CTG Official NBA MVP Poll

Not a lot of talk for Howard here. 20.9, 14.3, and 2.2 blocks a game over 81 games. His team is 51-30 and 3rd in the East.

If you are gonna give a vote to Howard and not care about the joke that is the East, then you have to consider giving that vote also to LeBron, who is sitting back in 4th in the East. That's the problem, the East.
2.cp3 - if Chris had to deal with the injuries like the lakers (Bynum, Ariza and gasol out 9 games) and cp3 had an injury like Kobe this team wouldnt be shit.

I love what Kobe has done this season and in all honesty, the MVP award should go to him, but arguments made by you and Divol about the Hornets are way off.

How about calling out Jordan now and asking what he would have done if the Bulls had injuries throughout those championship seasons? These Lakers are in rebuild phase since Shaq left.

Divol, let me ask you something. If you dig these "where a player has lead the team to", when did Kobe clinch the playoffs last year for the Lakers?

Give up?

MVP award can't go to LeBron but it's not like he's bogus, he lead his team to the finals at the age of 22. This is a new season and as far as the Cavs go, this has been as turbulent of a season as they get. Sideshow was on and off, the trade with the Bulls, Gibson injury, etc...

I agree Kobe deserves the MVP this season but calling out the Hornets for not having an injury stacked season is out of place. These guys had huge obstacles to overcome.

1) Scott had to start from scratch when rebuilding this team is concerned
2) not like it was easy to get players to play in NO
3) they had to move from CHA to NO, then from the East to West
4) CP3 excelled to a monster level within 2 years, Chandler was criticized big time in Chicago for not being good enough, Peja was a sharp shooter who chokes in the 4th, who do they have?

Yes, Kobe lead his team this year, but how many games did he have to play without Bynum and Pau really? Also, Lamar Odom is not exactly a scrub. Fisher, Vujacic, Radmanovic, Walton, Ariza, etc, the Lakers have depth, not like he had to do it alone.

Having said all that, he does deserve it, but the Hornets had a much tougher way to the top.

But there will be time for CP3 to win it, Kobe is what, 28-29 now (can't be bothered to check), he deserved it, let him have it.

No need to undermine what LeBron is doing though.
Not a lot of talk for Howard here. 20.9, 14.3, and 2.2 blocks a game over 81 games. His team is 51-30 and 3rd in the East.

I agree, he should make top 5 on anyone's list. But as I said, there will be time for him and CP3 to win this. Don't worry.
I love what Kobe has done this season and in all honesty, the MVP award should go to him, but arguments made by you and Divol about the Hornets are way off.

How about calling out Jordan now and asking what he would have done if the Bulls had injuries throughout those championship seasons? These Lakers are in rebuild phase since Shaq left.

Divol, let me ask you something. If you dig these "where a player has lead the team to", when did Kobe clinch the playoffs last year for the Lakers?

Give up?

MVP award can't go to LeBron but it's not like he's bogus, he lead his team to the finals at the age of 22. This is a new season and as far as the Cavs go, this has been as turbulent of a season as they get. Sideshow was on and off, the trade with the Bulls, Gibson injury, etc...

I agree Kobe deserves the MVP this season but calling out the Hornets for not having an injury stacked season is out of place. These guys had huge obstacles to overcome.

1) Scott had to start from scratch when rebuilding this team is concerned
2) not like it was easy to get players to play in NO
3) they had to move from CHA to NO, then from the East to West
4) CP3 excelled to a monster level within 2 years, Chandler was criticized big time in Chicago for not being good enough, Peja was a sharp shooter who chokes in the 4th, who do they have?

Yes, Kobe lead his team this year, but how many games did he have to play without Bynum and Pau really? Also, Lamar Odom is not exactly a scrub. Fisher, Vujacic, Radmanovic, Walton, Ariza, etc, the Lakers have depth, not like he had to do it alone.

Having said all that, he does deserve it, but the Hornets had a much tougher way to the top.

But there will be time for CP3 to win it, Kobe is what, 28-29 now (can't be bothered to check), he deserved it, let him have it.

No need to undermine what LeBron is doing though.

All that is fine and true for the most part. That said, the Lakers the last two years were a joke outside Kobe. His supporting cast did nothing for him and that's why he had to take 312813938 shots a game. Also considering what happened this past offseason with Kobe's trade demands, this season could have been a disaster. No one certainly thought the Hornets would be where they are but the same can be said about the Lakers BIG time. His team has grown wonders and his trust has also.
I love what Kobe has done this season and in all honesty, the MVP award should go to him, but arguments made by you and Divol about the Hornets are way off.

How about calling out Jordan now and asking what he would have done if the Bulls had injuries throughout those championship seasons? These Lakers are in rebuild phase since Shaq left.

