Bookmaker Week 1 Lines

The thing that i find suprising is that there has been relatively little line movement in these games. I realize the games are a month away and people dont like to tie up their money but the lines arent moving. Just strikes me as strange.

The Wyoming line moved and that was one of the few that interested me. :hang:

I think you should reconsider using bookmaker. You have historically hit a great percentage on the college football openers. Why not just put half in bookmaker and half in the Greek? Personally I couldn't see going the season with out a bookmaker account. It would be to painful seeing a game released at -23.5 knowing you like the favorite and by the time the Greek posts it's at -25.

Bookmaker will give you a 25% free play even when you reload your account. I know there fee's are high but the free plays you negotiate upfront should even everything out.

Thanks for the post Helmut. My issue with BM is more about their cs than anything else. The reason I like the Greek is b/c I can play and win without any hassles whatsoever, but it seems like I have more headaches than necessary when I do the same at places like 5D and BM. Nothing personal against them or anything, I just don't like unncessary drama or headaches really, so that is why I prefer the Greek. I know it kills me with regard to times like this when I don't get to jump early on week 1 lines, but in the end I still think it is worth it as when I looked back at my historical percentages, I almost never lost games b/c of a few points here and there, its just that I remembered the ones I did lose, b/c they were so painful. Caused me to jump earlier than necessary some times and caused me to buy the hook more often than necessary a lot of times. Again, I agree with everything you say about BM, but just not a good fit for me based on personal experience only. Thanks again and welcome to the thread.
Really not much movement recently. I think the members of this forum this afternoon were the only ones that shifted things around. The one interesting move is FIU who dropped from 39 to 38 so somebody out there loves the Golden Panthers. Or at least doesn't love KU enough to think they should lay more than 5 TDs and a FG.

Finally a line move that will go in my favor as I wait for my account to be credited haha.
I pretty much lean your way in most of those games. Not a fan of Tulsa and the fact they didnt open this over 14 tells me that they dont mind taking some tulsa money, There will not be a lot of UAB money from the public at the betting window.

CarolinaBlue was about the first person to find these and when i saw the thread title i almost had an orgasm.

CB, how long ago did you send your check? I just sent one this past week and was wondering how long it took to get into the account because it was the first time I have deposited that way.

Typically takes about 14 business days for the check to be processed and all that good stuff. Last year, I had my funds credited in less than a week, but that was the exception, as over the course of the last 5 years, I would say about 3 weeks has been the norm (somewhere between 10 to 15 business days on average, give or take a few). For the amounts I deal with, cashier's check is the best way to go, as MG and WU just aren't a good fit for me. Also bank wires would be the easiest way to move large sums, but they have gotten weird b/c a lot of them go through BOA even if they aren't your main bank, and BOA seems to reject everything these days (I had it happen sending a wire to the Greek and it is a pain to deal with).

Can't complain too much though, because I always get my withdrawals within 1 to 2 days via fedex and have never had a problem or issue getting my cash quickly, even though I take multiple w/d throughout the season, when I hit predetermined benchmarks. Also, they never make it a hassle crediting the 11% reload bonus each cfb season (only up to 250 max, but not gonna whine too much about that), plus they take care of the fedex fees without a hassle or any questions asked, so definitely worth it IMO.

Usually I send my check at the end of June, so it gets credited by mid July, but was a little behind this year, so didn't send my fedex till mid July. They told me it should be in by 7/31, so we'll see. Hope that helps.
If I actually had money in the Greek, this is what I would be playing based on the updated lines..

Miami O
Miss St

Temple, not a definite even though I like it up to 6
Wisky is on my big favs list but want it under 28
Pitt is just off my favs list, but interesting at under 13
NW has always been on my list, just forgot to list em last time I posted
Texas is one big fav I have cashed pretty much every year (except for LY, as that was brutal, but many of us got the short end if I remember correctly)
Cal and Indiana don't really interest me anymore
Wyoming I don't like as much at 10, so we'll see how the line moves
Tulsa I like as long as it stays under 14
Kansas I like at anything under 40, call me crazy, but I have a pretty good track record with the outrageous big favs as those who have been around can attest

Hopefully my funds will be credited by the weekend, so I can start locking in plays!
And just like that Cal back down to -5. Doesn't take much to move these numbers in the early stages when the handle is still small. We might see some better volatility in the next few days.

