CTG Official NBA MVP Poll

I cant recall many players outplaying bron in this league off top of my head. Kobe could but he never guards him for a full 48.

My boy D will owns paul so .... ya.
That's a pretty weak argument. Kobe and KG do the same and they play first class defense. So did the "greats." Not sure the point? Why didn't Kobe get the MVP those years he led the league in scoring? Same situation as LeBron. MVP award is about MUCH more than scoring. Steve Nash will also tell you that.
Kg is weak. Rather have Amare.

Amare vs KG
At Boston
11-16 fg, 10-11 ft, 6 reb, 3 ast 32 pts
At Pho
10-23 fg, 8-10 ft, 6 reb, 1 ast 28 pts
KG vs Amare
At Boston
12-19 fg, 6-6 ft, 3 reb, 6 ast 30 pts
At Pho
8-17 fg, 3-4 ft, 5 reb, 4 ast, 19 pts
Haha KG weak? Ok. He is leading the best defensive team in the NBA. I'd rather have Amare too but his defense is pretty average if not below. I wouldn't be surprised if KG is top three in voting. The guy is on the best team in the NBA, has dominated the West, and has led the best turnaround in NBA history. Kinda hard to fight against that resume.
For being such a defensive force kg cant handle amare and amare has played him better than average on d. 8-17 shooting and stopping him from getting to the line and glass.

amare is better than KG 1-1. But you vote KG b/c he has a better team of players to play with? makes little sense to me.
take amare off the suns. kg off C's. which way would the line move?

C's would be more expensive. Therefore, Amare has more "value".
Here's the problem about not acknowledging Lebron, and why everyone else is: The guy almost single-handedly carried an average team to the finals last year. No, they aren't in 1st place in the east, but the very fact that he's capable of doing such a thing is what makes him such a viable candidate.

Is he gonna get to the finals again this year? I doubt it, but just the idea that it's possible, despite the low quality of his 'mates says a lot, imo.

He's high up there for me. Give it to Kohb tho.
Same for Paul off the hornets. Peja/mo pete/bonzi wouldnt have the space they have now to jack shots, chandler scoring goes down as do his off rebs and david west would decline as an overall player, too.
I never said Amare is better than KG and I think it's quite debatable who is better. I like Amare more and rather have him on my team because of what he can do athletically but KG is pretty damn good in his own right. A former MVP too. His numbers aren't as good as Amare's but Nash's weren't compared to other players as well in years past.

And yes, the team success does matter. Look at the last eight to nine years of NBA MVP voting. To the voters, it does matter. And once again, Nash won it attributed to that as well. People can argue for Amare but the argument for Nash being more important shows as well.

You can't look at matchups like that and determine the MVP. That is quite silly. For that matter, the more "value" argument can be tied with many players. You can say how awful the Cavs would be without LeBron and I can say the same with Kobe and Lakers. And Kobe's team is already the top in the BRUTAL West.
Now that I think of it more, picking between KG and Amare is quite tough. I might want KG on my team more now.
I dont think u should make the argument on who would win 1-1.. cuz that would just be voting for the most talented player in the league in which imo lebron tops. even looking at stats is a bit much. sadly, I think kobe gets mvp cuz his team is 1 in the west. which is kinda dumb cuz I guarentee thatll be the reason they say he deserves it, while his team is only above the other western teams by like 2 games. those 2 games go another way and what- duncan is mvppcuz he's number 1 in the west. people will also say kobe deserves it cuz he never got it yet. thats dumb cuz that has NOTHING to do with comparing his season/valuableness to his team for this season. my mvps go to

1. CP3
2. Kobe
3. Lebron
I thought this thread was for saying who we think mvp is not predicting who the media is gonna give it to. If the latter was the case id go ...


Also, the lakers wouldn't be awful without Kobe and they would be favored by more vs the cavs on a neutral floor if both kobe and bron were out for their respectful teams. I think it might be lakers -dd in fact.
The NBA MVP award is not a lifetime achievement award, like Sir Charles said last Thursday night. Kobe won't get it for that nor deserves it for that.
You're right brew but I am was just curious on why people are saying LeBron is the MVP and what standards they are using. Your vote is your vote, just curious.

Pau won't be voted number two by the media. You don't think the media will vote CP3 in the top three?
the 1st team for sure:

CP3, Kobe, Bron, KG, Dwight

if it goes any1 else thats shit

2nd team ionno, id say
tmac, billups, duncan, dirk, amare

3rd team
baron, dwill, boozer, bosh, camby
You're right brew but I am was just curious on why people are saying LeBron is the MVP and what standards they are using. Your vote is your vote, just curious.

