HOF Game - Pick / Lean?

when me and theresa 1st got together she would do everything in her power to get my attention before games started sunday morning, i be blowing her off cause obviously i was capping and making plays! she would get so mad but once games started we fuck like crazy, im
like baby i don't care bout the games just let me get my bets in then im all bout yoi!! lol
She’s a very lucky woman
She’s a very lucky woman

well, not sure getting stage 3 cervical cancer at 39 qualifies as luck! it has been all down hill since she was diagnosed last year, gotta remember the good times tho. if we had a second chance we never would have let them do radiation, it didn't work and caused her way more problems, put a hole in her bladder so now she has tube coming out of kidney so pee goes into a bag. no more sex either, if you catch me grumpy that would be why! lol
well, not sure getting stage 3 cervical cancer at 39 qualifies as luck! it has been all down hill since she was diagnosed last year, gotta remember the good times tho. if we had a second chance we never would have let them do radiation, it didn't work and caused her way more problems, put a hole in her bladder so now she has tube coming out of kidney so pee goes into a bag. no more sex either, if you catch me grumpy that would be why! lol
That sucks man I’m sorry
she does have a very generous life insurance policy so maybe lucky me!! lmfao! joking of course, i'd give that back and then some if it could help her in any way but fact is she probably gonna die. she a fighter tho, starting a new experimental treatment that has shown to have good results for her type of cancer, lot of potential side effects that scary but we don't have many options left.
going forward this preseason texans are a play on team with mills and keenam backing up stroud. they gonna put up points against backup defenses!
well guess this was a cheap learning experience. i wouldn't have watched without making the bet and now i see texans qb room
is loaded. they gonna score points on backup defenses these next few preseason games!
well i shit the bed wit this one. guess there a reason i typically don't play this hof game!! lol. i am learning quite a bit tho so maybe it pay off long run!
hate starting preseason 0 for 3 on one game i usually don't play! lol. fuck. that ok, we get it figured out when the preseason really gets going!
just 1st glance gotta like the houston:steelers over with houston having 2 good backups and a competition brewing in pitt, gotta think fields could get lot of snaps!
wonder how much falcons will use penix? is he healthy? i think he be all too happy to try and push cousins!