Braylon and another question

Tide High

what's he worth? my team's bench is the best in the league. I'd like to package a RB + WR for a top tier WR (or RB). is braylon still considered one?

What is Lendale White + Eddie Royal worth?

I'm looking to trade a RB/WR combo for a #1 guy...
choices RB
Julius Jones
Chris Perry


what's the most valued combo, worst combo and what's each worth?
initial thoughts...
best perceived value right now
White/JJ are even

Ward (ben injury?)
all very close
Ive got Edwards in a couple leagues and hes killing me

That said, I think eventually he snaps out of it...though if he doesnt do anything against Cincy this week, then I officially start worrying

As for your guys...White is scoring a lot of TD's so Id say hes the most valuable, followed by Perry (who will get hurt sooner than later) and then Julius Jones (who will take a hit when Morris and the WRs come back and they go back to flinging the ball all over the place)

Id rank the WRs as Welker number one...then probably Ward number 2 and Royal as three...though I think you could get more for Royal than Ward right this second
Without knowing your starters Id be throwing around a Jones/Royal combo for someone like Edwards or Andre Johnson who's owners have to be pissed cuz theyre both sucking ass this year
good input. we're on the same page. The Edward's owner is the Brady owner and is stupid frustrated. He's dying to get rid of him, not sure if i want him though.



Andre Johnson


other two RBs above
Brandon Jax
Derrick Mason
Ant Bryant (went off this week and Galloway is out for how long?) I like him late in the year with a nice playoff schedule
12 team league. so i've got depth compared to others... meaning i could start any of my bench players save BJax any week.
Im trying to unload him too.

No bites, Braylon has been dropping passes. Cant put the blame on DA.
the guy only has Portis, Lewis, Smith, and Dunn as RBs and we start 2 and a flex so he pretty much has to do something
found another team in shambles. and sent the same offer for Reggie Wayne. this guy really doesn't know what he's doing so who knows
so you would really give up Ward+Lendale for Jennings before Fitz? 2 for 1 combos are so hard to judge. i need some ideas
so you would really give up Ward+Lendale for Jennings before Fitz? 2 for 1 combos are so hard to judge. i need some ideas

no, not at all

i dont think youd have to give up that much for jennings

and fitzgerald is in a whole 'nother level than jennings
yea idk if Id give up ward and lendale for jennings. I feel like ward is pretty much on the same level as jennings already. Fitz though, value wise would be huge for you.
i'd advise anyone who has lendale to trade him now. brutal schedule with MIN, Balt, Bye then 9, 10, 11 is GB Chi and Jax. also Pit week 16 which is many championships.
ha. I got slaton with a #3 waiver spot this week. The funny part is someone used either a #1 or #2 waiver spot on matt ryan.