Bucks-Ducks ahh shucks in-game, plus Alex's Iranian soccer

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That Urban wolfing down the Papa Johns is one of the strangest pictures in sports the last few years.
just dont get the third down play call. if you want to go four downs run four times. why go short pass, incomplete, run
Should be 1st and 25. They need to change the way penalties are enforced inside the 10 (or 20, 25, whatever).
Cappingthegame.com@CappingTheGame <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 3m3 minutes ago</small>
Geez I thought my sex life was bad but Oregon can't score either when they try to plow straight up the middle. #OSUvsORE #SNL #DrunkUncle
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