3 commercials in between the TD and the kickoff...but this is the money hungry NFL so I doubt that changes.
Over 99% of XPs are made, how is it not broken?

Why is it "broken" if they make 99% of them? Kickers have gotten better, they've changed the rules some for blocking the EPs, I don't know that the XP itself is broken though.

Why not make it easier for the defensive team to block the XP? May not work, but it's an idea.
why is it ridiculous ?
They do it in rugby and kicking is a lot more important.
The thing that I think we can all agree on is that the extra point in the current format is "ridiculous"

tell me why its ridiculous ?

I don't think the line of thinking is ridiculous, but what if it's a 75 yard TD? The team would have to try an XP from their own 25 yard line? If they put a cap on the length of the XP, I don't mind this idea, but there are still some issues that would arise and need to be worked out. Still better than just get rid of the XP.
Why is it "broken" if they make 99% of them? Kickers have gotten better, they've changed the rules some for blocking the EPs, I don't know that the XP itself is broken though.

Why not make it easier for the defensive team to block the XP? May not work, but it's an idea.

it's broken because over 99% of the time it is made, so what is the point of going through the process?
it's broken because over 99% of the time it is made, so what is the point of going through the process?

Because games are won and lost by one point all the time. There is always a chance of a bad snap or a miss or even a block. It's not broken, it has worked fine for a long long time. There are lots of rules that need changing and that's where the asshat Goodell should be looking, not at taking away extra points.
Classic case of over managing...fingers have to be on all things all the time

Exactly. First it was the 18 game season, now it's not only the XP but the expansion of the playoffs. Just leave the fucking game alone...or better yet, make your rules a bit clearer on what is/isn't a catch, what is/isn't PI, and hire full time officials to stop making your product look embarrassing every week. Focus on issues that you actually have in your league.
it's broken because over 99% of the time it is made, so what is the point of going through the process?

I guess I just wouldn't use the word broken due to it being made over 99% of the time. There are ways to make it less broken w/o removing it altogether, since you only think it's broken because they make them so much.
I feel like Goodell just floats trial balloons at this point all the time, playing the press to see what the reaction is.

The NFL knows fans will bitch and scream and take polls and all that shit enough to give them a read on what they think. Not that they care about the fans as much as they care about money, but I do think he does this shit to keep interest in the game going and the brand in the news.
I feel like Goodell just floats trial balloons at this point all the time, playing the press to see what the reaction is.

The NFL knows fans will bitch and scream and take polls and all that shit enough to give them a read on what they think. Not that they care about the fans as much as they care about money, but I do think he does this shit to keep interest in the game going and the brand in the news.

spoken like a strategist.
Just another trial balloon set off from the nfl for the world to give its opinion. I highly doubt the extra point is going anywhere.
Lmao at this. First it changes nothing. 2nd, they will still work the commercial break in fellas. Absolutely nothing changes.
Exactly. First it was the 18 game season, now it's not only the XP but the expansion of the playoffs. Just leave the fucking game alone...or better yet, make your rules a bit clearer on what is/isn't a catch, what is/isn't PI, and hire full time officials to stop making your product look embarrassing every week. Focus on issues that you actually have in your league.
Sounds like 18 games is still likely and the 7 playoff thing is imminent, starting in 2015.
Lmao at this. First it changes nothing. 2nd, they will still work the commercial break in fellas. Absolutely nothing changes.

except 10 minutes of our lives back every game between all the XPs. or 10 minutes they could use towards reviewing plays or something more meaningful than a walkthrough play where no one even tries because it's pointless