Divol, let me ask you something. If you dig these "where a player has lead the team to", when did Kobe clinch the playoffs last year for the Lakers?

Give up?

MVP award can't go to LeBron but it's not like he's bogus, he lead his team to the finals at the age of 22. This is a new season and as far as the Cavs go, this has been as turbulent of a season as they get. Sideshow was on and off, the trade with the Bulls, Gibson injury, etc...

I agree Kobe deserves the MVP this season but calling out the Hornets for not having an injury stacked season is out of place. These guys had huge obstacles to overcome.

1) Scott had to start from scratch when rebuilding this team is concerned
2) not like it was easy to get players to play in NO
3) they had to move from CHA to NO, then from the East to West
4) CP3 excelled to a monster level within 2 years, Chandler was criticized big time in Chicago for not being good enough, Peja was a sharp shooter who chokes in the 4th, who do they have?

Yes, Kobe lead his team this year, but how many games did he have to play without Bynum and Pau really? Also, Lamar Odom is not exactly a scrub. Fisher, Vujacic, Radmanovic, Walton, Ariza, etc, the Lakers have depth, not like he had to do it alone.

Having said all that, he does deserve it, but the Hornets had a much tougher way to the top.

But there will be time for CP3 to win it, Kobe is what, 28-29 now (can't be bothered to check), he deserved it, let him have it.

No need to undermine what LeBron is doing though.

If we look at the career as a whole, than for Kobe not to get the MVP in all his career, that alone deserves him the title. But, I believe that it should be based on 2007/08 season only, so the moves from NO to Oklahoma and back have nothing to do with that. Hornets came to this season with a build in team from last year. Mason left, Pitterson arrived, that is it. No injuries, team that already had a season under their belt together, sounds like a solin fundament to build a season!
Last years playoff again, has nothing to do with this season, but I think that if it comes to clutch moments, I doubt that you can find a bigger winner than Kobe in the NBA right now...
Lakers started with Fisher, Bryant, Walton, Odom and Brown. Brown got injured (thank god), Bynum stepped in his place. Walton got injured, Radmanovich came in his place. Mihm got injured. Trade Ariza for Evans and Cook. Ariza gets his starters place, gets injured. Radmanovich is back (Walton recovers). Brown gets back, Bynum gets injured. Lakers struggle without Bynum, Kobe holds the team up. The big trade. Odom gets injured for a few games. Radmanovich and Walton get injured. All back on the team. Gasol plays roughly 16 - 18 games, gets injured. roughly 10 games without Gasol or Bynum, Lakers win at Utah and Dallas and give hard time to other opponents.
After that many changes, Lakers are still at the number one spot in the West of 07/08? How can MVP come from any other team? Kobe gave a hell of a season, improving as a team player and no matter who played next to him, no matter his unjury, he and the Lakers never gave up.
CP3 had a great season, that is why he is a candidate, no argue there, but you agree yourself, Kobe is the man this season and he deserves the MVP title.
if i was building a team and i had my choice of any player i want -
(my very first choice would be HOWARD) but KOBE gets MVP this year -
If we look at the career as a whole, than for Kobe not to get the MVP in all his career, that alone deserves him the title. But, I believe that it should be based on 2007/08 season only, so the moves from NO to Oklahoma and back have nothing to do with that. Hornets came to this season with a build in team from last year. Mason left, Pitterson arrived, that is it. No injuries, team that already had a season under their belt together, sounds like a solin fundament to build a season!
Last years playoff again, has nothing to do with this season, but I think that if it comes to clutch moments, I doubt that you can find a bigger winner than Kobe in the NBA right now...
Lakers started with Fisher, Bryant, Walton, Odom and Brown. Brown got injured (thank god), Bynum stepped in his place. Walton got injured, Radmanovich came in his place. Mihm got injured. Trade Ariza for Evans and Cook. Ariza gets his starters place, gets injured. Radmanovich is back (Walton recovers). Brown gets back, Bynum gets injured. Lakers struggle without Bynum, Kobe holds the team up. The big trade. Odom gets injured for a few games. Radmanovich and Walton get injured. All back on the team. Gasol plays roughly 16 - 18 games, gets injured. roughly 10 games without Gasol or Bynum, Lakers win at Utah and Dallas and give hard time to other opponents.
After that many changes, Lakers are still at the number one spot in the West of 07/08? How can MVP come from any other team? Kobe gave a hell of a season, improving as a team player and no matter who played next to him, no matter his unjury, he and the Lakers never gave up.
CP3 had a great season, that is why he is a candidate, no argue there, but you agree yourself, Kobe is the man this season and he deserves the MVP title.
Divol, I respect your views, but how can you say:
If we look at the career as a whole, than for Kobe not to get the MVP in all his career, that alone deserves him the title.

then in the same sentence insist that the award is based SOLELY on the performances from this season?

