ETG...you're lucky...one of the managers here sneaks up on my ass every frikin day when I'm going over forums. Today he caught me reading that 1-900-article. Frikin kills me...at least he just talks shit and doesn't do anything else.

did you know he requested to have you monitored? i'm shadowing your with this software and recording every keyboard strokes as you typed and automatedly sent to him in a text file via lotus notes. as for telephone conversation he is listening in w/ his apropos manager sw!

yikes! bb is watching!:down2: it's time to join the disability program my friend. :down2:
Top 10 Reasons Dr Bob delayed the release of his picks:

10.) He was finishing 2 chicks off (per earlier porn fantasy discussion)
9.) Had a late lunch with Phil Steel to get his take on his picks.
8.) Busy refinancing his adjustable rate mortgage.
7.) Busy hacking that new iphone to get it to work on TMobile.
6.) Was on the phone with Bruce Gradowski to see what Manni's lines were.
5.) Had to take a mental break with a skim latte and the new People mag
4.) Oprah was on
3.) Was in a covers forum helping some do his first statistical analysis assignment.
2.) Cornering the market on 'refurb' toys made in China

and the #1 reason Dr Bob is late....

Just had to watch 'Two for the Money' one more time to get juiced for the season.
devilfan i am sorry you lost ur bet but man i love seeing the mutts lose...sorry dude, wagner sucks
Wow, just got back to refresh...page 6! Nice...:cheers:

Scourge: couldn't find the REALLY BIG pictures?:36_11_6:
Should be heading to page numero 7 anytime now and still without any information. At least the thread has been unbelievably entertaining