ETG...you're lucky...one of the managers here sneaks up on my ass every frikin day when I'm going over forums. Today he caught me reading that 1-900-article. Frikin kills me...at least he just talks shit and doesn't do anything else.
I'll trust you, but if you've ever had to endure more than five minutes of that horrible f**king USC fight song you'd know how hard that is to top.

I grew up a USC "fan" and still like them over the Teddy Bears from UCLA. Not a hard choice. So I don't mind the USC fight songs.

But I did have to endure it at the 2006 Rose Bowl as a Texas fan. It gets annoying and old real quick.
if u think they get that u gotta like laying the wood...

Not too likely that MSU gets much more than two scores that D I would assume..
I cant see MSU scoring more than 14 and I would say theyd be lucky to do so. But I also dont see LSU scoring more than 28. MSU defense not horrible. I wont be surprised to see a 24-10 LSU win but still not on the game
Remember how MSU was supposed to be so much better last year and they were getting 8 (?) from Scarry?

15-0. Against a mediocre defense.

Lucky for MSU to see DD scoring.
the lady that supervises me keeps walking by but my 6th sense is .2seconds ahead of her so i keep minimizing this..lol

Same here, we have hardwood floors though so I can here them comin from a mile away, I am supposed to be doing tax extensions before the Oct. deadline, I havent done jack Shhhhh in 2 weeks. I love it...
West Virginia has come all the way back to finally take the lead. What a game this is.
Won't help one bit. They are a quiet group of fans and the stadium doesn't help either.

It's not going to phase a team that plays before 100,000 every single home game.

I agree but thought it was funny.

I went up to Tenn for rugby my frosh yr and we went to the game, that place is BIG and LOUD
I didn't read all 5 of these pages...but I'm guessing if someone reads each and every post in this thread...then they just got dumber post by post...
Cal fans are worse than USC fans; No Cal sports fans are pretty much the worse all around anyway.

RJ, good deal on the anniversary and the trip to LV; are you on Yahoo IM?
No, he's trying to stay a step ahead of the game... By not releasing his plays til late this week, he puts everyone on the defensive about when they come out next week...
Cal fans are worse than USC fans; No Cal sports fans are pretty much the worse all around anyway.

RJ, good deal on the anniversary and the trip to LV; are you on Yahoo IM?

AIM mostly, but you can also get me on e-mail through the site.
Wow Ticketman, any confirmation of this?

That's a great move on his part - right when it starts to get busy with the late baseball and Niffel preseason games...

Figures I bet on Boston and the chinese kid is no-hitting them into the 7th. Now the Mets are coming back. Woe is me.
fuckin shill is pitching good just cant get hsit going on offense, these sinker ballers are so hit or miss, it all depends on how the sink is sinking that day, westbrook can look like cy young at times and so can lowe, but if its not on they suck ass
checking in from work now. Been monitoring all day, but I gotta ask, why doesn't Steele move lines like this Dr. bob? I read Steele religiously and value his opinion a lot more than a "one year wonder" like Bob.
Just in case anybody didn't know, that Colorado/Colorado St. game starts at 10:00 AM local time.

I don't know if it works out this way, but whenever that happens I always feel like a game will start slow as far as scoring.
Houghton - Dr. Bob is much more than a 1-year wonder. He's made money three straight years now (pretty good chunks of it) and his customers pay a lot of money - consequentially, they BET a lot of money. The big money is what moves the lines, not the amount of bets. Volume, my friend... volume...
What's great about this in-game thread is that there actually is no game and it's the middle of the day on a Thursday.

What's great about this in-game thread is that there actually is no game and it's the middle of the day on a Thursday.


ahh, degenerates.

I'm just glad theres finally going to be something worth betting on again.
fuk me, i didn't expect pictures, just bout got caught.. boss prob thinks im looking at porno