December Ingame

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Mike probably would know better, but Group D and E look the toughest....A looks tough, but Im not sure China is the power they once were

US will easily win their group you can book it. Think the team that could give them a bit of a surprise might be Nigeria.
Group A, China is on the decline, they haven't produced the youngsters to continue on. I'd be wary of NZ.
Watch out for the Frogs though, they have some pretty decent players who play at quite a high level. Essentially you are looking for teams that are made up of women who play in professional leagues and aren't just amateurs. The Germans will always compete simply because of their developmental structure.

Not too sure just how long this Canadian crop will last, Christine Sinclair can't play till she's 50...or can she? :)
US will easily win their group you can book it. Think the team that could give them a bit of a surprise might be Nigeria.
Group A, China is on the decline, they haven't produced the youngsters to continue on. I'd be wary of NZ.
Watch out for the Frogs though, they have some pretty decent players who play at quite a high level. Essentially you are looking for teams that are made up of women who play in professional leagues and aren't just amateurs. The Germans will always compete simply because of their developmental structure.

Not too sure just how long this Canadian crop will last, Christine Sinclair can't play till she's 50...or can she? :)

Thanks Mike...I thought Swedeen and Australia were decent, guess not

I enjoy the womens world cup, so looking forward to this one next summer
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Thanks Mike...I thought Swedeen and Australia were decent, guess not

I enjoy the womens world cup, so looking forward to this one next summer

yep in terms of womens sports I think its the most enjoyable, all the skill is still there it's just a bit slower

gonna try and go to as many games as I can as well
not expensive either

if you buy a 'passport' package you get all the games in Vanvouver for between 165-400 depending on seats

would get

Group stage would get

4 group C games
1 group D (US/Nigeria)
2 R16's (including Canada's if they win group A)
QF (again including Canada)
WTF? I'd like to know how Edmonton and Winnipeg manage to get so many marquee matchups while I get stuck with the Ivory Coast vs. Thailand...

not expensive either

if you buy a 'passport' package you get all the games in Vanvouver for between 165-400 depending on seats

would get

Group stage would get

4 group C games
1 group D (US/Nigeria)
2 R16's (including Canada's if they win group A)
QF (again including Canada)

that is a good deal
not expensive either

if you buy a 'passport' package you get all the games in Vanvouver for between 165-400 depending on seats

would get

Group stage would get

4 group C games
1 group D (US/Nigeria)
2 R16's (including Canada's if they win group A)
QF (again including Canada)

that is a good deal indeed, you gonna get it? I would, fuck it
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What Mike said. River are the better team, but they really have no reason to push in this game, so a draw's not of the question. Plus, River still has a shot to finish the first half of the season at the top of the table, so odds are they won't be going all out in this one. Doesn't mean they can't win, just means don't bet the farm on it...
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poor keeper