Drew Rosenhaus


Beacon of Calmness
Why the fuck is this piece of shit even on TV? What a waste of a segment to put this prick on to basically say "next question" a la the TO situation a few years back. They both knew what questions would be asked and how he would respond. That fucker loves attention more than any pro athlete out there and MNF is just feeding the ego. He is everything that is wrong with sports. Right up there with Scott Boras.

OK I feel better. Rant over. Let's go JAX 2nd half:popcorn:
I loved the "depressed" and "concerned " aura he tried to potray . It's like come on bro you care about the money and thats all. If you cared about your "clients" you would help them stay out of situations like this and maybe empower them by helping them stay away from shit like this. Rather then act like some Hollywood star's "posse" which just enable the star to be a fuck up . Here these super agents just gets these guys tons of money and dont do a damn thing to help educate them a little about life . They just know a happy client who makes a ton of dough means a nice cut for them....

Kornheiser is a terrible interviewer because he doesnt even try and catch these guys offguard . He strongly implies something and its like no way I am taking the bait . Thanks Captain Obvious ! Lets basically call Plax and idiot and see what his agent says ...oh no comment ---shocking ! :popcorn:
I loved the "depressed" and "concerned " aura he tried to potray . It's like come on bro you care about the money and thats all. If you cared about your "clients" you would help them stay out of situations like this and maybe empower them by helping them stay away from shit like this. Rather then act like some Hollywood star's "posse" which just enable the star to be a fuck up . Here these super agents just gets these guys tons of money and dont do a damn thing to help educate them a little about life . They just know a happy client who makes a ton of dough means a nice cut for them....

Kornheiser is a terrible interviewer because he doesnt even try and catch these guys offguard . He strongly implies something and its like no way I am taking the bait . Thanks Captain Obvious ! Lets basically call Plax and idiot and see what his agent says ...oh no comment ---shocking ! :popcorn:

Nut you are right, Kornheiser is a retard for sure----

Also Rosenhaus does care what happens to PLEX because if he is shot and cannot play he is out big MONEY also---

However I agree Rosenhaus is the type of person that if he was out and Plex was shot and dead, he would take his watch and jewelery off plex before the ambulance came----

WHy even have him on the show to say no comment, would a tele conference have been better??????????
I thought he actually came across quite well in that interview...or at least better than he has come across in the past...
I dont think he would do anything of the sort, that guy is making a lot more then 7 million a year or whatever Plax is getting these days. Burress wont be out of money or a job. Just because the media want its to happen, it is seriously insane if anyone thinks he is gonna get "the full extent of the law"
He had a gun and it went off who cares? He did not hurt anyone-

how many people carry guns-- I dont even know why anyone gives a shit??

Media blowing it out of proportion--

the craziest shit is they have him handcuffed??? WHY? Is he gonna run and start fighting, come on, he is a fucking reciver for the giants, you know where you can find him, he turned himself in there is no need to handcuff him also--

It is all a pharce and what it is, showing public that athletes dont get special attention-- I mean handcuffing him was really extreme and DRAMA that was not needed--- Perhaps cause cameras were rolling the police did everything to the letter of the law------
Maybe you should start looking up your history and how the police work. First of all handcuffing someone when they are arrested is protocol. It doesn't matter what you get arrested for, you will get handcuffed. That is the bottom line.

Second of all, carrying a loaded gun into a crowded night club is not a good idea and no one is blowing anything out of proportion. The gun went off and he shot himself, what if the gun shot someone else in the foot, or you in the foot

Thirdly, this is already has happened, to P.Diddy, and there is a guy serving 10 years in jail thanks to that.
Yeah the rapper Shyne took the rap for P Diddy. Here's the story where somebody innocent did get shot....

