Chip Kelly Fired

wow. The genius is gone.

shocked they didn't give him another year but I suppose they were afraid he would trade away what remaining talent they had for a couple of jock straps and a few cases of beer.
He got rid of some great weapons, brought in some duds, and failed this year. I thought they would give him another year though. Management must be pissed to not even let him end the season and then fire him.
texas, Notre dame ( I think kelly will jump to pros), or Titans

I think there is more to this then being reported. Bad gm for sure
he's going back to college.... does not belong in the pros

26-21. 2 division titles

11 current coaches (>25 games) have a better win %. Those coaches have as their QB's - Palmer, Brady, Luck, Roehtlisberger, Wilson, Rodgers, Brees, Newton. You can't go much bettert then .533 if you don't have the luck of a good QB falling into your lap.
26-21. 2 division titles

11 current coaches (>25 games) have a better win %. Those coaches have as their QB's - Palmer, Brady, Luck, Roehtlisberger, Wilson, Rodgers, Brees, Newton. You can't go much bettert then .533 if you don't have the luck of a good QB falling into your lap.

yet despite all of this, the roster is MUCH worse than it was when he got there. Sort of like giving Chucky all the credit for Tampa winning the SB when it wasn't even him that built the team. His methods don't work in the pros.
yet despite all of this, the roster is MUCH worse than it was when he got there. Sort of like giving Chucky all the credit for Tampa winning the SB when it wasn't even him that built the team. His methods don't work in the pros.

Having a winning record over 3 seasons with Foles, Sanchez and Bradford as your QB's show something worked
All you guys post stats. Use your eyes. Stats lie. He underachieved and caused way too many problems on and off the field. And I don't think the players like him to be quite honest.
It just seems like he's simply a bad GM. Any of the negative comments against him, or the examples used as reasons for his firing, are all GM related. Tough to say his style doesn't work, or that he's not an NFL coach when all we really have evidence of is him being a pretty shitty GM. Not to mention, as Alan said, he didn't have a 'real' QB his entire time there...which is also his fault as the GM, so not excusing him for not having a QB, but it is kind of important in today's NFL.

They do. Especially in football. But this isn't really stats. The NFC east is disgusting. Pointing to their record is a cop out. He underachieved. He caused problems. I don't see what he has shown to say you should keep him around.

Just because a guy is great in college does not mean he can just come in and get the respect of professional athletes. There is a huge difference. I don't think the majority of the players like him. That's all im saying
Reunited with Mariota or having the chance to coach Luck would be interesting. He definitely left Phil in a worse place than when he got there.
They do. Especially in football. But this isn't really stats. The NFC east is disgusting. Pointing to their record is a cop out. He underachieved. He caused problems. I don't see what he has shown to say you should keep him around.

Just because a guy is great in college does not mean he can just come in and get the respect of professional athletes. There is a huge difference. I don't think the majority of the players like him. That's all im saying

They can, sure. Doesn't mean they always do.

You know who else lies? The media. A lot. You may be right, maybe a majority of the players don't like him, but they mostly had good/great things to say before a few guys were traded (which is, again related to him as a GM). Just saying it goes both ways...Shady is a pretty big douche bag, just because he's vocal and wants to flap his gums doesn't mean much. He made up claims of racism ffs, then refused to talk to Chip like a man...and still won't. That's a petty athlete who may have the backing of some of his ex-teammates because that's what teammates do. He wore out his welcome in Philly, no doubt. Doesn't mean him in another situation, not being a GM, can't or won't succeed.

Yes, the NFC East is horrible this year. It wasn't that horrible the 2 seasons he went 10-6 was it? He's had a horrible year, no one can dispute just really seems like that has more to do with the GM Chip than the coach Chip.
The one thing I noticed about the Eagles this season is that they didn't seem to be playing as uptempo as they had the first two years. Is that just my imagination, or did he slow things down on account of the personnel, because the type of roster he had this season didn't really seem to jive with what we've been accustomed to with a Chip Kelly offense.
It just seems like he's simply a bad GM. Any of the negative comments against him, or the examples used as reasons for his firing, are all GM related. Tough to say his style doesn't work, or that he's not an NFL coach when all we really have evidence of is him being a pretty shitty GM. Not to mention, as Alan said, he didn't have a 'real' QB his entire time there...which is also his fault as the GM, so not excusing him for not having a QB, but it is kind of important in today's NFL.

I think that is the issue as well

my guess is he didn't want to give up full control

as a coach he's probably worth it, but if he comes with being a GM too makes sense to fire because his asset management was horrible
Chip may be a better coach than GM, that seems a pretty obvious conclusion after a few years, but he never really sold me as an NFL HC either, once he got started. Think he rubs grown-up professionals the wrong way, not to mention his boss. You'll remember Haslam badly wanted him in Cleveland before hiring Chud. (So did I.) I'm sure the thought is at least crossing Haslam's mind this evening to enter the Chipstakes.
I think that is the issue as well

my guess is he didn't want to give up full control

as a coach he's probably worth it, but if he comes with being a GM too makes sense to fire because his asset management was horrible

yeah that is what I think it was as well. THey probably would have kept him on if he gave up GM control or at least some of it.

Kelly in his position is not going to take a demotion when he can essentially get any coaching job in America.

