CTG Fantasy Football League 1

Yahoo has set the draft order as follows:

Ron the new guy
AK (Jesus I'm bookended by Egg and Piffey)
Question ?

What setting do I need to change in order for teams not to be able to cut rostered players after their team has played ? I cut Virgil Green and picked up a kicker (saw Trout cut Funchess for Skittles) but I didn't think this was allowed in past seasons ? If it wasn't I will undo my transaction.

Jump if you see this I set you as co-commish to change any settings I got wrong.
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I remember it happened another year after that Dallas WR went off on TNF game and didn't do anything the rest of the year. Also, I think it only allows you to cut players that don't start, right? I think that's the case any week but I could be wrong. We decided then if he was available, he was avaliable. I wouldn't worry about it.
Lol I think his name was Ogletree, never heard from again. I got it set to where at game time FA players go to waivers to avoid that scenario. That way if some teams stud starter gets hurt has a shot to get the backup using FAAB instead of having someone else pluck him quickly from FA.

Believe you can only cut bench players right after their game...really shouldn't be an issue too often but I admit I blew a draft pick on Virgil Green :hang:and need to cut my losses.
Disappointed that I had to miss this year. Sorry for not getting back to you guys. Life/Work has taken over.

I'd love to do NBA fantasy again this year though.
If a starter gets hurt that wouldn't apply because that player would have already played too and be on waivers at that point no? I think you should be able to cut bench players after they've played and add free agent at will...this happens all the time with players that are questionable and you wait until day off. Am I misunderstanding here?
If a starter gets hurt that wouldn't apply because that player would have already played too and be on waivers at that point no? I think you should be able to cut bench players after they've played and add free agent at will...this happens all the time with players that are questionable and you wait until day off. Am I misunderstanding here?

This morning all the Denver and Carolina players were still available as FA's instead of on waivers until I changed the setting from Sunday thru Tuesday to game time thru Tuesday. You are correct in that bench players have always been allowed to be cut for a FA.

Oddly though that changed the waiver date for the 4 players that were dropped from next Wed. as usual to Monday, Sept. 12th. For Garcon that makes sense he plays Monday night but yet the other 3 players play Sunday yet can be claimed Monday.
it will usually adjust anyone who is available on waivers before the weekly waiver period to the weekly waiver period once it gets there.

I.e. your Virgil Green drop on Friday would normally see him available Sunday, since you adjusted the setting to game time instead of him being available today it'll switch to the regular waiver period
Wow Johnny's team took a beating on the injury front this week losing both Adrian Peterson and Jonathan Stewart as well as Arian Foster. Tough break thought he had a really good team coming into the season.
I have the worst 3-0 fantasy football team in America.

Poor Tip has scored a low of 102 points and is 1-2 and I haven't broken 90 the last 2 weeks yet won lol
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My team drinks Tigers blood !!!

Stole another win this week with Brady not getting a TD at the end of the game.

Might be my best fantasy accomplishment ever if I get this shitty team to the playoffs.
Pressure is on GWarner, win and your in....after 4 straight W's you need one more over 1st place Jump to make the playoffs.

I DID IT !!! Luckboxed my way into the playoffs with the 10th highest scoring team and having the fewest points scored against by more than 90 over the next closest team LMAO....Here is me after last night's MNF game:

Pressure is on GWarner, win and your in....after 4 straight W's you need one more over 1st place Jump to make the playoffs.

I DID IT !!! Luckboxed my way into the playoffs with the 10th highest scoring team and having the fewest points scored against by more than 90 over the next closest team LMAO....Here is me after last night's MNF game:


if jump wants to take a dive or the truth wants to help a brother out with a win that would be swell
Ya'll spent some serious FAAB cash today lead by Tip dropping $87 for Baltimore's D, Malcolm Mitchell, Vance McDonald, and Adrian Preterson.

GWarner drops $35 on TJ Yeldon but steals Micheal Floyd for a buck...I blew that spending $7 on Marquis Wilson forgetting Jeffrey will be back after 2 more weeks.

Loving picking up Kaepernick as a FA last week if just to keep him off anyone else's roster.
Probably should be winner takes all.....

That is actually a good idea for next season imo.

I have a watchful eye on this and right now Piffey is 6.06 points behind Home of the Unknowns for 3rd place. You should have 1st place locked up after Zeke tonight so I'll set up payouts for you and Jump but if it's a point or less I will wait til WED to pay out the 3rd place winner just in case Yahoo applies a stat correction that could potentially change the results.
I just tried to set up Leaguesafe payments but have to wait til Tuesday officially so I will do it in the morning. :shake2:

Congrats to Eggman for winning the league and I hope everybody decides to play again next season.

Fckin broncos. Ebron has been shit lately too. &*^*&%.

Ebron came through for you Piffy, congrats on finishing in the money. :cheers3:

Pretty sure you are Gary H. and I know who Egg and Jump are.

Special thanks to jk16 and skoalmint (also your friend Ron) for filling out the league so we would have a 12 teams :shake2:
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Good season fellas, I enjoyed working all y'all asses over and taking down the 'ship! Hot at the right time is all that matters!
Payments have been set up.

Anyone have a rule change they would like to propose feel free to introduce them....One I think we should implement is that any field goal, no matter the distance, is only worth 3 points.
XP -2, higher penalties for INTs because QBs are basically the highest scoring players each week and get almost no penalty for turnovers in such an offense-friendly league or maybe even -10 for a pick 6
Good season fellas, I enjoyed working all y'all asses over and taking down the 'ship! Hot at the right time is all that matters!
Needed to bump this for self promotion and as a reminder that I worked over all you punk asses last year.