***Champ Week and NFL In-Game***

I don't see why anyone would ever go to a gm again really, with all the great tvs out there. Home theaters is where it's at unless you attend the school....

Disagree 100% with you here ProV. Yea you can see the game on TV but to me there is nothing better being at a big game. I still will NEVER EVER forget this play being there.

Disagree 100% with you here ProV. Yea you can see the game on TV but to me there is nothing better being at a big game. I still will NEVER EVER forget this play being there.

I had that attitude until about 3 years ago, been to game 7 when the Dbacks beat the Yanks, been to the NFC champ game when the Cards went to the Super Bowl, been to countless games and eventually it kinda gets a little old. I reserve the energy for only the biggest of events now. Gave up Cards season tickets because the obligation to go on Sundays became miserable. I enjoy going very infrequently anymore.
Oh GLB don't get me wrong... I will NEVER forgot the 2006 AFC. Champ gm..... Best gm I have Been to in my life... And the UF Tenn gm 1998 was just as good too. But as I get older , I REALLY like the convince of my home.
I have a Kansas bet tonight too but will gladly give it up if your boys can take down the jbirds gators
I still have always wondered how a kicker can put that nice draw on the ball kicking fgs
looks so pretty
Same way I could never figure out how punters can turn the ball over and kick it 50 yards
I don't even mind the run on 3rd but it better be with the intent of going for it on 4th