***Champ Week and NFL In-Game***

Also, my buddy is fucking killing it following me. So pissed at him. He's going strictly on games I tell him but he's only played about 75% of them and he's betting anything from $70-$800 a game and he's killing it on the same games I'm down money on.
I'm up a little over 800 on the day. Only loss was Okie State in CBB but hit with Whisky. I have been following some of your plays as well Fondy. I am the reason some of your big ones are dropping.lol
I'm up a little over 800 on the day. Only loss was Okie State in CBB but hit with Whisky. I have been following some of your plays as well Fondy. I am the reason some of your big ones are dropping.lol

CBB is just so frustrating this year. Make some nice runs and just can't get positive overall. Had Arizona St ML today that didn't come through after being up 13 at halftime. I had KState ML and my buddy takes them +2 and they lose by 1. He stays off WMU and VMI.

Have a feeling St. Louis is going to hurt me here as it tips off. Need my head examined taking ML +2125 on them. Buddy didn't get on the +19.5 either so they'll lose by 20. Just sent me a fb message saying he didn't have time to get the wager in, but hitting the ones that start in next hour.
Fondy how much u like wisky TT tonight

My Wisconsin wagers are kind of homer plays tonight. Not sure how I feel about the game at all. I like Wisconsin to win the game but can see it being low scoring and close. I can also see a blowout by Wisconsin if they get some turnovers. My concern is we try to pass early and do something stupid.
Quick thoughts on the bail out game?
Boise Fresno anyone

awful lot of points for a Boise St team that hasn't always scored well this season. That said i took em and team total over... I think I'll actually have more against Boise St (st mary's -5.5) in basketball as my Chase play.