Detroit vs Boston Series Thoughts and Plays

You guys have to be kidding me on Sheed with no fire. He still plays great defense. Yes, he hung out on perimeter in Game 5 but has willingly went into post all playoffs long and been solid. He was gonna have a huge game in game 4 but these crooked fuckin refs called 30 fouls or so on Detroit. Shocking. Another postseason, another series with terrible officiating. Well, league wide. Thought this shit would end with the Donaghy shit but Stern is more powerful than the president

Moving on...had to post this article for Retburj just due to a certain

AUBURN HILLS -- It's too soon to tell whether Richard Hamilton will be able to play in tomorrow's Game 6 matchup against Boston. But if the game were tonight, Detroit Pistons coach Flip Saunders said his leading scorer wouldn't be able to play.
"It would be different if it was his left arm, but it's his right arm, his shooting arm, the golden arm" Saunders said. "I think he'll need to get it polished up a bit before he can play."

If Hamilton doesn't play, look for rookie Rodney Stuckey to be in the starting lineup and either Juan Dixon or Walter Herrmann, to be added to the active roster.
It's hard for me to imagine Hamilton not being able to play in a game of this magnitude. How effective he'll be, that's another story. But in this series, Detroit can find ways to manufacture his scoring from other places. More important is the Pistons defense, which looked downright silly at times in Game 5. Kendrick Perkins became the latest in a growing number of where-did-he-come-from? players (Daniel Gibson and Brian Scalabrine when he was in New Jersey, immediately come to mind) who had career performances against Detroit in the playoffs.
It'll be interesting to see what adjustments Detroit makes on him, and the rest of the Celtics.

bro, i love you like a brother but sheed has lost it. 1 tech away from a suspension, and 4 rebounds last game....4???? wtf? he looks timid in the paint...hopefully he gets mean minus the techs tonight.
That crashing sound we heard last night was the pistons window of opportunity for another championship slamming shut...