A little more than a day into posted lines and we still have 28/41 games that haven't moved. That's probably about normal, I cannot recall how it went last year.

31 days...
Granted I dont know shit about Bowling Green, I will tell you that I think the Pitt offensive sqaud is gonna be pretty damn good this year. Bostick really matured towards the end of the season and seemed to actually look like he knew what the hell he was doing.

Last year, even with a team that had literally 0 exprience on offense coming into the season, they could have easily turned it around into a winning season if it werent for the idiot we have at coach. Think about the Navy game, going for the win on 4th down in OT instead of the tie. (I thought it was a bad decision, but I know others dont agree)

Louiseville game, they lost by a TD, but with 30 seconds to go, they had the ball on the 2 yard line and fumbled, could have been a win

The Rutgers game, we lost by 4, we were driving down the feild and we actaully even threw the game winning TD when the ref decided to throw the phantom offensive pass interference of the year.

So you look at that, and yes for the most part, they legitimatly lost all of those games, but with more expeirence, this team could be solid. Mccoy is also just amazing, this kid is gonna have a great career.

The starting lines on both sides good use work but they are solid and can improve through the season.

The linebacker core is real solid, Mckillop led the NCAA's in tackles last season and you can expect the same.

Here is what brings my high expectations to an absoulute grinding halt. The secondary was horrific last year. I mean lets be fair they got better last year, but they gave up 48 points to Navy, with two of those TD's coming from the QB whose name I wont even try to spell and he had a perfect passer rating. Thats outragoues, thats ridiculous, I didnt even know Navy knew how to throw the ball.

That worries me and then we still have that idiot on the coaching staff. David. Wannstadt.

But anyway, thats what I think of Pitt, its really a toss up how they do this season.
Before I start the thread of a 'Capping Contest' I want to get you guys opinion on how to run it. I figure everyone pays through paypal. I was thinking a $20 buy-in to include as many as possible but if you guys want to make it more that is certainly fine as well. Here is how I'm thinking of doing the contest

Everyone gets 10 units per week to bet. You can bet all ten units on one moneyline, one side or split it up into 10 individual games. You must bet in whole number increments. The lines used will be the first set I post each week from 5Dimes. I know lines are volatile but everyone gets a shot at the opener to keep things fair. I don't think we have any cheaters on here but this really keeps things simple. The thing I've disliked about contests I've participated in before is that it seems as the season ends and someone has a lead then they go into a strategic mode of picking the same sides as their nearest competitor so as to not lose money. To compensate for this I would have you guys email me your selections and I will just do everything behind the scenes. I will then post everyones selections Saturday around noon. You can still bet on weekday games and I will post who bet on the weekday games as soon as they kick off. Obviously with this set-up not everyone can participate due to the nature of emailing the selections to keep one's picks anonymous until kickoff. Though I think it would be a fun contest I am fine organizing it and not making weekly picks.

Please let me know of interest level and fairness of this style of competition before I dedicate a thread
Memphis money came in as well now down to 8.5

I hope this movement continues. Ole Miss is simply a superior team this year, and although it is a rivalry game, I like the Rebs to take this one. 8.5 is still too high for my liking, but I will keep an eye on this line.
Lot of research to do yet, but the only two plays I am very confident in is Michigan and Pittsburgh. Those are locks IMO.
Wow I just realized this, but Moreno is being hyped up pretty big this year, but Leshean Mccoy only had 20 yard's less in rushing yards and the same exact TD numbers, and I garuntee Pitt's o-line doesnt compare to Georgia's
Ole Miss DL w/ Powe should dominate the LOS but I am holding out for a little more line drop here.

First official play of the season, as I think this line is gonna move to 13 over the next week or so, therefore locked it in now, because I don't see it going down at all.