I bet someone in NFL offers him full control again.
Titans make so much sense with the Mariotta reunion angle, why not. Little late in the game for the college jobs too.
silk probably thought he had at least one more year to beat up on this guy.
Also hoping the Princeton Ginger & Captain 15mins early stick around

There not going to stick around anywhere near as long as your shitty owner. It's good to know that since Snyder took over the Skins are 19 games under .500...every other team in the NFC East is .500 or better. Redskins have never been a Super Bowl contender under Snyder's ownership and with the Skins track record of free agent signings the last 15 years never will.
They do. Especially in football. But this isn't really stats. The NFC east is disgusting. Pointing to their record is a cop out. He underachieved. He caused problems. I don't see what he has shown to say you should keep him around.

Just because a guy is great in college does not mean he can just come in and get the respect of professional athletes. There is a huge difference. I don't think the majority of the players like him. That's all im saying

Ding ding ding, no more calls folks, we have a winner. NCAA football is way more about recruiting than systems or X's & O's. If you can recruit the best players you're going to look like a genius because you win all the time. Can't do that in the NFL, the draft creates a level playing field. You actually have to be able to coach in the pros and most guys can't. Look at Saban, he's the same as Kelly really. All kinds of accolades at Alabama where he can get the best players year in and year out. Didn't do jack shit his couple of years in Miami, realized he was in over his head and ran back to college.
Pete Carroll

If you think Nick Saban can't coach, you're an idiot. He's probably one of the ten best football minds in the world.
Ding ding ding, no more calls folks, we have a winner. NCAA football is way more about recruiting than systems or X's & O's. If you can recruit the best players you're going to look like a genius because you win all the time. Can't do that in the NFL, the draft creates a level playing field. You actually have to be able to coach in the pros and most guys can't. Look at Saban, he's the same as Kelly really. All kinds of accolades at Alabama where he can get the best players year in and year out. Didn't do jack shit his couple of years in Miami, realized he was in over his head and ran back to college.

Kelly finished with a winning record. The old USC coach has failed at Seattle? The old Stanford coach did little in SF?

But lets not talk about NFL guys that failed in the NFL, pretend they weren't in over their heads either. How many NFL coaches with NFL backgrounds have been hired and fired in the last few years? and how many had a better record then Kelly?
There not going to stick around anywhere near as long as your shitty owner. It's good to know that since Snyder took over the Skins are 19 games under .500...every other team in the NFC East is .500 or better. Redskins have never been a Super Bowl contender under Snyder's ownership and with the Skins track record of free agent signings the last 15 years never will.
no dispute there. Snyder sucks. Just hope McCloughan has finally showed the lil tyrant the way. We'll see
Would love to see him land in the SEC. I think he could shake some things up down there y'all.

Merged my first thread!!!!! Doing mod stuff!!!
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So now he's going to go to another NFL team and not have the personnel to utilize his "system". After he fails, the blame will be less on him and more on whoever decides the personnel?

sounds terrific.

The players don't like him. He demands way too much in practices. He's too controlling. That shit doesn't work with pro athletes and eventually they become less inclined to do their JOBS because their boss is an arrogant asshole. They're still getting paid. It's not college. And it's not because they don't like him because they're losing. They're losing because they don't like him.

Go back to college please. I have no idea why he'd wanna stay in the NFL.
So now he's going to go to another NFL team and not have the personnel to utilize his "system". After he fails, the blame will be less on him and more on whoever decides the personnel?

sounds terrific.

The players don't like him. He demands way too much in practices. He's too controlling. That shit doesn't work with pro athletes and eventually they become less inclined to do their JOBS because their boss is an arrogant asshole. They're still getting paid. It's not college. And it's not because they don't like him because they're losing. They're losing because they don't like him.

Go back to college please. I have no idea why he'd wanna stay in the NFL.

Bill B and the Patriots demand a lot from the players and in seems to work.. I think you have to question the players as well as the coach.
So now he's going to go to another NFL team and not have the personnel to utilize his "system". After he fails, the blame will be less on him and more on whoever decides the personnel?

sounds terrific.

The players don't like him. He demands way too much in practices. He's too controlling. That shit doesn't work with pro athletes and eventually they become less inclined to do their JOBS because their boss is an arrogant asshole. They're still getting paid. It's not college. And it's not because they don't like him because they're losing. They're losing because they don't like him.

Go back to college please. I have no idea why he'd wanna stay in the NFL.
Chip, like many of these coaches are egoists, would not surprise me if he tried to make it work one more time
Lol Chip is one of the best coaches in America in my opinion, but nearly the worst GM.

agree with the best coach, don't agree with worst GM. I think he took a risk and saw that Nick Foles wasn't that good (proven - he was benched by the Rams) and thought McCoy's career was not long term - he has been injured all year. Unfortunately it did not work out, but I don't think they were the worst moves on the planet. Without looking at stats I would guess as bad as Bradford was, Nick Foles was worse. Without a QB in the NFL you don't have a prayer no matter how good of a coach you are.
agree with the best coach, don't agree with worst GM. I think he took a risk and saw that Nick Foles wasn't that good (proven - he was benched by the Rams) and thought McCoy's career was not long term - he has been injured all year. Unfortunately it did not work out, but I don't think they were the worst moves on the planet. Without looking at stats I would guess as bad as Bradford was, Nick Foles was worse. Without a QB in the NFL you don't have a prayer no matter how good of a coach you are.
This has nothing to do with the QB and had the system worked then the QB would not have been an issue IMO. Rubbing pennies over Evan Mathis and then paying Byron Maxwell top dollar, letting McCoy go to pay a different elite back that didn't even fit the system, Maclin trade, and a few other just terrible (nearly arrogant) roster moves that a sensible GM would not have made.
Do not get me wrong if a different Qb was there it would be a different story but he stripped that team long before Bradford got the ball in his hands.
valid points, I think he believed that Matthews could be a #1 WR and it didn't turn out that way at all