Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Imma sip this tea

L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling told his GF he does NOT want her bringing black people to his games ... including Magic Johnson ... and it's ALL on tape.

TMZ Sports has obtained audio of Sterling making the racist declaration during a heated argument on April 9th with V. Stiviano ... after she posted a photo on Instagram posing with Magic.

Sterling rails on Stiviano -- who ironically is black and Mexican -- for putting herself out in public with a black person (she has since taken the pic down). But it doesn't end there. You have to listen to the audio to fully grasp the magnitude of Sterling's racist worldview. Among the comments:

-- "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?" (3:30)

-- "You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games." (5:15)

-- "I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people." (7:45)

-- "...Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games." (9:13)

Sterling has a documented history of allegedly racist behavior -- he's been sued twice by the federal government for allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Blacks and Latinos.

He was also sued by former Clippers exec Elgin Baylor for racial discrimination -- though a jury was ultimately not convinced and shot down Baylor's case.

Sterling has been separated from his wife Shelly for years. She remains a key player in running the team and sources tell us she's "mortified" by Sterling's comments.

We have made several calls to Sterling and his people ... so far, no word back.

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Sterling also appears to be a cuckold, I figured as much about most racists
Waiting for the: "This was taken out of context", "All you people see is race", "He's just misunderstood" crowd. You know you wanna say something lol, been a rough week huh?
That's pretty cut and dry. I know very little about the NBA but what actions can Silver take against him?
THATS the million dollar question Dwight, and honestly it's more how badly will the other owners allow Silver to punish him. Because umm yeah, dont think owners want a world where a side piece GF can interfere with their money
Ohh??, dear Oracle please do decipher. Because "He's been a racist since forever. This isn't news" sounds a lot like "So what we already knew this, its not important"
Will this affect the Clippers at all during these playoffs? How big of a distraction will it become?
I believe your spinning here.

You seem to insinuate that NBA is ok with him being racist because he has been in the past. I think NBA is saying that sterling being a racist isn't news in itself, because he always has been.

I'll let NBA explain himself
Well, it's kind of news. For instance, I never knew he was a racist. And now there's audio.
I believe your spinning here.

You seem to insinuate that NBA is ok with him being racist because he has been in the past. I think NBA is saying that sterling being a racist isn't news in itself, because he always has been.

I'll let NBA explain himself

Again, agreed.

CP3 can demand a trade to the Lakers now. I think that would be appropriate. The Lakers love "black people".
If I'm Doc Rivers, I have a news conference and voice how pissed I am as well as all the players. He can't get fired. His job is safe.

On the other hand, I hope it's a distraction for the Clips as the Warriors need every advantage we can get. GO DUB NATION!!!
You seem to insinuate that NBA is ok with him being racist because he has been in the past. I think NBA is saying that sterling being a racist isn't news in itself, because he always has been.

"You know mean ole Mr White, the old racist guy thats been racist since my mom was little, yeah he just went and bought an ad in the paper calling all blacks coons"

"Ehh, not news we already knew he was racist" - The guy not affected by the racism

You see where this is going right slugger? Good
No way Tip, cant be news!!! Damnnit he's always been racist, so all the racist shit he does is just expected. ACCEPTED even.............hmmmm
"Yeah, Just heard a serial Killer killed somebody else"
"Ehh we already knew he was a murderer, not news"

"You hear about Bonnie & Clyde robbing that bank"
"Ehh no biggie, they ARE bank robbers"
It's news, that is some pretty crazy shit right there. Not sure what the NBA can do to him, fine him a boatload of money and anything else???
Oh and you had to know Silky was gonna be all over this, trying to bait closet racists to get himself all spun up. Let him get it out, braves.
BTW, thats why I love Galtie (no homo) dude knows me pretty darn well. I love to watch closet racists peek their heads out. Like shooting Mouse's in a barrel. Then again Galt & I talk all the time on Twitter lol, so he knows me

The overt racist, I know where they are & what they stand for.

The covert, codeword racist, now those folks, those are the one's I like to let expose themselves. Cowardly bunch if you ask me
Apparently, at some point since CTG's inception, the four people who inhabit the NBA forum have discussed rumors and hearsay about Donald Sterling's racist beliefs, so this story about an audio recording of an NBA owner on a racist rant bores them.
Donald Sterling being a terrible human being, racist, etc is not news..This is a guy who paid Baron Davis a shitload of money then proceeded to heckle him during games.

This story is news. TmZ got a hold of this and he called out Magic who can walk on water in LA. This may finally get some action taken against him.

Please don't try to insinuate that I'm okay with him being a racist
That was never insinuated, I think your own feeling that it was speaks more to you, than it does to anyone else. But what do I know. So let me be clear NOONE (at least not me) is accusing YOU of being racist or ok with him being racist.

This is about Sterling & I guess in a way the sneaky covert people that agree with his line of thinking
I listened to it again and I think this might actually bury him. That audio is really bad and really long. People are going to be all over him for this shit, and rightfully so.

Donald Sterling; the Marge Schott of the NBA. Who knew?
That was never insinuated, I think your own feeling that it was speaks more to you, than it does to anyone else. But what do I know. So let me be clear NOONE (at least not me) is accusing YOU of being racist.

haha, I see what you are doing here nice try...

You are good at this internet debating stuff, but I'm not falling for this trap
Sterling is known to be a world class asshole and a racist. The players all know it, NBA officials know that, Clippers fans know that - it's common knowledge.
I don't think it's ok, but I doubt something will change after his words and I don't think it should change...

What can be dumber, than punish a team and their fans, because their owner is an idiot???

People should vote with their money and don't come to Clippers games, if they want something to change. If there will be an empty Staples Center for Game 5 of the NBA playoffs - it will send a message, but I don't think there is any chance for it to happen...
Listen I was raised if a person behind you yells out sucker & you turn around. YOURE the sucker. Sort of a if it aint about you, it got nothing to do with you deal. No need to carry the badge or martyrdom here, again NOONE insinuated anything about YOU. IF you feel they did, YOU feel that way. Thats called OWNERSHIP
Listen I was raised if a person behind you yells out sucker & you turn around. YOURE the sucker. Sort of a if it aint about you, it got nothing to do with you deal. No need to carry the badge or martyrdom here, again NOONE insinuated anything about YOU. IF you feel they did, YOU feel that way. Thats called OWNERSHIP

SO what ARE YOU insinuating ABouT NbAFaN?
Im not insinuating anything, Im saying directly that he seems nonplussed that Donald Sterling is a racist. See that? thats OWNERSHIP. Try it
Im not insinuating anything, Im saying directly that he seems nonplussed that Donald Sterling is a racist. See that? thats OWNERSHIP. Try it

what exactly are you owning here?

We disagree with what he meant. What am I supposed to own up to?, that you are correct? PLEASE
Bundy is gonna be in the owners box on Tuesday, him and Sterling will have plenty to talk about
what exactly are you owning here?

We disagree with what he meant. What am I supposed to own up to?, that you are correct? PLEASE

Listen Slugger, do you boss. If one knows not what they are to own, then by inference they are unsuitable to own. Good day sir


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