Gonna wait and see on my other leans, as I think KU will come back to 38, and I am hoping Rice gets to 2.5 once the June Jones hype starts up. Will probably lock in Mia OH since there really isn't much diff b/t 2 and 2.5, but am hoping some Vandy money comes in but who knows. Also gonna wait and see on how DiMichele looks in fall practice before locking in Temple, as it won't be a big deal to me if the line hits 5.5 vs 5, same difference really.
Took 14 business days for the Cashier's check to be processed at the Greek by the way. Sent them an email once the $$$ were in the account and they credited the reload bonus (capped at 250) and the 50+ in fedex fees within minutes.

14 business days may seem like a long time, but not every deposit option is equal, depending on how much your reload is. In the end, when moving large sums of cash, I like the security and c/s with the Greek, so I don't mind waiting the 14 days, but I can see how it might not be worth it to others.

Now, the season can officially begin!
Looks like a dog day...

AZ from 28 to 27

Kansas from 38 to 37.5. Where will it end? I might be forced to get interested at 35 even though that much chalk is one of the seven deadly sins as far as I am concerned.

Colorado from 12.5 to 12 not surprising given series history. I still think a blowout is possible though...
Looks like a dog day...

AZ from 28 to 27

Kansas from 38 to 37.5. Where will it end? I might be forced to get interested at 35 even though that much chalk is one of the seven deadly sins as far as I am concerned.

Colorado from 12.5 to 12 not surprising given series history. I still think a blowout is possible though...

Definitely some interesting line moves at The Greek as I noticed the following moves recently, on some of the games I was considering...

Temple from 5 to 6
Miami OH from 2.5 to 3
KU from 38.5 to 37.5
KSU from 24.5 to 24
Tulsa from 13.5 to 14.5

UF has also moved from 32.5 to 33.5
Mizzou from 8 to 8.5
Louisville from 5 to 4

NW is pretty much 12.5 most places I see but still 12 at Greek
I locked in Rice -2.5 (hook) as play #2 because I don't wanna take a chance at having that one going up above 3 (I took the hook, b/c I hate laying at 3, so its worth the hook when I am sitting on 7 or 3 IMO but I know many feel strongly the other way).

Gonna wait and see on the others, as the only one I have a strong feel for is Kansas, but gonna hope that one dips to 37 or 36.5, so I can get some value in my eyes, since I like it at anything under 40. Figure why take 37.5 if I might be able to get 37 or less. Don't see it getting back over 38 at this point, but who knows.

Submitted Plays...(will get my thread up and running eventually haha)
NW -12 110
Rice -2.5 120
Gonna pass on Temple as the line is now up to 6.5. Army may even be worth a look if it gets to 7.5, but who am I kiddin, I don't think I have ever had 1 dog on a week 1 card in all my years of cfb haha.

Gonna wait and see if KU gets to 36.5. Not a huge difference as I think worst case would be something like 49-10 or 52-14 but figure there is no need to jump on 37.5 with 3 weeks still to go before kickoff.

Still looking over the rest of the card as there are a bunch of favs I haven't finished checking out yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if my card had less than 7 plays in week one, maybe even less than 5 if you can believe that.
Also, if UM hits 3, call me a fool, but I may just bite, as it might be too tempting to get them at a FG or less in the big house, even with this being a transition year with lots of unanswered questions. May be worth it to take my chances, but we'll see what happens with that line, as I would love a 2.5.
Team totals I am waiting on are KU and UF as anything under 50 for both would be worth a strong look IMO.

Also interested in the game totals for KSU/NT, Tex/FAU as I think both could be solid overs if they are in the 60 something range. I really think FAU will be able to put some points up on the board against Texas, as it could easily be a 49-24 type of game. Same goes for KSU as something like 52-28 isn't out of the question in my book.
Just to provide some insight into what I am looking at, here are the favs I will be digging deeper into over the next week or so...

A&M, SMiss, Minny are now all off the watch list, as I have eliminated each of them for various reasons ranging from inexperience to bad matchups. Any questions, just give me a shout.

