****College Football In-Game Thread****

ive said this numerous times. something weird happened with him. His last year in philly, not only was he losing, but he was running the most vanilla offense ever. Same in SF. and UCLA looks nothing special. Its almost like he lost his ability to scheme.

Ever read Flowers for Algernon when you in school?
Nope on the reading.
i do think that rutgers is going to move the ball all day. however, it does not seem like they can stop umass at all
Random question: what is it exactly that you press up?
My wife plays penny slots, I play light years above that(table games).
We were in vegas , I'm playing a buck minimum baccarat and the wife comes to get me for dinner.
Sees I've got 200 hundred on player. She whacks me on the back of the head. I turn around to look at her and then back to the table, I've won. I told her, "you know what you do now? you PRESS it UP!"
So , I stacked the 4bills and won that too.
Told her I'd see her in the cafe.
disagreement with the wife
No, she knows what goes on. She doesn't ask, just wants to know won or lost.
She was going to vegas in the 60's as a teenager. She knows how it works.
She likes fun, I like battle.
Her parents used to go to lunch and would get on the company jet and go to vegas.
Army probably going to be on a 12 minute 95y drive

idk man, nothing looks easy. they cant get any chunks. idk if its a predictable offense or if rice is stepping up but they should be getting yards by the 10 not by the 2