Chief killed his Gf and then himself

Supposedly killed her at home, drove to arrowhead, got in an argument with pioli and crennell and then shot himself in front of them
There's some horribly distasteful joke to be made about Crennel watching it and doing nothing but I'm not gonna make it
Confirmed in front of Pioli and Crennel. NFL has told the Panthers to plan to travel as normal. Game on...
wonder how Romeo Crennel and Scott Pioli feels.....that sad image has got to be burned in their memories forever now
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Word out of Kansas City is that linebacker Javon Belcher, killed his girlfriend then committed suicide in front of head coach and GM.
That's true, as bad as it is it could have been a lot worse by the sounds of his mental state
echo your thoughts cds

piece of shit. no matter what your issue, this is so selfish
Deadspin has pics of him, the girlfriend and the baby as well as the girlfriends Facebook page linked. SMH.
​from deadspin comments

Authorities have not confirmed the identity of the player involved, but we can be certain it wasn't one of the team's quarterbacks, or he'd have missed and struck an opposing player instead.
what a selfish asshole

leaving behind a parentless baby

i think after everything is said and done they will find out he had brain trauma
CBS posted the fantasy analysis

Very sad story. The other downside is here we go again with the concussions and how football is not safe and the NFL we love is slowly going to be ruined. This concussion issue will be the death of the NFL in time.
I doubt this had anything to do with concussion syndrome. Apparently in college the guy had a a dispute with a girl and put his hand through a windshield of a car. He pretty much severed his thumb and nearly bled to death before he got to the hospital.

Seems to me that he was just a bit on tilt when it comes to women and couldn't control himself.
Very sad story. The other downside is here we go again with the concussions and how football is not safe and the NFL we love is slowly going to be ruined. This concussion issue will be the death of the NFL in time.

Becoming as common as playing the race card nowadays!
Becoming as common as playing the race card nowadays!

Very true, wheather its Goodell or whoever, its just a shame. They are scaring parents and familys to not have their kids play. The small percentage of players it really damages later in life is unfortunate and no one denies the effects. It comes with the job. No one forces these guys to sign multi million dollar contracts. Its a choice and career path. As a guy in the car business, I cant sue ALLY financial or the Chrysler Corporataion for me having health problems caused by stress. Its life, you choose your career path and all that comes with it. Have every player sign a waiver and the problem is solved. If they dont want to sign it, great. Simple solution. I got way off topic here I know, but needed to touch on this topic.
I'm just gonna take a guess as obviously I know nothing about him. But I think he killed his gf in a fit of rage. Then when he got to the Chiefs facility, he was talking to whoever and realized if he doesn't kill himself, he's facing life in prison. And he took the cowardly way out.

I want to know what the conversation was with the Chiefs people. That will tell a lot.
Are we 100% positive he did it? Does anyone know if Kobe was in Kansas City for any reason?