Still like Pitt, Wisky, Kansas at this point. Will finish looking at the rest starting tomorrow.
Added PITT -12 110

I expect this line to creep towards 13 sooner rather than later, so figured I would lock it in now as really no benefit in waiting as I like Pitt to dominate the lines on both sides of the ball, and wear down BGSU en route to a solid opening season win. Again, will do writeups and all that good stuff once I get through all the games and get my week 1 slate wrapped up.
If I were to consider adding any dogs, two of the best on the board in my opinion are Arkie State if it gets above 21 and La Tech at anything above 10, as both teams have the ability to stick around, and are playing teams that don't have a history of piling it on like the Kansas, LVille, and Tx Tech teams we all know and love from a big fav standpoint.
I like the look of Pitt as well. Gregg Brandon is one of about 3 retards that cannot out-maneuver Wannstedt, although he certainly can out-manure him, there is little doubt about that.
I keep going back and forth on the KSU lean as I am playing a waiting game right now with the line as it is between 23.5 and 24 most places. Not sure which way it will go, and kinda think over is the better play, but sorta like the KSU play as I could see 52-24 or 52-28 in this type of matchup. Below are a few things to ponder as I think about whether I should play against NT in this one...

North Texas will have several questions to answer in its second time around in fall practice under head coach Todd Dodge. The following are the top 10:

1. Will North Texas’ defense be better?
Well, look at the bright side, UNT can’t be much worse. The Mean Green finished last nationally in scoring defense with an average of 45.1 points allowed per game last season. Gary DeLoach is back as defensive coordinator, which will help, but UNT lost its two projected starting defensive ends in the offseason in Eddrick Gilmore and JUCO recruit Alonzo Horton. UNT should be better in the secondary after signing three JUCO defensive backs, but the Mean Green’s linebackers are inexperienced. UNT needs DeLoach to work his magic.

2. Who will make plays defensively?
If UNT is going to be better defensively, someone is going to show the ability to make plays. The list of candidates is short — at least when it comes to returning players. Defensive lineman Joseph Miller had 3.5 sacks last year and is the only player back with a sack. Linebacker Craig Robertson had five interceptions last season. UNT ranked seventh in the Sun Belt in sacks (14) and sixth in interceptions (11). Some new recruits must step into the role of playmaker or UNT will be in trouble. There are plenty of candidates in the secondary, including JUCO transfers Justin Edwards and Adryan Adams.

3. Will UNT’s pass protection improve?
It was a minor miracle quarterback Giovanni Vizza made it through last season without suffering a serious injury. The freshman was pounded in the pocket. Vizza and fellow quarterback Daniel Meager were sacked a combined 39 times, the highest total for a Sun Belt team. UNT brought in JUCO transfers Nate Jenkins and Gabe Hollivay to shore up the line.

4. Can UNT cut down on turnovers?
The Mean Green ranked last in the Sun Belt in 2007 with 35 turnovers. Part of the problem was playing a freshman quarterback, who received little protection. If UNT can improve, it will go a long way to keeping the Mean Green in games.

5. Is Jeremy Knott the answer?
UNT’s kicking game was terrible last season. The Mean Green didn’t have a scholarship kicker and by the end of the season gave up on kicking anything longer than a chip shot field goal. UNT made just 8 of 15 field goals for 53.3 percent. Only Middle Tennessee’s 6 of 13 for 46.2 percent was worse in the Sun Belt. Knott was a second-team NJCAA All-American last season and has the leg and accuracy of a legitimate Division I kicker.

6. Will UNT’s receivers be better?
The Mean Green knows what it has in Casey Fitzgerald, a first-team All-Sun Belt wide receiver, who caught 111 passes for 1,322 yards and 12 touchdowns last season. Brandon Jackson, UNT’s second-leading receiver, was lost to graduation. UNT has been signing wide receivers left and right since head coach Todd Dodge arrived. Players like Sam Dibrell and Sam Roberson will need to perform for UNT to improve.

7. What about Riley?
Riley Dodge is UNT’s most ballyhooed recruit at least since former national rushing champion Jamario Thomas. The former Southlake Carroll quarterback led the Dragons to a state title in 2006 before his father left for UNT. Now they will be reunited. Will Todd Dodge shelve his son for a year as a redshirt to put another year between him and starter Giovanni Vizza? From what Dodge has said, it sounds like that might be the case, but we will know for sure sometime in fall practice.

