Continental soccer 4-man


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
Quoting this post since it was already brought up but we can do a draft for UCL and others if there's interest

oh hell yeah UCL and even a UEL and UEL conference league version if the degens are down

@mogo @~Utah @KJ @VirginiaCavs @aplous

Depends on if we want to do 1 point to advance or if we want to do actual points earned by each team throughout the tournament in regulation (3 points for a win, 1 for draw before ET)
So is it just champs? Or champs and europa?

I kinda like 1 point to advance, maybe a bonus point for winning group?

But I'm open to anything
That's fine, just not really any drama with having 40% of the teams that have very little to no chance to move on
just need @Monger and someone to post a draft order, drama should be in the knockouts as Kj said but holding out hope for Sheriff
Only thing I have between now and tomorrow night is sleep but no guarantee when that happens, will fire away if awake
Guess we'll shotgun it

Since I'm first I'll play, not ideal but smart I guess...will be pulling for whoever takes City in this group

As for Europa I say we wait til knockouts because there will be teams that fall in from CL and we don't know who/where yet

And the conference league, I don't have a clue what's on the line there even
I'm open all day/night but don't want to hang around for updates

Let's just figure out when everyone is available so this doesn't go on for hours
As for Europa I say we wait til knockouts because there will be teams that fall in from CL and we don't know who/where yet

And the conference league, I don't have a clue what's on the line there even
Didnt think about that, 3rd place cl teams would fuck it up

It also has the extra ko round, so makes sense to wait
i'm a Pfizer guy who wishes he had Moderna, traveled to my sister's wedding labor day weekend and that's just asking for it

a friend unrelated to the wedding got delta and said it was sinuses, runny nose and headache which is exactly what i'm experiencing. Only 1/5 of my temperature checks have been >100 so i'm holding out hope it's just a cold
I'm Pfizer and got a massive rash on my sternum and a smaller one in the middle of my back after round 2. Still going away 3 weeks later but it itched like poison ivy yet when I touched it, was fire. Nonetheless I bypassed a celebration of life on Sat because I'd been in contact with 2 people who were positive and there were kids and older people there
i'm a Pfizer guy who wishes he had Moderna, traveled to my sister's wedding labor day weekend and that's just asking for it

a friend unrelated to the wedding got delta and said it was sinuses, runny nose and headache which is exactly what i'm experiencing. Only 1/5 of my temperature checks have been >100 so i'm holding out hope it's just a cold
Fingers crossed
Would rather those two than any combo any of us will have, perfect 4-hole spot