@L8kersFan74 do you like the under that much or you just played 5 units due to getting a great number?
Combo of both, but yes, I really like it a lot.

When you have a guy like Rocker who can easily go 7/8 innings and likely give up 2 runs or less on one side.......vs Messy State's top "DAWGS" all lined up and ready for this one... I see a pitchers duel. 2 or 3 runs might win it.
On Miss State tonight. They have the entire stadium filled with their fans and Vandy's offense is suspect at best. Rocker's obviously good but MSU seems on a mission and Bednar's a gamer and I expect him to pitch well tonight, even on 3 days rest.
Everyone can bet live correct?

Live CWS...well live betting in general wasn't available to me for a few years. Couple runs early should see a promising number and both teams have seen each others' best pitchers already this year

Not interested in under a juiced 7.5, rather a 7 that isn't or try to find a way to go over then come back on under live. I don't see a 2-1 type game here, think one team gets to 5, not sure the other gets more than 2 though.

Pretty much a toss up on the side imo, think a ton of people are betting MSU for nostalgia
Interesting that Rocker is missing fastballs high and wide, breakers high and in

This could be a real situation
Crazy how the game can be a tad predictable, yet you don't know which team and if it remotely gives you an advantage wagering

Will pull for you guys but hoops time
12 trips to Omaha and first ever ring in any sport. Hard not to be happy for them unless you are a Vandy man. Have friends with ties to State so certainly happy for them as well. One happens to be an 88 year old alum so you can imagine how pumped he was. He’s in amazing shape and still can drink a few beers, so I’d like to think he might have stayed up late and almost finished a six pack. A trip to Omaha has always been on the bucket list. Great thread btw gentleman. The CWS always delivers