Chip Kelly Fired

Bill B and the Patriots demand a lot from the players and in seems to work.. I think you have to question the players as well as the coach.

BB has proven himself over decades in the NFL and has earned the respect he has. Chip hasn't done shit and he rubs off the wrong way with the players. Just sounds like a terrible boss to work for. Its a completely different ball game. Don't put BB in the same sentence as Chip. CK's system is great. In college.
I might sound like a dick but whatever
Nbafan, stick to the nba please
U have no clue about football
Yes, Dudley knows everything. Everyone needs to "stick" to something else if they don't agree with Dudley
Chip, like many of these coaches are egoists, would not surprise me if he tried to make it work one more time

Yup complete agree. He's out to prove that he can be one of the few that has succeeded in both the pros and college.
Yes, Dudley knows everything. Everyone needs to "stick" to something else if they don't agree with Dudley
Sorry, cant just throw random comments out there that make no sense and not get called out for it
Chip can't have total control, never should have been given total control. Not sure of any coAch who has succeeded with total control.
But to say he can't coach and his system isn't fit for the pros is weak
Chips biggest personnel mistake was not over paying Jeremy maclin. I.think this team is far better with him....and not firing Billy Davis may have also been not smart.....although no corners doesn't help and kendricks regressed and kiko never recovered from knee surgery I think.
Yeah maclin should been brought back, paid some OL and not Demarco would have helped too
Well he was 10-6, 10-6, 6-9 his first 3'yrs. Not really a failure is it?

26-21 with Foles, Sanchez and Bradford as your QB's makes that 5 games over .500 seem even more impressive. Bad GM...could still coach in this league again and have major success IMO...just can't be the GM...let the dude coach and leave him alone.
Yes, Dudley knows everything. Everyone needs to "stick" to something else if they don't agree with Dudley

good grief. Why didn't you make that comment about nbafan's comments? I mean this is an nba guy (by his own self gloss), trying to tell everyone else what went wrong. He's using phrases like "use your eyes" because "stats lie." Whose eyes are we using? Who on this board would be qualified to watch an NFL game (on the all 22 as well, not on a fucking broadcast) and know, for certain, what the issues were with a team, whether it be play calling, players effort, etc etc?

He's not using his eyes, he's taking his opinion and making everything else fit. The opinion that he ironically got from someone else, namely the media, with all of this BS about none of his players respecting him. The TRUTH is that none of us on here know what happened, no one on here, no matter how much anyone wants to toot their own horn, is a fucking insider.

Let's "use our eyes" as best we can from what we can actually see, as fans. That would be record and stats. The rest of the BS is just that....BS noise from the media. We know that Chip went 10-6 in his first 2 seasons, the second of which not even making the playoffs (as the NFC East clearly wasn't garbage). He is having a horrible go of it this year, there's no denying that, but that doesn't change the fact that he's 26-21 in his NFL career, and that's a helluva lot better than many coaches. He's also done this without a true QB. Again, that is definitely his fault, as he was the GM. What we've learned with our eyes is that Chip is a pretty horrible GM, and seemingly a pretty fucking good HC. I was going to comment yesterday that hopefully HIS ego can be put in check a little bit and he will simply accept a HC position and not demand control. Seems like that's exactly what is going to happen.
Gotta love when someone posts the eye test
Who's eyes are watching?
Gotta love when someone posts the eye test
Who's eyes are watching?

Well yeah, that's the point. What does that even mean? Stats lie, but somehow someone who has no football playing or coaching experience is catching something with their eyes while watching a game to know what the issues are with a team? The regular broadcasts too, where you can hardly see 1/3 of the field, get a few reaction shots here and there, and have no idea which play was called, which defense a team is in, etc, etc, etc.

JFC, how fucking stupid does that sound?
Larry, I am not allowed to disagree on here. The mod Alex wants to attack me if I do
Chip can't have total control, never should have been given total control. Not sure of any coAch who has succeeded with total control.
But to say he can't coach and his system isn't fit for the pros is weak

Yeah lurie or whatever his name is deserves some blame, but at the time chip was wanted by many and had all the leverage. Cleveland probably would had made him part owner if he took the job.
I am worried about the direction they go now. Wish they gave kelly another yr without control but that wasn't going to work
Yeah lurie or whatever his name is deserves some blame, but at the time chip was wanted by many and had all the leverage. Cleveland probably would had made him part owner if he took the job.

