Yep I agree cubsker. I loved them on value of the line immensely.
But I talked myself down as far as my level of confidence.
I mean could it be that easy? It looked like a trap with the public on them and going on the road.
---There were 3 games I had my eye on -- Texas, Nebraska, and Okie State. 3 Big 12 games
Okie State was a tough loss. Came down to the wire. I think with all 3 of these games we clearly knew going in the better teams, but emotionally would decide these games. Texas had been consistent in that aspect all year, and Nebraska really has been conistent as well, they know they aren't good enough to not play balls out.
Okie State I saw vs. Aggie let down and I believe we saw some of that tonight. Only 218-134 rush advantage? Okie showed vs. Baylor how they can dominate these lite weights.
Too good of value to pass up but I did think emotionally I had more questions on them.
----Overall, I can't over think. Nebraska and Texas I was over thinking.