1999 shooting
A protégé of Sean Combs who had been touted as the new star of Bad Boy Entertainment following the Notorious B.I.G's death, Shyne's career was left in the balance by his indictment on an attempted murder charge in January 2000. His involvement in the notorious nightclub incident at Club New York on December 27, 1999, in which Combs was also embroiled, hampered the promotion of his debut album. During the incident, Wicho Flores from the New York City Bloods came over to Combs' entourage and threw cash at them, he then drew a gun and attempted to shoot Combs and his then girlfriend Jennifer Lopez. Shyne opened fire while Combs hid behind a table until a bodyguard came to his aid and escorted him away from the fracas. On the other hand, Shyne maintains it was self-defense and that a member of the other party shot first. A female bystander was hit in the face as a result of the gunshots, as well the man who threw the money who was shot in the leg during the altercation as well. The woman testified and later sued.

Shortly thereafter, on June 1, 2001, he was convicted in a New York court on charges of first-degree assault and reckless endangerment.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-1>[2]</SUP> The trial was presided over by New York State Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon. He was sentenced to ten years in prison, a sentence that Shyne is still serving at Woodbourne Correctional Facility as of 2008<SUP class="plainlinks asof-tag update" style="DISPLAY: none">[update]</SUP>.
Meanwhile, Combs and his bodyguard, Anthony "Wolf" Jones, were acquitted of all charges. The seeming abandonment or betrayal of Shyne (with Shyne's mother, Frances Franklin, labeling her son as Combs' "fall guy"<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-2>[3]</SUP>) has driven a wedge between them, with Shyne leaving Bad Boy Records for Def Jam.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-3>[4]</SUP>
The thing is many people carry guns with them, they dont always go off, I guess he figures he needs it for protection or that he may get robbed--

The thing is not surprising, because these guys are basically thugs even though they are playing in the NFL- just unbelievable talented guys that are regular thugs--
Plax should be an example but not the one Bloomberg is talking about . Make this event the situation that makes all pro athletes understand they cant carry unlicensed arms . Bottomline to all of them as its the FINAL WARNING.

In the athletes defense these guys have to deal with home invansions and some serious shit we cant comprehend . Like anything else that doesnt give them the right to break the law. They make tons of dough if they need peace of mind hire security for a night !! You carry a gun what is the expectation ? That it is to be used if a situation arises . Well that means only bad things will happen especially with an unlicensed gun carrier .

I applaud the Mayor in a sense for not making this something to laugh about . Punishing Plax fto the full extent of the law is not the answer or cure all . Guy is big on education so lets educate the atheletes here .

Some ramblings that Bradshaw or someone was held up . Really havent paid close attention and maybe that had something to do with why he was carrying a gun . However of all guys it hs to be Plax in this situation ? Just like Adam Jones always in a bad situation? These KIDS make poor decisions and need to learn and comprehend .

To me Drew was forced it didnt look real to me . The pouting and shit with the soft , calm tone like this is breaking my heart . I dont like him or Boras at all its easy to see why they are good agents because they are scum . Just like lawyers who defend guility people and fall back on its their right .

Point is make Plax be the face of GUN ISSUES in sports . They worry so much about players gambling well lets get real about players with guns ....:shake:
security would make so much more sense, but these guys want to act tough, after all they are football players? They want to be the next guy or gangsta that goes out and they dont want to look like pussies with security--

I cant blame them because in reality they basically just want to go and drink and get their groove on to some good beats- So how can they do that with security guards around them? They are trying to fit in the crowd, which mean Carryin a gun, because the crowd they hang in will be full of robbers and gangstas, thugs and drug dealers--

It is the culture that these guys grew up in also. Do you think Cole Hamels, Greg maddux, ALbert Pujols, Derek Jeter, A rod carry guns when they go out???

Carrying a gun to PLEX is the equivalent to Jeter and AROD carrying their AMEX credit cards with them-

Honestly though one thing no one realizes is that after SEAN TAYLOR was tragically shot, can you blame PLEX for carrying heat-

Plex is different, I am sure HIP HOP is a big part of his culture. EVen more amazing that must mean he truly is, because I think he is not no player like Larry Fitzgerald who studies and trains hard and is a student of the game- PLEX has physical tools that are unreal and size to boot-

Adam Jones and Plex and these guys are millionaires, of course they are giong to have fun and pack heat- I am sure they are also doing drugs and screwing all kinds of bitches as well-

It is the life of a PRO athlete--

Also the Denver DB who was killed after the club???