Pau won't be voted number two by the media. You don't think the media will vote CP3 in the top three?

i was thinking of lakers without kobe and typed pau insted of paul. :shake:
You're right brew but I am was just curious on why people are saying LeBron is the MVP and what standards they are using. Your vote is your vote, just curious.

Pau won't be voted number two by the media. You don't think the media will vote CP3 in the top three?

i think u read pau not paul
couple players should take paycuts and create a superteam and try and win more than 72 games. that'd be pretty cool.

Sad thing is, if Kobe had a MVP already I would probably give it to CP3. The fact Kobe is getting older and CP3 has a whole career ahead of him is a factor imo.
1. Kobe
2. Bryant
3. Black Mamba

I'm sorry, but I just don't see how people can even compare the rest of the league to Kobe this season. Great individual performances - V. Great team performances - V. Great team chemistry - V. First place in the toughest Conference the last 5 years - V. What on earth could he have done more??? I'm serious. What do you want him to do? To lead the league in every possible aspect??? How can LeBron, a player that only tonight secured for his team (missed the winning shot by the way) the fourth place in the F*****G East can be MVP? What the hell, lets give Van Horn the award. After all, he left his home to fly all the way to NJ and be there and that alone deserves an MVP.
CP3 had a great year, but his team, not like Kobe's and unlike the Hornets last year, haven't suffered any real injuries (Peja and West missed a few, but that is it). Kobe won games without Bynum and with Kwame as the only Center! Radmanovic, Walton, Bynum, Gasol, Mihm - Lakers played with many injuries through the season and I'm sorry, to say that Lakers without Gasol and Bynum is better than NO or most of the teams in the league is just rubbish. The only reason that the Lakers were still a threat to every team in the league, winning Utah, Dallas and others is Kobe. He didn't even take over the team to do that.
And this is without mentioning his defensive abilities. He asked Phil to guard opponents most dominant players in the backcourt and did a hell of a job. This is without mentioning the hand injury that Kobe is playing with the past month and a half. LeBron looks like crap with his back hurt and Kobe still plays and still every opponent's nightmare.
How can people say that anyone other than Kobe desreve the MVP? Only two possible reasons - Bryant haters or fans of one of the other players. No one that isn't bias, will name anyone besides Kobe to the MVP.


2.cp3 - if Chris had to deal with the injuries like the lakers (Bynum, Ariza and gasol out 9 games) and cp3 had an injury like Kobe this team wouldnt be shit.

3 kg/bron - kg been hurt, bron teams record is shit in the weak east

in reality it should be some1 like Andre Miller at #3
The controversy is in the definition of what the award is. There isn’t a pamphlet on the credentials of being the MVP. All we have is the 3 words ‘most Valuable player’. Most valuable for what? Most valuable for team moral? Most valuable for selling tickets? Most valuable for David Stern? Most valuable in terms of team wins?

The league intentionally doesn’t illustrate in more detail on what the award is because they love the controversy surrounding. Its positive publicity for the NBA and kudos to them for having all this talent in the league right now.
So we have most valuable. I’ll assume that it means the player that is most responsible for team wins regardless of how many wins that might be. I think people are severely limiting their pool of candidates by saying that it has to be a player from a team that is top 2 or 3 in the league. Lets look at team performance when a player is out.
Cavs with Lebron 45-30
Cavs without Lebron 0-6
Hornets with Paul 55-24
Hornets without Paul 1-1
Lakers with KB 57-25
Lakers without KB 0-0
Celtics with KG 56-14
Celtics without KG 9-2
Suns with Amare 52-26
Suns without Amare 2-1
Probably not a big enough sample size to make any judgements but clearly the cavs can’t do a thing without LBJ with loses to NJ, Tor, Bos, Char, Sea and Wash
Lets look at what these players did to the spread when they were out. I know that there is more to each spread then just a player being out, but for simplicities sake lets assume there isn’t.
Cavs w/o LBJ at Bos Cavs +15
Cavs w LBJ at Bos Cavs +9
Cavs w/o LBJ at Was Cavs +10
Cavs w LBJ at Was Cavs +3.5
Cavs w/o LBJ at Char Cavs +8
Cavs w LBJ at Char Cavs -2.5
Cavs w/o LBJ vs NJ Cavs +1.5
Cavs w LBJ vs NJ Cavs -7.5
Hornets w/o CP at Min Hornets -4
Hornets w CP at Min Hornets -10
Celts w/o KG at Orl C’s +2.5
Celts w KG at Orl C’s -1.5
Celts w/o KG at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:State w:st=
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = " /><st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pInd </st1:State>C’s -4

