Bridgewater torn ACL

[FONT=&quot]An ambulance just pulled into Winter Park, where Teddy Bridgewater was hurt in a non-contact drill during practice. [/FONT]
just maxed my vikes season win wager u9.5. Shaun Hill is terrible. Maybe we trade for Kraep???
Live Video from P-Units Office

Max bet Packers to win division at -175.

All these are still up at my book. I'm going HAM.
FF draft in 2 hours too. This will change things a bit.

Our season is over. Hill is terrible. Sanchez will be starting for us by week 2 :hang:
Now hearing broken leg. that's actually better. could come back at the end of the season.
Fucking A mane, you were my 2nd thought when I heard this news P.
1st of course was..... Did I draft any Vikings?
broken leg better long term outlook too

I actually don't think this is that huge a deal

Defense is still legit
running game is still going HAM

they were never putting up huge numbers in the passing game anyway, Teddy was managing games not winning em, and I think he was poised for a breakout but compared to last year

all im saying is in-game bets I think Vikes hold value first couple weeks

devastating for Vikes fans though feel sorry for you guys, team has been building right way and ready to start getting the rewards

put KAT/Wiggo/Dunn/Zach in bubble wrap until November
Teddy the ONLY person this team can't afford to lose and it's not even close. This is a disaster unfortunately.
Sorry man, was looking forward to them this season. Think you know they're basically my 2nd team...this blows and hopefully it's "just" a broken leg for Theodore.
just maxed my vikes season win wager u9.5. Shaun Hill is terrible. Maybe we trade for Kraep???

Shaun Hill is not as bad as you think, this being said from someone who had LOSING Lions season tickets for years.
BOL either way
I got the boot off of Kfan100.3 chat tomorrow at the fair, and we lose teddy all in a day. Feeling defeated and don't see any more max wager bets on Vikings anytime soon.
reports that it made vikes players get sick on the field, so the leg must have went sideways

hope he's one of those guys who can recover quick, having AP there should help him with the mental aspect knowing he can come back at 100% or better

He should also Go and look at every possible Human option he can to improve the recovery
Dislocated knee, partial tear of patellar tendon, torn ACL and MCL is what my brother told me just now. Shit keeps getting worse and worse.
Dislocated knee, partial tear of patellar tendon, torn ACL and MCL is what my brother told me just now. Shit keeps getting worse and worse.

Hadn't heard the partial tear of Patellar Tendon.

Regardless P, this may be a blessing in disguise.
If this team won another 10 games this year, were you ready to give Teddy 40-50 million guaranteed? Now financially they have at least 2-3 more years before they have to commit alot of money to him. Teddy was better than the options we have put out there over the last decade, but was he really the guy to take this team over the edge? This team exceeded expectations last year because of quality defense, and excellent coaching. With all that said, the QB situation in the NFL these days is horrible, and Teddy was top 20 QB because of that. His stats weren't great, but he also didnt make alot of mistakes.

I don't think this is as big of a detriment to this teams success as alot of people are making it out to be. I hope I'm right, but I'm not confident in it.
Hadn't heard the partial tear of Patellar Tendon.

Regardless P, this may be a blessing in disguise.
If this team won another 10 games this year, were you ready to give Teddy 40-50 million guaranteed? Now financially they have at least 2-3 more years before they have to commit alot of money to him. Teddy was better than the options we have put out there over the last decade, but was he really the guy to take this team over the edge? This team exceeded expectations last year because of quality defense, and excellent coaching. With all that said, the QB situation in the NFL these days is horrible, and Teddy was top 20 QB because of that. His stats weren't great, but he also didnt make alot of mistakes.

I don't think this is as big of a detriment to this teams success as alot of people are making it out to be. I hope I'm right, but I'm not confident in it.

Team was in place to make run to the superbowl, if they continued the play from last year. I believe they got better, hungrier, and another year with the coach.

NFL contracts will always be outrageous. Jawalrus Russel, Colin Kap, and 100's others, and Bridgewater is already proven to be better than those IMO...

So you would rather have your star QB on the bench the whole year than being on the field so your teams future might be better??
Just a continuation of my Vikings Support Group thread I started after that debacle against Seattle last January.

I think they still stand a decent shot as a wildcard but the number on them to win division should go through the roof now, could be some good value for beer money.

Didn't Warren Moon & Jeff George come out of nowhere when they were lighting it up for the Vikes in the late 90's? Maybe Shaun Hill is the next guy up. Doubtful but trying to stay positive.
Kaep would make this team elite right now, but the drama would just be too much

Why I like this team I have no clue
That's a shame. Wanted to see him play this year.

A drunk Johnny may be better than Shaun Hill.
Bradford to Vikings, and rumors floating around they are giving up a first round pick?
Just saw that. 2017 First and Fourth for Bradford. Vikings had an extra 3rd and 4th from the Dolphins already for 2017 apparently.
The first will be criticized and is a great get for Philly

But this is a brilliant move for Minnesota imo, with a team built to win today
One of those win/win deals likely. Be curious if Philly is picking up any of the salary. If not, they clearly made out the best they could with an enigma.
Um I'd rather have Shaun Hill starting than AJ McCarron

Your first round pick might be in the 20s, you don't have to pay that one and have a couple extras later. That's what winners do.
I really dont get this, Teddy is coming back next year to be QB1

so the Vikes are expecting to win a super bowl with Bradford? otherwise its bad asset management
giving up a 1st is never a win when its for Sam Bradford

I can't agree, you never even know when you'll be a playoff type team again, even next season

What's really the net loss on the first round pick anyway? Late first that will likely fail and cost you money, there's a reason the good teams build well beyond the first round
late first?

most people would have them as a non-playoff team with hill at QB

so thats in the 10-16 range for a pick?

that's an expected starter
and I dont think trading for a QB was necessarily bad, but there were other options where you give up 2nd or later picks IMO
just look at your Cards

that year Palmer got injured, team was super bowl capable but without the QB was never going to happen, maybe we disagree on Sam, but Sam to me is a QB that never makes a SB happen