Coaching Carousel Thread Time...

Physically? Probably. The problem with Wentz seems to be mentally in the near term (his confidence is obviously shot) and personality in the long-term (apparently he's an entitled dick who, oh btw, lost the locker room to the point where vets on the OL told Pederson it was time to bench the guy).

I don't know if I'm in the minority or not, but I do think Wentz can be rehabed. But I'm not convinced he can be rehabed in Philly.

Also, Jalen is super raw and who knows what he'll be, but I think if you really wanted to find out, you'd have hired EB or Kafka, someone from that staff who saw how they did it with Maholmes. Or at least a coach like that who could maximize the guy's skills. Instead you brought in a guy from Indy where they specifically and intentionally went away from Brissett to bring in more of a pocket passer. Which again suggests Philly is all in on Wentz, for better or worse.

Never been the same since knee buckled.
Some teams just wont look past color when they hire

Raiders, browns, cardinals, and bucs make up like 35% of all black coaches and gm hires in nfl history

7 teams have never done it
Some teams just wont look past color when they hire

Raiders, browns, cardinals, and bucs make up like 35% of all black coaches and gm hires in nfl history

7 teams have never done it
The irony that this state is the only one to have the SB ripped away for that particular reason
Damn, John Harbaugh getting the shit poached outta him.

that not good considering they have some more pressing problems they need to fix, most notably the oc’s propensity to have no imagination in the passing game and the fact they desperately need to get Lamar a real number 1 wide out,
that not good considering they have some more pressing problems they need to fix, most notably the oc’s propensity to have no imagination in the passing game and the fact they desperately need to get Lamar a real number 1 wide out,
Hollywood is a legit #1 if you have a #2 that's respected
Hollywood is a legit #1 if you have a #2 that's respected

I disagree, he was better with drops at end of year but I don’t think he a true one. He talented enough to be a 1 and he could evolve into that but I don’t think he close to there yet. At the moment he hasn’t come close to the adams, diggs, cheetah, Hopkins of the world.
I disagree, he was better with drops at end of year but I don’t think he a true one. He talented enough to be a 1 and he could evolve into that but I don’t think he close to there yet. At the moment he hasn’t come close to the adams, diggs, cheetah, Hopkins of the world.
He hasn't had a 2. Always doubled mate.
He hasn't had a 2. Always doubled mate.

that’s fair but I didn’t realize he saw that many double teams? I thought Lamar legs and entire run game kept the focus off him. Most the best 1s gotta deal with double teams tho. I do agree they have nothing behind him you gotta respect at wr, cracks me up when that one clown they brought over from saints opens his trap, he the problem!
Maybe the next smart move will be to load your staff with good black coaches, far less likely to get poached no matter how much success you have!! Lol
ESPN headline:
1 minority and no black coaches hired.

does anyone really think it’s racist?
I’m being serious.

im not sure, for most part I don’t think many of them think in terms of “I’m not hiring no N word to lead my team”, I certainly hope not anyways (maybe the Texans, lol). I do think there is at best some familiarity bias of hiring ppl they comfortable with same skin color that buried in subconscious.

As I said before it pisses me off when the pc tv ppl knock hires who turn out to be very good and had great pedigree/reputations coming in, like how the Fuxk can they point to Mcvey and how young he is and say not hiring a black guy instead was racist? Guy a freaking prodigy! Then the extension of that is of course guys who were around him were gonna get swooped up with the hope they have the same acumen! I don’t believe any those hires have anything to do with racism on any level.

Owners and gm’s shouldn’t be forced to pass up a great white candidate because they the wrong color to make the masses happy! That just ignorant! But then you see horrible retread hires like Gase or crap like the last 2 dipshits the lions have hired and gotta scratch your head, dunno how those guys get jobs when I have no doubt there black and white coaches who be way better and more qualified? !?!,??
Great line by cowherd, “lions hired a pro wrestler”, lol.

God I just heard some clips, what a goofy ass press conference. “When you knock us down we gonna get up, when you do it again we gonna bite you in the knee! You knock us down a 3rd time and we gonna bring a weapon onto the field!! If that doesn’t work I’m a NRA member!!”” . Or something like that! Lmfao.
Great line by cowherd, “lions hired a pro wrestler”, lol.

