Conference breakdowns...


Pretty much a regular
...will begin in the next couple weeks.

The team-by-team previews last summer were a bit lengthy, and honestly I got tired of writing them after a while. I'm not sure even I would've read them every night had someone else written them. These will be more condensed, and more discussion can go in one thread rather than cluttering the forum with different threads.

Also, we can preview the smaller conferences this way, something I didn't do last year.

I look forward to the discussion...

Can't wait bro. Been reading up a ton this offseason. Its all I can think about. You should head back to Greenville sometime soon bro...after you turn 21
wil be awesome lindetrain. i think i did read every single one of those team by teams you did.

the conference breakdowns will be fun and look forward to talking some friggin football.

especially since i cant win a baseball bet the last month
Dwight - It'll have to be the year after next when we are @ USC for football again. Turn 21 in January, so won't be coming down there next fall (only reason I would is for football). Can't believe I missed you by like two minutes the day of the Clemson game, I swear you posted right before I got on there...woulda had something to do before the game

VK - I've given up on bases, just not fun to me if I'm not winning...same as hockey. At this point, it's starting to look like football and the occasional basketball is all I'm gonna bet from here on out - hate playing a sport if I don't love it (unless I'm killing)



U _ N _ L __ V !!!!!!!!!!



U _ N _ L __ V !!!!!!!!!!




<!-- begin line score --><TABLE class=linescore cellSpacing=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=team colSpan=2></TD><TD class=period>1</TD><TD class=period>2</TD><TD class=period>3</TD><TD class=period>4</TD><TD class=total>T</TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right"></TD><TD class=team>UTAH (1-3)</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD class=ts>0</TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right"></TD><TD class=team>UNLV (2-2)</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>14</TD><TD class=ts>27</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- begin game status (boxscore and pbp pages) -->Final

<!-- end game status -->
<!-- end football line score -->10:00 PM ET, September 22, 2007
Sam Boyd Stadium,
Las Vegas, NV

Well played but lets not forget the headline of the papers the next day:

UNLV beats Utah for first time since 1979, 27-0

3/4 of the members on this site weren't even alive in 1979. :)
Well played but lets not forget the headline of the papers the next day:

UNLV beats Utah for first time since 1979, 27-0

3/4 of the members on this site weren't even alive in 1979. :)

Took us 28 years to give you guys a false sense of security. We are currently "setting up" quite a few teams.

Cut me some slack , it isn't easy talking smack as a unlv football fan.
Took us 28 years to give you guys a false sense of security. We are currently "setting up" quite a few teams.

Cut me some slack , it isn't easy talking smack as a unlv football fan.

I agree and I suppose I should have just taken my lumps and moved on. Still that was the most emberassing game that I can remember as a Ute fan. The Utes have two big payback games on their schedule and they'll be on two different sides for those games. They'll desperately want to run up the score on UNLV a bit after last year and Wyoming is going to want some revenge for that 43-0 onside kick fiasco we pulled on them last year. The one that got this response:
