***Champ Week and NFL In-Game***

lol at ohio state being in the conversation. tcu went ooc and beat minny of ohio states conference, played in the tougher conference, has a loss to Baylor compared to ohio states loss at home to vt, and the frogs loss to Baylor was flukey and some would say poorly officiated late. if ohio state makes it ... just a joke
Baylor does not deserve a spot IMO. At least from the eye test. KSU was able to move the ball rather consistently against that defense. That's two weeks of them getting worked on defense. Them and FSU were the two teams that were least impressive today.
lol at ohio state being in the conversation. tcu went ooc and beat minny of ohio states conference, played in the tougher conference, has a loss to Baylor compared to ohio states loss at home to vt, and the frogs loss to Baylor was flukey and some would say poorly officiated late. if ohio state makes it ... just a joke

the problem for Baylor is that ksu and wis are about the same ( ksu maybe slightly better but not much ), tosu is ahead of Baylor right now and was WAY more impressive than Baylor. agree with braves ... stays the same
the problem for Baylor is that ksu and wis are about the same ( ksu maybe slightly better but not much ), tosu is ahead of Baylor right now and was WAY more impressive than Baylor. agree with braves ... stays the same

Baylor's only problem is the committee. They clearly should be one of the top 4 teams.
Baylor's only problem is the committee. They clearly should be one of the top 4 teams.

I agree with you. but they started in sixth going into the week and there is zero way they can jump tosu off those two performances.

If tosu gets in ahead of tcu the committee shouldn't be disbanded.. they should be shot.
If TCU gets in ahead of Baylor, the committee should be permanently disbanded.

I've watched a lot of both teams and I maintain that TCU is clearly a better team. Head-to-head reduces sample size to 1 instead of looking at everything. I personally am not a fan of having added weight be on head-to-head.
After Baylor beat TCU, at no time should anyone have even considered putting TCU ahead of Baylor. Anyone on the committee who did so should be fired for gross incompetence.

I have a problem with this sort of thought process. IMO this playoff isn't supposed to be a football banquet. We aren't here to celebrate teams who tried hard and had a nice year. This playoff is an opportunity to play for a national championship where we learn who is the best team. I don't think Baylor is. I don't even think FSU is either, but I realize that they will be in based on a zero in the loss column.
I've watched a lot of both teams and I maintain that TCU is clearly a better team. Head-to-head reduces sample size to 1 instead of looking at everything. I personally am not a fan of having added weight be on head-to-head.

on resume ...

toughest schedule of the three : tcu, Baylor, tosu
best win of the three : Baylor, tosu, tcu
best quality loss of the three : tcu, Baylor ...................................................... tosu
Then Baylor should have beaten WVU like TCU did. Its all cyclical. One begets the other.

In sports the #1 tiebreaker is head-to-head as it should be. Despite the Big 12 trying to change the conference tie-breaker rules, Baylor is the conference based on their head-to-head win. And placing the conference runner-up in the playoff over the conference champion is a complete absurdity.
In sports the #1 tiebreaker is head-to-head as it should be. Despite the Big 12 trying to change the conference tie-breaker rules, Baylor is the conference based on their head-to-head win. And placing the conference runner-up in the playoff over the conference champion is a complete absurdity.

yup. I agree.
In sports the #1 tiebreaker is head-to-head as it should be. Despite the Big 12 trying to change the conference tie-breaker rules, Baylor is the conference based on their head-to-head win. And placing the conference runner-up in the playoff over the conference champion is a complete absurdity.

In determining conference champion, yes, head-to-head is always the first tie-breaker, and I agree that it should be. But that doesn't mean the conference champion is necessarily the best in the conference for a variety of reasons, and that is what's at issue here. The issue we are addressing here (or at least the issue I am addressing) is finding the four best teams, so that we can have a playoff and sort out who the best one of all is.
In determining conference champion, yes, head-to-head is always the first tie-breaker, and I agree that it should be. But that doesn't mean the conference champion is necessarily the best in the conference for a variety of reasons, and that is what's at issue here. The issue we are addressing here (or at least the issue I am addressing) is finding the four best teams, so that we can have a playoff and sort out who the best one of all is.

fsu is about seventh....
jimmy how did you feel about bama getting a rematch with lsu?

I posted about it extensively at the time. I, like many, felt that LSU and Alabama were the best two teams, but I was against it because I thought it was bad for the college football product. The re-match created a situation where the vast majority of the country was completely disinterested in the game, and at the time I thought that was not good for the brand.

In hindsight, I was probably wrong in my opinion that it was bad for college football, because I now believe the rematch was the motivation for the conferences to finally create a playoff system.