8. Who will be UNT’s running back?
UNT doesn’t run the ball like it once did under Darrell Dickey, who had a pair of national rushing champions to his credit. Dodge’s running backs are receivers as much as they are runners at times, but someone will have to be in the backfield to fill the role. Micah Mosely and Cam Montgomery figure to vie for the job, but don’t rule out freshman Lance Dunbar playing a role. UNT is hoping those players can fill the void left by the departure of Jamario Thomas.

9. Will UNT’s coaches be better?
Even head coach Todd Dodge admits that he and his staff had to make adjustments after moving up from the high school level. UNT will be better if Dodge and his staff can be better prepared coming out of halftime and in other key situations.

10. Will a lack of experience at linebacker prove costly?
UNT lost several experienced players at linebacker last season and will look to sophomore Craig Robertson to anchor the unit. Redshirt freshman A.J. Penson and Tobe Nwigwe, who played sparingly last season, must fill key roles for UNT to be successful.
Kansas is going to have some fun running the ball early on against the makeshift inexperienced D-line, which will set them up nicely for play action and big plays downfield as the game progresses. I still like Kansas, but again gonna see if the line dips below 37, mainly because I am greedy.

Here is some info on the FIU battles that are taking place now that fall practice is officially underway down in Miami...

With 77 percent of the team freshmen and sophomores last season, the Golden Panthers had numerous battles for starting jobs last August.
This summer is not much different as key competitions at quarterback, safety and on the defensive line highlight FIU coach Mario Cristobal's second season.
''The best part about these competitions for starting jobs is that these guys are more disciplined and have gotten stronger,'' Cristobal said. ``This offseason was the first real strength and conditioning program this football team ever had, and that will translate to the field.''
Perhaps the major focus in camp will be the starting quarterback race.
Paul McCall, who was the backup for most of 2007, directed the Golden Panthers to their lone victory in last season's finale against the Mean Green.
After taking over for injured starter Wayne Younger just before halftime against Florida Atlantic in the 11th game of the season, McCall, now a junior, completed 34 of 54 passes for 409 yards and five touchdowns in a little more than six quarters of play.
Younger -- who broke his collarbone against FAU but is healthy for the start of camp -- is a more mobile quarterback. He was second on the team last season with 536 rushing yards.
The sophomore completed 121 of 265 passing attempts for 1,357 yards and nine touchdowns.
''Those two guys will battle,'' Cristobal said. ``We'll have six scrimmages and an abundance of 7-on-7s to rate those two guys. They kind of separated themselves from [sophomore] Colt Anderson and [redshirt freshman] Darold Hughes, but the young guys have had strong summers.''
The strength of the Golden Panthers defense this season might be the secondary, and an intriguing duel is setting up at safety.
Junior Jeremiah Weatherspoon (academics) and senior Marshall McDuffie (suspension) are back, but they will be tested by incumbents Ash Parker and Kreg Brown along with freshmen Marcelus Manear and Chuck Grace.
''That secondary battle is heating up real good,'' Cristobal said. ``The jobs for the starting safeties are going to be interesting.''
Similar to 2007, the Golden Panthers are lacking depth and will have to rely on freshmen again in 2008, especially on the defensive front seven.
FIU has several talented freshmen linemen -- such as Jonathan Jackson, James Jones, Donnell Wilson and 2007 state sack leader Kambriel Willis -- to support veterans Reggie Jones, Jonathan Betancourt, Ricky Booker and Jarvis Penerton.
''We have to raise our level of play up front,'' Cristobal said. ``Cody Pellicer proved last year that you could play at a high level as a freshman. We absolutely need to play freshmen on defense.''
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Still hoping Tulsa drops back to 14 at the Greek. Account wasn't loaded at open so never had a shot at the 13.5 or whatever it was a few weeks back.

Some notes on UAB's "optimism" as fall practice begins...

Twenty-one redshirt freshmen and sophomores were listed on the team's offensive and defensive two-deep depth chart following spring practice. That depth chart doesn't include incoming freshmen and junior college players who weren't in school for spring drills. Two players listed as starters on the spring depth chart - linebacker Kyle Roget and offensive guard Daniel Seahorn - are junior college transfers and many more newcomers are expected to be included on the two-deep chart in fall camp.
"We're going to still have a big number of newcomers play, exactly who they are, you don't really know," Callaway said.