If it's only this year, then don't even mention that Kobe hasn't won one by now. It's completely irrelevant. He could have won 10, no difference. Again, IF you're going by that.

But since you are looking into context, then please don't disregard the fact that the New Orleans Hornets have gone through one of the biggest sports stories ever witnessed, and despite all that, against all odds, they've joined the elite.

Chris Paul is obviously their main man. I don't dig these "he didn't have any injuries to deal with and Kobe did" stories. What are we going to do now, take injuries into account?

Let's strip Jordan a few titles because Scottie was rarely ever injured. MVP awards, (un)fortunately DO look into context. So Kobe will get it, and I say - props to him.

But CP3 didn't have an easy way to the top. He brought his team there by excelling and raising his game level from solid to monster and in just a short period of time.

No breaks for the Hornets bro, none whatsoever. They got here THROUGH all that, and there is barely a similar story anywhere in pro sports right now, let alone the NBA.

And especially not Kobe having to play without Bynum and/or Pau for 10 games.
All that is fine and true for the most part. That said, the Lakers the last two years were a joke outside Kobe. His supporting cast did nothing for him and that's why he had to take 312813938 shots a game. Also considering what happened this past offseason with Kobe's trade demands, this season could have been a disaster. No one certainly thought the Hornets would be where they are but the same can be said about the Lakers BIG time. His team has grown wonders and his trust has also.

I agree. However, the Lakers became contenders as soon as Pau showed up in a yellow jersey. They got Fisher back, they have Radmanovic, Vujacic, Ariza, Odom, etc...

this is a deep team. PLUS, they have Gasol. Bynum I won't factor in since he's been injured for 5 months now, unfortunately. But this guy is great as well.

I agree no one took the Lakers seriously in the preseason but these guys became contenders with Pau aboard. The Hornets didn't bring in any superstars this season.

Also, CP3 is basically a scrub, same as LeBron was a few years back. Kobe is an old wolf in his prime, has the best coach on the bench (or one of), has a deep, talented team. What did you honestly expect to happen?

All this rant by me is not an anti Kobe post. I love what he has done this year, I love how he enjoys playing with the team, I love how he swears in Serbian :36_11_6: and his behind back full court passes, this guy can ball.

No doubts. I'm just saying, the Hornets did not get ANY breaks. None whatsoever. Having zero injuries after several years filled with long term ones isn't exactly "a break".
Chandler was good enough. The problem when he was in Chicago was that he didnt want to tap in the player he could be. He didnt hit the weight room, take care of himself nutrionally, nor bring it every night.

Maybe what he needed was just a new team but i really believe having Paul is the key at the PG. Huge difference from Kirk/Duhon to Paul.
bingo, Brewer. CP3 made the difference, playing with Gordon, Kirk and Duhon, who are all trigger happy, is a different thing.
Divol, I respect your views, but how can you say:

then in the same sentence insist that the award is based SOLELY on the performances from this season?

I meant, if you are saying that it shouldn't be based on this season only (because you mentioned things from last year and the year before), than it should be a factor. I don't believe that it should, even though I don't believe that this is something that isn't on the minds of the people who make the call. Kobe should be MVP regardless...
My Top 3:
1. Chris Paul
2. Amare Stoudemire
3. Kobe Bryant

What will happen:
1. Kobe Bryant
2. Chris Paul
3. Kevin Garnett
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I meant, if you are saying that it shouldn't be based on this season only (because you mentioned things from last year and the year before), than it should be a factor. I don't believe that it should, even though I don't believe that this is something that isn't on the minds of the people who make the call. Kobe should be MVP regardless...

I think they will have in mind that he hasn't won it ever. But he is the logical choice as well.
if you ever watch a game of the Hornets without CP3 in its painful. We are the thinnest team in the West without our starters. If Kobe had to play with our bench he'd be wanting out thats for sure.

Peterson hasn't done much, granted it gave us an outside shooter and "defender" he fucking blow.
a guy averaging 30 8 7 being considered for MVP is a joke?? A guy who's team is 0-6 when he doesn't play. Thats a joke?
Homerism at it's finest on CTG.

Most of the arguments made for Kobe on here only lead me to one conclusion. Phil Jackson should win the Coach of the Year award hands down.
honestly why Video Game James over Kobe ?

CP3 I can understand I dont agree but can understand. I like his numbers but one of the biggest reason people say he should be MVP is cuz what he has done for his team and how he improved the team record by so much well, He only helped improve the team record by 17 games, yet Kobe improved his team record by 15 games under even harder circumstaces yet no one says nothing about that.

If KG would have stayed healthy he would have won the MVP with ease although Ray Allen was huge also.

What did James do to deserve MVP ? Kobe did much more the year he scored 81pts he went off that year and couldnt even get votes.
What did James do to deserve MVP ?