If i was in his shoes I think he wuold be stupid to not carry heat also--

But if he is smart he should go to higher scale clubs where they pat every one down, how the hell did he get the gun into the club anyway? no metal detectors?
He should party with a higher crowd instead of ganstas and thugs and thus he will not need a gun.
Proving that you have never been to a high end club in your life or ever seen a high end club in your life. There is no way a high end club is patting down a celebrity like Plaxico Burress. Not to mention the fact that you don't understand that a club in the middle of Manhattan is without a doubt something anyone would call high end is mindblowing to me.
I loved the "depressed" and "concerned " aura he tried to potray . It's like come on bro you care about the money and thats all. If you cared about your "clients" you would help them stay out of situations like this and maybe empower them by helping them stay away from shit like this. Rather then act like some Hollywood star's "posse" which just enable the star to be a fuck up . Here these super agents just gets these guys tons of money and dont do a damn thing to help educate them a little about life . They just know a happy client who makes a ton of dough means a nice cut for them....

Kornheiser is a terrible interviewer because he doesnt even try and catch these guys offguard . He strongly implies something and its like no way I am taking the bait . Thanks Captain Obvious ! Lets basically call Plax and idiot and see what his agent says ...oh no comment ---shocking ! :popcorn:

This is why Rosenhaus is hired. He's one of the boys to hangout with. Heard he was at a restaurant in Cleveland with Winslow laughing and talking about how he is banging some hot blond.

They hire him not just because he is a good agent, but because his name and he acts their age not like Manning's agent Tom Condon and some of these older guys. Name Brand is really big he's like buying the new Jordan's.

---Jay Glazer same reason he gets better info than Mortenson and counterparts. Glazer doesn't act like a reporter he goes hunting with Jared Allen and cracks jokes at these guys
Sammy - your posting like you dont know the laws in the jurisdiction in which this occured. The charges carry a MINIMUM of 3.5 years. I wouldn't present it like he got in a fist fight or something.
laws seem harsh, i mean the guy is just protecting himself, purple I am not aware of laws in usa, but I know they are harsh as hell, good for usa though in control at least-
IN canada you would not even see a day of jail, and no fines, maybe get probation-

If you shoot someone in canada I see people out of jail routinely after 3 years--

Car theives can steal a car over 25 times and do about 6 months in jail after being caught 20 times-
thats the NY state law.

I think this is true of Plax

hes got no license for the gun in NY state, he had one in FLA which expired. sounds like a dumbass to me. if youre gonna have a gun know the law of whatever state youre in
This is why Rosenhaus is hired. He's one of the boys to hangout with. Heard he was at a restaurant in Cleveland with Winslow laughing and talking about how he is banging some hot blond.

They hire him not just because he is a good agent, but because his name and he acts their age not like Manning's agent Tom Condon and some of these older guys. Name Brand is really big he's like buying the new Jordan's.

---Jay Glazer same reason he gets better info than Mortenson and counterparts. Glazer doesn't act like a reporter he goes hunting with Jared Allen and cracks jokes at these guys

Thats my point though , dont come on TV and show same fake emotions and tell me how sorry you are or how bad you feel for Plax. If he really knew what CARED meant he would teach his clients how to survive in life rather then use them. Trust me I fully understand how the world works . I watched hundreds of so called bond brokers and / or traders make more then one could imagine in a day but couldnt even explain the market they were involved in or the aspects of the business their clients did . They lived well based solely off some commonsense and LOADS of good connections . Taking a customer out to dinner is entertaining and you can spend whatever yo want on them 2,3,4 K for a midweek meal but you cant give them gifts ...

This to me is the very definition of being fake ....Some may disagree but it s what I see.

The funny part is I actually feel for the player when I see these agenst talk because I think dont they realize how they are getting coned by these guys ? That some joke is the guy representing me in a time of crisis ? They just dont see it though...felt the same way with TO few years back .

the guy came on national TV and basically said by job is to suck up to my client and be a YES man . The I have to be POSITIVE bull he kept feeding
