Coaching Carousel Thread Time...

I have a big bet with a friend about Joe Brady.
If he gets a HC job already I’m out a lot of money.
IF that happens, can someone tell me a more meteoric rise ever in football period?
Team with the biggest balls gets him now and potentially has next McVay. It’s why a team like the Lions won’t even consider it.
Wilson is a spoiled, entitled bitch according to quite a few scouts. Questionable leadership skills I've read...I can't deny his accuracy, playmaking skills and moxie though. Definite boom or bust imo.
Jay Cutler 2.0 with more mobility?
I still don't believe that Urban is coming back. Looks to me like an attention whore just wanting to see himself in the spotlight.
Seems like a great guy but he's not good.

kinda what those players said. They all said he was a great kid but even in practice they never saw anything special from him, were shocked when he got named starter (which I don’t blame fish for that, I think it was smart, they wernt winning SB and they needed to see what they had in him!), and were apparently really bummed when they found out Fitz wasn’t available for the bills game. Starting to sound like fish gonna have to take another qb with that pick!! Or better yet find a way to get watson for Tua and some picks! Players not helping the franchise by saying those things as that hurts any trade value.
kinda what those players said. They all said he was a great kid but even in practice they never saw anything special from him, were shocked when he got named starter (which I don’t blame fish for that, I think it was smart, they wernt winning SB and they needed to see what they had in him!), and were apparently really bummed when they found out Fitz wasn’t available for the bills game. Starting to sound like fish gonna have to take another qb with that pick!! Or better yet find a way to get watson for Tua and some picks! Players not helping the franchise by saying those things as that hurts any trade value.
Texans should just fold the franchise if they take Tua as a big piece in any Watson deal.
I still don't believe that Urban is coming back. Looks to me like an attention whore just wanting to see himself in the spotlight.
I’d tend to agree but too much smoke this time it seems. 12 mill a year, power and #1 pick to coach in Florida again. Why the f not. He can just use health as an excuse after a couple years if he wants out.

Jags pretty much always suck so he’ll basically get a free pass and no media pressure.
Texans should just fold the franchise if they take Tua as a big piece in any Watson deal.

if they smart they will hire the kc OC to cater to and try to mend the bridge with watson. There really no deal that be smart for them trading watson, you never get equal value/return on a star player.
I’d tend to agree but too much smoke this time it seems. 12 mill a year, power and #1 pick to coach in Florida again. Why the f not. He can just use health as an excuse after a couple years if he wants out.

Jags pretty much always suck so he’ll basically get a free pass and no media pressure.

i don’t think I’d want urban. Not that I don’t think he would be great, I’d just worry he not committed for the long haul.
Shit I think he was last year. Seems to be an owner vs coach thing but I’m sure the Philly guys know

i called that one! Pederson freaking alienated both his damn qb’s. 1st he does it with wentz which whatever, guess they just didn’t mesh, suppose it happens but damn sure shouldn’t with the guy you paid a ton of money to, early!

Then he goes and alienated Hurts who looked to being groomed as wentz replacement! Not that I thought that was a good idea but clearly seemed to be the plan! Still baffles me he yanked him in that last game just pissing all over the integrity of the game! It was obvious on the sideline hurts and some other players didn’t like it, they had to be thinking “why did we bust our asses all week just so this putz could throw the game?”!!! Surely he woulda had a hard time getting guys to play for him going forward!!

the real problem in Philly now is they In cap hell, not sure any the players will play for wentz? Hurts ain’t close to being a franchise qb!! Wentz money isn’t going anywhere no matter what they do with him!! They old, have the worst wr group in the league! O-line is aging and falling apart. That has turned into a undesirable job! Prob worst one other than Detroit!!
Agreed but for him, nothing to lose really

no doubt. His legacy as one the best ncaa coaches/program builders cemented. Yet to be seen if he can do it in the nfl. Oddly enough jags still don’t have a GM so assuming he would have say and lot of personal power which I’m sure he would demand!
I’ve decided that I have to get behind and hope Saleh is the Jets choice because the other options seem even worse. That’s life as a Jets fan.
Little off topic but I went to school briefly with Omar Khan the VP for Steelers. They say he’s legit. I think these teams may be whiffing here
Texans and Panthers so far I’ve read
Can't believe what lures him out of a cozy gig with Fox is this job where the owner has expressed his complete intent to control personnel moves

Doesn‘t sound like he wants to have complete control though? There‘s going to be some balance