Also, nothing like starting fall practice out strong haha...

"I think overall it was good," Callaway said. "We had some guys who had some problems (because) as hard as you work in the summer, it's still not playing football, the reps that you get, the tempo we go at. Even though we are in great shape overall, we did have some individuals that struggled."

Who needs 85 scholarships anyway???

Neil Callaway still has some work ahead of him to get his UAB football program up to the full allotment of 85 scholarships.
When the Blazers report for fall camp today, Callaway expects somewhere in the neighborhood of 72 scholarship players. A healthy portion of those players will be newcomers set to get their first taste of Football Bowl Subdivision action.
"We still have a numbers problem," said Callaway, who had less than 70 scholarship players in his first season at UAB. "We still have depth issues and still have some age issues."

Those depth and youth issues were reasons that Callaway went heavy on junior college recruits for his 2008 signing class. The Blazers signed 12 junior college players since February and added another player - linebacker/defensive end Steven Cameron - who sat out a year after playing as a freshman at Idaho.
That's a bigger chunk of non-freshman players than Callaway is comfortable with signing. But he recognized the need for immediate help and that's what he's hoping to get from this group.
Two of the junior college signees will not report with the team today. Linebacker Dominique Roulach is expected to delay enrollment until the spring semester, and safety Chris Assily will not attend UAB because of personal reasons. Each was expected to challenge for a starting job.
The junior college players set to report today are defensive end Anthony Barnes, wide receivers Rodell Carter and Mark Ferrell, defensive tackle David DeCordova, running back Aaron Johns, offensive linemen Jared Koechner, Daniel Seahorn, Greg Bulls and Ryan Roget and linebacker Kyle Roget.
Ten high school signees are also expected to report today. That group consists of defensive backs Chase Daniel, Terrell Springs and Andre Hicks, defensive linemen Nick Davison and Elliott Hennigan, quarterback David Isabelle, linebackers Drew Luker, Lamanski Ware, Jarrell Watters and Katrell Watters.
Linebacker Daniel White and wide receiver Josh Brinson did not meet qualifying standards, and offensive linemen Tyler Fowler chose to not attend UAB.
Some notes from fall practice in Ann Arbor....

Grady practices
Reserve tailback Kevin Grady, who had been suspended since a drunken driving arrest in early July, has rejoined the team, Rodriguez said. Although Grady practiced Monday, he hasn't yet "done enough to warrant playing time" in games, the coach added.
The quarterback battle
Steven Threet worked with the first team Monday, followed in order of appearance by Nick Sheridan and true freshman Justin Feagin. With quarterback Chad Henne now in the NFL, it's yet to be determined who will be his replacement. Threet, a redshirt freshman, said he feels more at ease running option plays now than he was at the end of spring practices.
"We knew there were certain strides we had to make and we had to get more comfortable with," Threet said.
Rodriguez complimented the play of Sheridan and also said that Feagin "showed a few things, as well."
"It's going to be a competition that may continue throughout the season," Rodriguez said. "I hope we have at least two we feel we can win with."
Sheridan said that Feagin has made a positive impression so far.
"He tries to learn a lot," Sheridan said. "He asks questions. He's a good kid. I like him."
First offensive unit
Though offensive configurations may change from play-to-play, here's how the starting lineup looked during one drill Monday. Carlos Brown and Brandon Minor were the running backs, Threet was at quarterback and Greg Mathews, Darryl Stonum and Toney Clemons filled the receiver spots. Along the line, it was Mark Ortmann at left tackle, Tim McAvoy at left guard, David Moosman at center, Cory Zirbel at right guard and Steve Schilling at right tackle.
Speedy freshmen
The new Michigan offense is predicated on speed and skill, so those were the top goals for Rodriguez when he signed his first recruiting class in February. Although it's just one practice, the coach seemed impressed by what he'd witnessed.
"All those guys showed some flashes today," he said, after ticking off a list of names that included Terrance Robinson, Sam McGuffie, Michael Shaw and Feagin among others. "They're pretty intelligent guys as well, which is something you don't know for sure until you put in a system, how quickly they can pick it up."
Here is an updated list at what I am mulling over right now...These are simply updated leans, nothing more nothing less. Open to hear what you guys think, as i am pretty sure my final list of plays will be selected from what I have below plus the totals and team totals I have already mentioned (UF team total, Tex/FAU over, KSU/NT over)

Wisky 26.5 - will probably lock it in soon as I don't see it going down to a meaningful number, and I don't want it to hit 27. Been debating whether to wait a couple weeks to see how the passing game looks in fall practice, but may not bother as we all know they are gonna run 50 times anyway haha.