Celts w KG at Ind C’s -10
Celts w/o KG vs NY C’s -8
Celts w KG vs NY C’s -12.5
LAL no samples
Suns no samples
I think it’s safe to say that vegas believes that LBJ is more valuable to his teams success then either CP or KG. And I’d venture to say that neither KB nor Amare would move the line as much as LBJ. (Divol, you can’t tell me Al Jeff is moving the line 7+ points)
In terms of value to team success, LBJ has to be the guy
If you want to give it to the best player on the best team (a la last year) you give it to KG
If you want to give it to the most outstanding player it goes to KB
If you want to give it to a redhead from <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pNeedham</ST1:p</st1:City> its gotta be Scalebrine
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I don't think that move of lines when player gets injured is what explains players value best. It says more about teams dependence of the guy, and players that deserve to move it most aren't usually in good teams. Mamba would move the spread more in last couple of years, but he surely wasn't a better player then.
The controversy is in the definition of what the award is. There isn’t a pamphlet on the credentials of being the MVP. All we have is the 3 words ‘most Valuable player’. Most valuable for what? Most valuable for team moral? Most valuable for selling tickets? Most valuable for David Stern? Most valuable in terms of team wins?

The league intentionally doesn’t illustrate in more detail on what the award is because they love the controversy surrounding. Its positive publicity for the NBA and kudos to them for having all this talent in the league right now.
So we have most valuable. I’ll assume that it means the player that is most responsible for team wins regardless of how many wins that might be. I think people are severely limiting their pool of candidates by saying that it has to be a player from a team that is top 2 or 3 in the league. Lets look at team performance when a player is out.
Cavs with Lebron 45-30
Cavs without Lebron 0-6
Hornets with Paul 55-24
Hornets without Paul 1-1
Lakers with KB 57-25
Lakers without KB 0-0
Celtics with KG 56-14
Celtics without KG 9-2
Suns with Amare 52-26
Suns without Amare 2-1
Probably not a big enough sample size to make any judgements but clearly the cavs can’t do a thing without LBJ with loses to NJ, Tor, Bos, Char, Sea and Wash
Lets look at what these players did to the spread when they were out. I know that there is more to each spread then just a player being out, but for simplicities sake lets assume there isn’t.
Cavs w/o LBJ at Bos Cavs +15
Cavs w LBJ at Bos Cavs +9
Cavs w/o LBJ at Was Cavs +10
Cavs w LBJ at Was Cavs +3.5
Cavs w/o LBJ at Char Cavs +8
Cavs w LBJ at Char Cavs -2.5
Cavs w/o LBJ vs NJ Cavs +1.5
Cavs w LBJ vs NJ Cavs -7.5
Hornets w/o CP at Min Hornets -4
Hornets w CP at Min Hornets -10
Celts w/o KG at Orl C’s +2.5
Celts w KG at Orl C’s -1.5
Celts w/o KG at <st1:state w:st="[/IMG]<?xml:namespace" prefix="st1" ns=" /><st1:State w:st=" on=""><st1>:pInd </st1>C’s -4</st1:state>
Celts w KG at Ind C’s -10
Celts w/o KG vs NY C’s -8
Celts w KG vs NY C’s -12.5
LAL no samples
Suns no samples
I think it’s safe to say that vegas believes that LBJ is more valuable to his teams success then either CP or KG. And I’d venture to say that neither KB nor Amare would move the line as much as LBJ. (Divol, you can’t tell me Al Jeff is moving the line 7+ points)
In terms of value to team success, LBJ has to be the guy
If you want to give it to the best player on the best team (a la last year) you give it to KG
If you want to give it to the most outstanding player it goes to KB
If you want to give it to a redhead from <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>:pNeedham</st1>:p</st1:city> its gotta be Scalebrine

I wasn't laughing at that. I was laughing at the logic for your MVP choice or at least the mention of it.
LeBron James.

He should have won it in 2006. He should have won it in 2007. And he should win it in 2008. Nobody else should even earn a vote.