Be the best player, have the best season, and be the most valuable to his team. That's my criteria, again, I'm not sure about yours. Perhaps you buy this "best player on the best team" bullshit. Then again, no you don't, because then you would give it to KG. So, what exactly is your criteria?
lebron is the best player in the NBA?

where have the rest of us been?

i guess an all-star looks like gold when he's surrounded by a bunch of scrubs
where have the rest of us been?

I'm not sure, b/c he's been the best player for quite some time now.

30.0 PPG, 7.9 RPG, 7.2 APG

Wizards...too iffy. I say Arenas starts shooting berserk when WAS is down by 10 in the 4th. LeBron in 6 ;)
a friend of mine (also a poster here at CTG) said to me on MSN earlier, a very interesting observation btw...

If Kobe doesn't get the MVP award...

it will actually only piss him off even more :D and the Lakers will cruise to the finals and take the title.

Having said that...

PLEASE give the damn award to Kobe, can't stand the Lakers :D
Wiz are gonna kill em :popcorn:


Wiz in 4

in 5 if refs get shady

hahahahahahhahahahahahaahahhahaahhahaahahhah. he's the wiz! nobody beats him! nobody! i'm sorry, but the idea of a pissed off lebron taking only 1 game in the series vs. a mediocre jumpshooting team is about as ridiculous as "The Wiz's" commercial on that seinfeld episode
LeBrone MVP is a joke of course. I think that if he wins it, than the whole MVP as a consept should be removed from the NBA. No, it doesn't have to be the best player in the best team, but it must be the best player in a good team. What did Cleveland do this season to earn such an honor???
Chicago and Miami weren't a factor this season. Wizards played without Daniels, Arenas, Butler for many parts of a season. He managed to lead his team to the minimum expected position. I agree, Detroit and Boston are another league. Orlando maybe better, but still, Cavs gave up without a fight and almost lost the fourth place to Wizards handicaps. Why on earth would you give him an MVP? Why not Ricky Davis than? Minimum team expactions equals MVP? N-O W-A-Y! He is the best in the league? Than why his team plays like crap? MVP stands for most valuable. How much value can be in a season that leads your team nowhere???? He is a great player and we can argue who is better, Kobe or LeBrone, but no way is he the MVP!
Why on earth would you give him an MVP? Why not Ricky Davis than?

Your credibility vanished with this sentence, but I'll still make one point. You speak about leading one's team and all. You do realize that "leading a team" to the most regular season wins doesn't mean shit, right? LeBron "led his team" to the Finals last year. Regular season team performance doesn't mean shit. The MVP is voted on before the playoffs start. Dallas won 67 games last year, Dirk won the MVP, and then Dallas got blown out of the first round. LeBron won way less games, got snubbed for MVP, and led his team to the finals. Who "led his team" better?
Dirk shouldn't have been MVP in my opinion. Second, when did Cavs reach the Finals? As I see it, they were searching for the least worse team from the East and Cavs luckely fit the profile. Again, Cleveland won Wizards that played without Arenas and Butler, than the Nets. I'm sure that I can find junior school teams that can do that...
Than came the Pistons and they were terrible that season in playoffs. They simply haven't showed up and Cleveland took advantage of that. In the Finals we all seen what Cleveland are capable of. Do you have any doubt that Cleveland wouldn't have finished top ten in the West.
I never chased "credibility", so if it vanished, I will get over that :)
IMO, LeBron isn't the best player in the league. You can't be the best player if you don't play consistent defense, simple as that. Maybe you can say LeBron is the best offensive player, best scorer. That I can take. LeBron is right there, right behind Kobe. Kobe's defensive skills put him over the top. There is a reason why Kobe has been voted to all those all-defense teams.
Why on earth would you give him an MVP? Why not Ricky Davis than?

Your credibility vanished with this sentence, but I'll still make one point. You speak about leading one's team and all. You do realize that "leading a team" to the most regular season wins doesn't mean shit, right? LeBron "led his team" to the Finals last year. Regular season team performance doesn't mean shit. The MVP is voted on before the playoffs start. Dallas won 67 games last year, Dirk won the MVP, and then Dallas got blown out of the first round. LeBron won way less games, got snubbed for MVP, and led his team to the finals. Who "led his team" better?

You say regular season team performance doesn't mean shit but in the eyes of the voters, it does. Yes, Dirk's 67 wins mattered and that's what helped him to win. If not, then Nash would have won a third straight.

And again about regular season team performance: this year, for the West, it totally mattered. A 48 win team missed out on the playoffs. Everyone was fighting right down the end for a spot and seeding. The regular season mattered BIG TIME this year compared to years past.
And there is a very good chance that LeBron could be ousted in the first round this year. What will you say then Killa?
Dirk doesnt take the big shots on Dallas. It's Jet. How Dirk was mvp i will never know. then again its the media (a true circus).