Right. I've said this repeatedly about all pro sports ALL starts at the top. The owner is ALWAYS to blame in some way. The one common denominator is all poorly run, underachieving franchises is the owner. Look back in history at some of the worst teams of all time....nothing changes until the owner changes. I'm sure there are outliers where teams have done better in spite of their poor owner, but a vast majority of the time, the owner is the one where the blame should lie.
I am worried about the direction they go now. Wish they gave kelly another yr without control but that wasn't going to work

I wish the Bills had the balls to fire Rex, or simply demote him to DC and hire Chip. With the personnel they have on offense, Chip and his offense would be extremely fun to watch. There's pretty much zero chance Rex's ego would ever allow that to happen, but it would be awesome.
I also love how our culture has shifted so that now the pampered players are the ones calling the shots. This coach is too tough on them, he makes them do too much, etc, etc. Get the fuck out of here with that BS. They get paid ridiculous sums of money to play a sport. Could you imagine some of the players from the 70s, 80s, or even 90s putting up a stink about what their coaches demanded of them? If they don't like it, they can always get a regular job can't they?
Colts will probably go after him , best coach by far on market currently

I really, really like this idea. Imagining Andrew Luck playing in a Chip Kelly offense is just exciting as hell. Luck is exactly the QB Chip would need. He's mobile enough to move around the pocket...he's actually much more mobile than just that, but that's all Chip really needs is someone to move around the pocket a bit.

Problem with Indy is, of course....the owner.
If chip had a legit qb who knows
He went 10-6 with foles and sanchize
That's amazing to be honest
I really, really like this idea. Imagining Andrew Luck playing in a Chip Kelly offense is just exciting as hell. Luck is exactly the QB Chip would need. He's mobile enough to move around the pocket...he's actually much more mobile than just that, but that's all Chip really needs is someone to move around the pocket a bit.

Problem with Indy is, of course....the owner.

Hearing a lot of Bryan kelly to Indy rumors as well
No more chip talk for me until later
2 hours til my total of yr!!!
Well I'm still hurt
U have any counselling u can hook me up with? Get me a discount on my first session?

If you've met your 2015 deductible I can get you in with a decent guy tomorrow

If you haven't met your deductible I have a great guy for you in 2016
Kelly finished with a winning record. The old USC coach has failed at Seattle? The old Stanford coach did little in SF?

But lets not talk about NFL guys that failed in the NFL, pretend they weren't in over their heads either. How many NFL coaches with NFL backgrounds have been hired and fired in the last few years? and how many had a better record then Kelly?

First of all, when I say most guys can't it should be obvious that some guys can.

Chip Kelly did quite well in Philly with Andy Reid's players. Not so much on his own.
I wish the Bills had the balls to fire Rex, or simply demote him to DC and hire Chip. With the personnel they have on offense, Chip and his offense would be extremely fun to watch. There's pretty much zero chance Rex's ego would ever allow that to happen, but it would be awesome.

Is anyone's stock down more than Rex's with Todd Bowles having the Jets on the edge of the playoffs and the Bills having regressed this season? The effort Buffalo puts forth on Sunday will be telling. If they no show...
Michael Irving talking on the radio right now saying not one player came out to have Chip Kelly's back once while he was with the Eagles. He came in guns blazing with everyone afraid of him but fear only lasts so long. You need to get respect and Chip failed.
Is anyone's stock down more than Rex's with Todd Bowles having the Jets on the edge of the playoffs and the Bills having regressed this season? The effort Buffalo puts forth on Sunday will be telling. If they no show...

Rex isn't a head coach. He's a defensive coordinating pretending he can run an offense and he's being paid to do so. He's a joke.
First of all, when I say most guys can't it should be obvious that some guys can.

Chip Kelly did quite well in Philly with Andy Reid's players. Not so much on his own.

He's a coach. He coaches what he has to work with. This statement says nothing other than he's a bad GM and a good coach.
Rex isn't a head coach. He's a defensive coordinating pretending he can run an offense and he's being paid to do so. He's a joke.

He's a glorified blowhard defensive coordinator...he cares about whether his defense plays well and that's it. He is more concerned on his defense's statistics at the end of a game than the's beyond stupid. And every press conference is the same...he lies to the media and fans and his act gets real old, real fast.

lol. Rex doesn't run the offense, nor does he pretend to.