Kansas 37.5 - Gonna wait on this as I would like to get as much value as possible, so no need to rush as I don't see it going back to 38. Hoping it gets to 36.5, but ok with 37 also.

KSU 24 - Not sold on this one yet, gonna see how Giovanni looks in practice for the mean green, now that he has been named the starter by dodge. See it at 23.5 other places so hoping the greek follows suit.

Tulsa 14.5 - Hoping this one gets back to at least 14 as I dont like 14.5 as much as I do 13.5 of course. My fear is it starts moving towards 16.5 or so over the next couple weeks.

Arkie State +20.5 - Yes, I actually have a dog on my week 1 list for the first time ever haha. I really like them in this spot as A&M is still sorting through the new offensive scheme, QB, RB, etc. They can play solid possession offense with their running game and a backdoor cover is definitely possible, as A&M will be learning as they go in this one. Could easily see a 35-17 type of game. Would like to get 21.5 as getting over 3 TDs could be the difference.

FAU +24 - Call me crazy as I know everyone is on Texas, but I think FAU has the weapons to stay within 4 scores of the Horns in this one. Just a lean at this point, but wouldn't be surprised if this ended up 45-24 or something like that. Would like 24.5 as again the extra half could be the difference in this one. Smith is the real deal and this veteran team will not be intimidated as they will be coming in with something to prove. I have played Texas in week 1 for like 5 years straight I think, but I am actually considering changing course, which probably means of course that they win 52-7 haha.
Here is an updated list at what I am mulling over right now...These are simply updated leans, nothing more nothing less. Open to hear what you guys think, as i am pretty sure my final list of plays will be selected from what I have below plus the totals and team totals I have already mentioned (UF team total, Tex/FAU over, KSU/NT over)

Wisky 26.5 - will probably lock it in soon as I don't see it going down to a meaningful number, and I don't want it to hit 27. Been debating whether to wait a couple weeks to see how the passing game looks in fall practice, but may not bother as we all know they are gonna run 50 times anyway haha.

Kansas 37.5 - Gonna wait on this as I would like to get as much value as possible, so no need to rush as I don't see it going back to 38. Hoping it gets to 36.5, but ok with 37 also.

KSU 24 - Not sold on this one yet, gonna see how Giovanni looks in practice for the mean green, now that he has been named the starter by dodge. See it at 23.5 other places so hoping the greek follows suit.

Tulsa 14.5 - Hoping this one gets back to at least 14 as I dont like 14.5 as much as I do 13.5 of course. My fear is it starts moving towards 16.5 or so over the next couple weeks.

Arkie State +20.5 - Yes, I actually have a dog on my week 1 list for the first time ever haha. I really like them in this spot as A&M is still sorting through the new offensive scheme, QB, RB, etc. They can play solid possession offense with their running game and a backdoor cover is definitely possible, as A&M will be learning as they go in this one. Could easily see a 35-17 type of game. Would like to get 21.5 as getting over 3 TDs could be the difference.

FAU +24 - Call me crazy as I know everyone is on Texas, but I think FAU has the weapons to stay within 4 scores of the Horns in this one. Just a lean at this point, but wouldn't be surprised if this ended up 45-24 or something like that. Would like 24.5 as again the extra half could be the difference in this one. Smith is the real deal and this veteran team will not be intimidated as they will be coming in with something to prove. I have played Texas in week 1 for like 5 years straight I think, but I am actually considering changing course, which probably means of course that they win 52-7 haha.

I agree with all of these with the exception of Tulsa. Have already played Wisconsin as I am thinking exactly like you in that game.

BOL this year CB
Yeah I locked Wisky in early this morning/late last night as I basically fell asleep at the keyboard reading everything I could get my hands on about cfb last night.

