**** Christmas Day NBA In-Game ****

It's been almost completely 1 sided since LAC showed they would have cruised to a DD win without intervention.

This is one of those games that the GSW will probably win but had it been in LA with neutral refs... Clippers could have won by 30. With the teams staying in their exact form. I mean how bad has Curry been? And they're up 1 now and every 50/50 call is going to LAC.
Yeah, you guys are gettin homered, but that's the deal on Christmas, fuck yeah I'm goin with the home team, or not betting.
Home team on Christmas, or holidays in general, isn't a good proposition. LAL barely covered the other 3 weren't close.

But the refs really want the home team here.
Well they usually are more toward the home team I think, but who knows maybe I'm wrong, I don't know shit about the NBA, I could care less. I bet it at Christmas and that's it.
From a ref/home angle it probably makes sense and we're seeing it here.

From a preperation/routine you don't have the distractions on the road like you do at home with family.
This is goin down to the wire, I am fuckin wishing I didn't bet this. But then again, I got unlucky with Iowa St, fuckin Boise didn't deserve to cover that game. Another 3 minutes in that Iowa St game and I would have won.
Hell motha fuck yeah, GS is gonna get this cover I think. Well don't know what the line was for the game, the 2nd half is good I think.
Clippers play tomorrow, no way they want OT without Blake.

They're going drive, kick, win.

I just hope there's no time after it's done