God I just heard some clips, what a goofy ass press conference. “When you knock us down we gonna get up, when you do it again we gonna bite you in the knee! You knock us down a 3rd time and we gonna bring a weapon onto the field!! If that doesn’t work I’m a NRA member!!”” . Or something like that! Lmfao.
Pretty sure he still takes Flintstone's vitamins
Pretty sure he still takes Flintstone's vitamins

“If you beat us too many times I’m gonna make you fuck my fat wife!”

seems he really understands the z’s and Y’s of the game! Just what you want in today’s game! Like I said, home run by lions!
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Now that’s a smart hire. I recently read about this guy, pretty amazing.
this is how the league is going now.

a few Tiger fans were taking him up for getting a look down here.
Looks good to me
jfc, ravens passing game? Lmfao, that was the biggest weakness on their team!! Houston gotta be racist to hire this guy over EB!
But Culley is black. Believe me when I heard the name, I thought white too. Lol.
you listen to him? I made the mistake of tuning into something he was on last week for a few minutes, god he a loud mouth!! I think he g-a-y for Aaron Rodgers too!

Lol I never listen to him but a lot of people do and I think his blabber can be toxic for society!
Lol I never listen to him but a lot of people do and I think his blabber can be toxic for society!

him and skip Bayless bout the 2 worst tv bobble heads around. They were perfect for each other on the same show, made it easier to avoid them both!!! Click bait morons just spouting stupid shit for attention.
I remember seeing one them shows skip on, I dunno if it was back when he was on 1st take or had already moved to fox with Shannon sharp but they had young jeezy on as a guest and dude seriously tells him “thug motivation 101 changed my life”, I couldn’t fucking stop laughing. Like yea sure skip, I so believe that music spoke to you! Whole album is nothing but a drug dealers anthem, lol.
Haven't seen posted, sorry if I missed....Brian Johnson leaving UF to become QB coach at Philly. I know it's not a HC move but still significant. I believe he will move up the coaching ladder quickly.
I thought it was a joke too. It didn't get much press.

it might be true but it def a joke! Houston hires a guy who 66 and has never even been hired as a coordinator! Lions hire a tight end coach who knows one thing, you gotta scratch, crawl, and even bite to have success in this league! Every yard is a fight!! And they gonna fight for that yard by god!! Lol. He might not have any idea how to scheme up a play to get that yard but they gonna try really really hard in-spite that fact!!! Scheme and play design apparently overrated in these teams eyes, it all about trying hard! I dunno what they think gonna happen when they run into teams who have a plan and try equally as hard? That when the biting comes in I suppose!!
Saw something that McCown is going to Houston in some capacity and the thinking is they're grooming him to be HC so this cat is just a filler. Who knows?
Saw something that McCown is going to Houston in some capacity and the thinking is they're grooming him to be HC so this cat is just a filler. Who knows?

we have heard of journeymen QBs being placeholders for young QBs. Ive never heard of a coaching hire as a placeholder to groom a young coach! wouldn’t it make more sense to learn under a real head coach who has done it before?! Lol
we have heard of journeymen QBs being placeholders for young QBs. Ive never heard of a coaching hire as a placeholder to groom a young coach! wouldn’t it make more sense to learn under a real head coach who has done it before?! Lol
That's supposedly what's happening in Dallas so sure. My guess if it's true for McCown they want him to get at least a year of coaching experience before HC. Just a rumor I saw, that's all any of this is.
That's supposedly what's happening in Dallas so sure. My guess if it's true for McCown they want him to get at least a year of coaching experience before HC. Just a rumor I saw, that's all any of this is.

mccarthy is a placeholder for kellen Moore? I think he is terrible and the game has passed him by but I suppose he has at least won a SB and has a idea how to run a team, I guess. Lol. I know watching packers offense this year and how much better it looks than it did under mccarthy and I can’t help but feel for Dak, he would be wise to stop betting on himself and take whatever he can get north of 30 mil per year, just don’t expect him to show growth that would demand more money playing a year for mccarthy!!