Here is my current card to date. Everything this year will be at the Greek.

Football - Northwestern - spread -12 (-110)
for the entire game held on Aug 30 at 11:00am [pending]
Football - Rice - spread -2½ (-120)
for the entire game held on Aug 29 at 7:00pm [pending]
Football - Pittsburgh U - spread -12 (-110)
for the entire game held on Aug 30 at 11:00am [pending
Football - Wisconsin - spread -26½ (-110)
for the entire game held on Aug 30 at 11:00am [pending
I like pitt and wiscy a little too.

More importantly , you got good numbers here. wiscy before 27 ( it wont see 24 ) , pitt before 13 ( it wont see 11 ) , rice 2.5 , nw -12 ( wont see 11 and likely goes off 13 )

Good job as usual getting the best of it CB.
I have seen Pitt brought up in several different posts. I for one am having a hard time figuring out what to NOT like about this game. Like the GarFather said, Wanny has Brandon outsmarted (never thought I would say Wanny has anyone outsmarted) and they should control the line of scrimmage. I don't see any reason they shouldn't win this game by at LEAST two tds.

Curious to get other's thoughts as to whether or not there is something I don't understand about BG.
I like pitt and wiscy a little too.

More importantly , you got good numbers here. wiscy before 27 ( it wont see 24 ) , pitt before 13 ( it wont see 11 ) , rice 2.5 , nw -12 ( wont see 11 and likely goes off 13 )

Good job as usual getting the best of it CB.

Thanks VK. I can't take credit for the 2.5 on Rice as I chickened out and bought the hook b/c I was afraid the line was gonna move to 3.5 and get away from me, kinda like how Temple went from 4.5 to 7.5 over the course of like a week it seems. I do feel good about my other ones though as NW and Pitt are both 12.5 at a lot of places last time I checked. Not a big difference, but I do think both will end at 13 once people start checking in with cfb later this month. That's the main reason I am waiting on the 2 dogs I like b/c I think people are gonna jump on Texas and A&M a few days before kickoff to push those lines over 24 and 21 respectively, but we'll see.

I have seen Pitt brought up in several different posts. I for one am having a hard time figuring out what to NOT like about this game. Like the GarFather said, Wanny has Brandon outsmarted (never thought I would say Wanny has anyone outsmarted) and they should control the line of scrimmage. I don't see any reason they shouldn't win this game by at LEAST two tds.

Curious to get other's thoughts as to whether or not there is something I don't understand about BG.

Don't bet a game if you can't find good reasons to bet the other side.
Some Quick reasons to bet BGSU:

1) They played within 12 points of Minnesota (beat them) and Mich St last season and are 4-7 SU vs. BCS Teams under Brandon

2) I know I know, the bowl game vs. Tulsa, BGSU team is not 56 points worse than Tulsa, more like a freak of a game and that shouldn't be any measure of where this team will be in WK1.

3) They are a very experienced team, have 20 players listed as Seniors or Juniors in their starting 22 so these players have been in front of large BCS crowds like Wisconsin, Ohio St, Minnesota, Mich St.

4) Pitt beat 2 teams by 12+ in 2007, Eastern Mich and Grambling

5) Wannstedt

Thats not to say I am betting BGSU, I'm not playing this game. Obviously BGSU can't let McCoy run wild but their rush defense was terrible last year giving up 4.7ypc. I'm not as high on Pitt as I've seen some publications come out with. I would expect them to be around 7-5 to 8-4 when the year is over and they wouldn't be in my TOP 25 like I've seen them all off-season
Is it common knowledge that Gregg Brandon is a bad coach? I don't get to see too many BGSU games, so if someone could explain why he is a poor coach, I would appreciate it.
You guys knew a Sun Belt play was coming haha. Just didn't want to put it on the leans until I checked out a few things, but here is my Sun Belt special for week 1

TROY -4 120 at Middle Tenn

Line is at 4.5 at the Greek and I figure it is worth the .10 to get it to 4. Like what I am hearing about Hampton at QB for Troy, while MTSU could be in for some major headaches in week 1 with their OL and secondary issues. I expect this line to inch up to 5 or 6 over the next week as fall practice continues.