Helen Keller had a better vision of how an offense should be run than Rex. He literally pushes the entire side of the ball to one guy, but has no clue how or when to make adjustments. And the lack of discipline on his teams and just how out of control/how many penalties they get makes you crazy.

Nope but he does put a much greater emphasis on defense and he cares more about his defense playing well than actually winning IMO.

I think this statement is 100% correct. As a lifelong Jets fan, when I heard he was staying in the division, I was thrilled beyond belief.
Nope but he does put a much greater emphasis on defense and he cares more about his defense playing well than actually winning IMO.

Nope what? You said he's a DC pretending he can run an offense. He literally has nothing to do with the offense. He's not pretending to do anything. He runs the defense and, as you guys are all saying, pretty much only cares about the defense.
Helen Keller had a better vision of how an offense should be run than Rex. He literally pushes the entire side of the ball to one guy, but has no clue how or when to make adjustments. And the lack of discipline on his teams and just how out of control/how many penalties they get makes you crazy.

Right, that's why he has nothing to do with the offense. He isn't the one making adjustments, the Bills' OC is the one doing that. I'm not sure why there's this confusion that Rex Ryan is somehow the puppet master behind the Bills offense at this point.

The lack of discipline and the penalties are something that is talked about a lot around here. Why, or how don't the players get the blame for the penalties? Of course the coach has some culpability, but how much can a coach do? They don't play the game, the players do. Should guys get cut or taken off the field for penalties? Maybe then they wouldn't get as many?

Great to be a player in pro sports these days...they don't have a responsibility for's all the coaches fault, all the time. What a great gig.
I think the Ryan family tree isn't HC timber, and only the old man was a great DC. And I only say that because the '85 Bears say so. Rex should get into foot photography, Rob should join a biker gang. Football isn't their bag.
Right, that's why he has nothing to do with the offense. He isn't the one making adjustments, the Bills' OC is the one doing that. I'm not sure why there's this confusion that Rex Ryan is somehow the puppet master behind the Bills offense at this point.

He is absolutely not the guy running the offense, the biggest problem he has is the selection of who the right guy to hand the offense over to should be. He's totally lost in that sense.
Pete Carroll

If you think Nick Saban can't coach, you're an idiot. He's probably one of the ten best football minds in the world.

He's a good, maybe great, college coach. The primary qualification necessary for that is salesmanship. What has he done that makes him a great football mind? Coach defense under Belichick?
He is absolutely not the guy running the offense, the biggest problem he has is the selection of who the right guy to hand the offense over to should be. He's totally lost in that sense.

He brought on Greg Roman. Lots of people here in Buffalo don't like him either, but fans will be fans. Most (pretty much 99% of them) fans don't know a fucking thing about football. They know that when their team is losing they don't like the coaches and coordinators. It really is that simple. Some OCs or DCs will be beloved when it's going well, then a year or two later they're the worst coach ever and have to be fired. Fans are the real issue in most of this.
He's a good, maybe great, college coach. The primary qualification necessary for that is salesmanship. What has he done that makes him a great football mind? Coach defense under Belichick?

A lot of the Belichick guys have excelled at the college level, old days and new days. Almost none of them have charming personalities. His staff in Cleveland was amazing in retrospect, Saban, Ferentz, that Fox guy who had a run at Fresno. All successful bores, but good football minds.
He's a coach. He coaches what he has to work with. This statement says nothing other than he's a bad GM and a good coach.

Believe me it does not say he's a good coach. Because in the NFL I don't think he is.
Believe me it does not say he's a good coach. Because in the NFL I don't think he is.

Based on what though? What would he have to do to be a good coach in your eyes? He went 10-6 in his first 2 seasons with, as you said, someone else's players. The expectations these days are just ridiculous....the fans are the issue.
good grief. Why didn't you make that comment about nbafan's comments? I mean this is an nba guy (by his own self gloss)

If you guys are going to continuously judge me based on my handle, you are absolute fools. Grow the fuck up. If you guys are allowed to post your opinions, i'm allowed to post mine. You can disagree all you want, that's why these boards exist. I've had dudley blocked for months, all i see are his quoted replies.

Would you like me to change my handle? You guys are just ridiculous.