Elimination of the Extra Point

Because games are won and lost by one point all the time. There is always a chance of a bad snap or a miss or even a block. It's not broken, it has worked fine for a long long time. There are lots of rules that need changing and that's where the asshat Goodell should be looking, not at taking away extra points.

NFL kickers made 99.6% of extra points this year. 5 points were missed out of the 11,985 scored in the NFL this year. you're really gonna miss those 5 points for an extra 30 hours (just throwing out a number) of saved time?
I got an idea. See how many fingers the dude who scored the TD can fit inside the shortest cheerleader on the opposing team. Give him one point for every finger.

Keep the rule the way it is for fuck's sake....
It's a lame idea to watch a lame XP be kicked with an all but certain outcome over 1,000 times per year
Because games are won and lost by one point all the time. There is always a chance of a bad snap or a miss or even a block. It's not broken, it has worked fine for a long long time. There are lots of rules that need changing and that's where the asshat Goodell should be looking, not at taking away extra points.

Yeah, this should be behind a number of things that should be changed about the NFL. You wanna speed up the game? Maximum of 30 seconds to tell if a call is reversed on replay. If you can't tell in 30 seconds the call stands...
It's a lame idea to watch a lame XP be kicked with an all but certain outcome over 1,000 times per year

I guess. I don't sit there during a football game thinking, "I wish they wouldn't do this." PAT's don't bother me and I like the option to go for 2.
I guess. I don't sit there during a football game thinking, "I wish they wouldn't do this." PAT's don't bother me and I like the option to go for 2.

no one is saying the option for 2 is going away. I wouldn't want that either. You can waive your free point with the option to go for two is what is being discussed.
And that makes the game better? How?

If you are going to make a rule change, then do something that improves the game.
are you kidding? by not having to sit through 1,100 extra points each year, 1,095 which are made. it's pointless other than for the fact that it's "always been done" that way.
To each his own but if your goal is to speed up the game, then focus on the absurd delays during replays. They replay the scoring play while they line up for a PAT, and the play itself is fast so the actual time wasted on this isn't painful to me..
So far the only arguments for having PATs are "it's always been done that way" and "focus on other rule changes to speed it up"
Worst is when they go to commercial for the review, come back and kick the XP, then on to another commercial before kickoff.
So far the only arguments for having PATs are "it's always been done that way" and "focus on other rule changes to speed it up"

It changes the continuity of the game going back a century. As a bettor, why would you want to do that? What else do you have to do on Sunday that you need the extra few minutes that eliminating XP would provide.
Let's get rid of kickoffs and extra points. Let make it a 15 second clock between plays. Let's get rid of the 2 min warning. This fucking game takes too long.
So far the only arguments for having PATs are "it's always been done that way" and "focus on other rule changes to speed it up"

I dont think the game needs to be sped up. As for more pressing issues? How bout changing the rule that would have allowed them to review the Navarro Bowman fumble recovery?
Just watch Red Zone if you don't have the attention span to watch a football game. Realistically, this just seems like ESPN filling time with another inane topic.
I dont think the game needs to be sped up. As for more pressing issues? How bout changing the rule that would have allowed them to review the Navarro Bowman fumble recovery?
If you clean up 5-7 minutes per game used to kick XPs, use that time on review.
It changes the continuity of the game going back a century. As a bettor, why would you want to do that? What else do you have to do on Sunday that you need the extra few minutes that eliminating XP would provide.
This changes absolutely nothing except a boring play that no one cares about, including 19 of the 22 people on the field for it
FG's are too easy now too. I would like to see them tighten up the posts a little and make it tougher to convert all kicks.

If we get rid of the extra point after a td then we might as well get rid of fireworks after a 4th of july bbq.... it just isn't American.
Lol at using the time saved as the sole argument ...just laughable...I'm a math and analytics guy too monk but this one is a swing and miss...

this game has gone so corporate we as fans sit on our hands already...not because if pat...they would use this extra couple mins of time saved for more corporate bs, believe that....it wouldn't go to the viewer...go to a game live it's so brutal waiting for the tv to come back...everyone, players and fans, are antsy and freezing and annoyed...it's never ending
games are won and lost "all the time" by a point, but not because of a missed XP.
Yeah I was gonna say, its true that games are won and lost by a point, but I can only think of one scenario (Saints), and I know there was at least one more, where the XP was the reason that someone actually lost. That happened a decade ago.
So with the idea Goodell talked about... A team will get 7 points on a TD and then will have the option of going for the 8th point. If the team does attempt the extra point and fails, the team will lose a point (go to 6)...

Now to the more important aspect of this. How the hell is this going to work with fantasy football? It's kinda perfect right now. If you take away the xp, you cannot just make TDs worth 7 points because when a team goes for 2 and fails... What are you going to do? And when a team does convert the 8th point.... Only one pt will be awarded in fantasy?
I say if you're gonna screw around with this then lets really put some excitement in it.

