Chip Kelly Fired

that's exactly what I got out of the article too

Certainly seems to be what we should have gotten out of it imo. One of the things we should have gotten out of it that is.

In all honesty, that makes it all the more impressive he went 10-6 two years in a row with what he had at QB. And again, I'm not sure how anyone can say he can't coach in the NFL when Andy Reid went 4-12 the previous year with the same cast of characters, and Chip went 10-6 the next year. You brought up the Gruden point earlier (I think it was you) and how what he did didn't necessarily mean he was a good coach because they weren't "his" players.

Doesn't that say exactly the opposite? If you can win with players that you didn't exactly choose to fit your style, and the coach who was previously there did such a bad job he was fired, it seems that means the dude can fucking coach. That's pretty much the scenario which can be the best litmus test for whether or not someone can coach...he doesn't have any personnel decisions on his watch, and he's simply coaching the talent he was left with. Guys who can succeed in that situation are damn good football coaches.
I said Gruden shouldn't get all the credit for winning the SB because he didn't build the team with his players. That team was loaded when he came in.

Eagles also had a slightly easier SOS in 2013 which contributed to a better record (certainly not 6 more wins, but at least 1 or 2) and Foles also played out of his mind in 2013 - something he couldn't possibly repeat again.
I said Gruden shouldn't get all the credit for winning the SB because he didn't build the team with his players. That team was loaded when he came in.

Eagles also had a slightly easier SOS in 2013 which contributed to a better record (certainly not 6 more wins, but at least 1 or 2) and Foles also played out of his mind in 2013 - something he couldn't possibly repeat again.

I don't disagree about Foles, but the coach clearly has to get credit for what he did (at least some of what he did). The SOS point is one that seems petty to me. I mean where else do we analyze things that much when talking about how good a coach is or isn't? He went 10-6 as a coach, they played the games on their schedule. They also went 10-6 the following season, where I'd imagine their SOS was better, and they didn't even make the playoffs...which lends some insight on how good their division probably was that year.

Sure TB was loaded when Gruden got there, but the previous coach didn't win a SB with them, he did. Of course he doesn't get all of the credit, but guys in this thread are acting as if Gruden shouldn't get any credit for the job he did (not in so many words, as the thoughts were about Chip, but it's the same scenario), which is just insanely ludicrous and out of touch from reality.

My only point is when a coach comes into a situation with a team full of guys who are not "his" guys, the only thing we can really judge is how he can coach. And if that coach is successful with a team full of players that someone else put together, it's probably pretty likely that the dude is a good coach. Now if they're not successful, that may not mean they're not a good coach, and the point of not having "their" players may come into the discussion. But for someone to say a coach who was successful in that situation isn't a good coach using the reasoning that it wasn't "their" team makes little to no sense to me. (you didn't say that, so I'm not talking about you at all P)