Automatic 7 for a TD, and the ability to risk up to THREE points on a conversion:

1 point for a traditional conversion from the 2 or 3 yd line, or

2 points for converting from the 10, or

3 points for converting from the 20. (A ten point play!).

Lets give coaches something to do besides standing on the field staring at the jumbotron on kick returns.
You cannot just makes these drastic of changes just in the NFL. Players will go all their life with one way and then the scoring will just change when they get to the nfl. It's too drastic. And I don't think Goodell should or would risk that. No way
FG's are too easy now too. I would like to see them tighten up the posts a little and make it tougher to convert all kicks.

If we get rid of the extra point after a td then we might as well get rid of fireworks after a 4th of july bbq.... it just isn't American.

Very true, since the majority of fireworks are made in China. Not American.
So with the idea Goodell talked about... A team will get 7 points on a TD and then will have the option of going for the 8th point. If the team does attempt the extra point and fails, the team will lose a point (go to 6)...

Now to the more important aspect of this. How the hell is this going to work with fantasy football? It's kinda perfect right now. If you take away the xp, you cannot just make TDs worth 7 points because when a team goes for 2 and fails... What are you going to do? And when a team does convert the 8th point.... Only one pt will be awarded in fantasy?

TDs still worth 6 pts and just eliminate kickers altogether.
Sounds like 18 games is still likely and the 7 playoff thing is imminent, starting in 2015.

I hope they don't go to 18 games, but they probably will at some point. The playoff expansion, while Goodell states is imminent, will be shot down by the players since the owners and league get all playoff revenue so there is nothing in it for the players...or at least that's what they will argue.
Another effect that is has is more indirect. What if a team has scored only touchdowns the entire game and the kicker hasn't had to attempt any extra points, now the game is on the line and you are asking your kicker to go out there and make a 45 yarder without ever lining up on the field? It changes the game, even though the extra points are shorter the process is still the same and requires precision. I don't care either way, just a thought.
I think we should eliminate running around the bases in baseball after a homerun. I can count on one hand how many times someone hasn't been called out for missing a base. Maybe twice in the last four decades. We could eliminate several mins per game of a 162 game schedule by eliminating something so arbitrary. This should be on the top of the list for the next commissioner. I have better things to do then watch grown men trot. We get it, you hit the ball over the fence. No go straight to the dugout and get a gatorade. I have better things to do. This is 2014. Shit is supposed to streamlined. Total waste of time. Do the math.
Make all kickers be midgets. Helping those with physical challenges, and making football better.
I think we should eliminate running around the bases in baseball after a homerun. I can count on one hand how many times someone hasn't been called out for missing a base. Maybe twice in the last four decades. We could eliminate several mins per game of a 162 game schedule by eliminating something so arbitrary. This should be on the top of the list for the next commissioner. I have better things to do then watch grown men trot. We get it, you hit the ball over the fence. No go straight to the dugout and get a gatorade. I have better things to do. This is 2014. Shit is supposed to streamlined. Total waste of time. Do the math.

very few % of balls that a hitter makes contact with go out of the park for a HR.
i don't think they'll take the kickers away if they are still in the NFL

Well then they still get their pts for fgs and they may still award them the one point for the "automatic" extra point (that they never actually kicked).

Also, a 2 pt conversion is still worth 2 pts. Don't understand the confusion with that either.
I think we should eliminate running around the bases in baseball after a homerun. I can count on one hand how many times someone hasn't been called out for missing a base. Maybe twice in the last four decades. We could eliminate several mins per game of a 162 game schedule by eliminating something so arbitrary. This should be on the top of the list for the next commissioner. I have better things to do then watch grown men trot. We get it, you hit the ball over the fence. Now go straight to the dugout and get a gatorade. I have better things to do. This is 2014. Shit is supposed to streamlined. Total waste of time. Do the math.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
how would it still be a two point conversion??????????????????

Seriously? Nbafan, put your thinking cap on for a minute...

A td is STILL 6 pts, the extra point is simply assumed.

If a team goes for 2 it is STILL worth 2 pts.

If they covert, they have 8 pts (6 pts for td + 2 pts for 2 pt conversion).

If they do not convert, they have 6 pts.

Thus, the 2 pt conversion is STILL worth 2 pts.

Not sure why this is so difficult to comprehend. It's like 2 + 2, but, in this case it's 6 + 2.
when a guy steps up to the plate there isn't a 99.4% chance he is going to hit the home run. even if he hits it well and he's rounding the bases and then it goes over, he's already halfway around the base paths. I see what you're trying to do with your example but it doesn't match at all.
how is a flashing bulb and a bunch of laughy guys? do players hit home runs 99.4% of the time?

The flashing bulb is for a goal (as in hockey). If you put this ":" with "goal" followed by this ":", you then get this :goal:.

Jump scored a "goal" with that post, and, it was hilarious, imo.
