blood hound 2013


Sniffing out wins
i would like to thank everyone for the emails and concerns.i really appreciate them. i have been in the motorcoach headed south towards NO most of wk and the damn thing laid down on me Sat. trying to find parts now and get back on the rd. way behind on record/posting and doubt i wlll be able to catch upcatch up this yr. after NO hopefully headed south to the keys for the winter. for those keeping up, i did not get my big bear this yr. and lost bama and southcarolina last wk and won everything else
will try and post a few as i can but without time to capp, there want be many plays. wanted to do college baskets but no time so will have to depend on yall... but i know im in good hands
wish everyone happy holidays

untill next time
gl fellas
Oh sure leave it to me to cap all the damn games for you while you and the wife just relax and tour the south country. Don't worry I don't mind doing all the work. You two just take your time and have fun. I'll make your first post for you. Here's Bloodhound's only pick this week.......

Chattanooga +48

GL :rofl:
I'm relieved. :dancing::hello::aok:

Njoy the sabbatical.

we'll welcome you back whenever.
Good to hear from you Blood, sorry about the motor coach and hope you get that straightened out real soon and it doesn't mess up your trip.
Change direction and head to the nearest pawn shop. Pawn the Motor Coach and lay all the cash down on one of your favorite plays.
Live large and stay at the "Holiday Inn Express" LOL.
If you lose the bet, I will leave the light on where Im stayin... at Motel 6.
Enjoy - snow bird.
Keys sound nice right about now. I'm sick of this weather in Pittsburgh and it ain't getting any better. GL
Safe travels my friend.... just a small bump in the road & another life experience, this what I always tell my wife when things go bad & she always gives me the evil eye. Keep smiling!!!
Been busy myself, Blood, getting ready for ski season--heading up to Canada to ski Whistler next week if they get a little more snow--so haven't had time to post.

Haven't been playing many games over the last three weeks and all plays have been one unit.

4-2 last week, but the Gambler Killer of the week, the Auburn-Georgia game, went my way or I would have been .500

Last Week 4-2
Season 58-32
Max bets 10-0
Multi-unit bets 15-4

Usually don't bet until Friday, but took one game soon as it opened Sunday night, Oklahoma State +10x for a maximum bet.

What are your thoughts on that one?

Look forward to seeing what you are betting this week and I'll have a few more by Friday.

Have a good trip.
Last edited:
Looks like you might not post this week, Blood. I'll check later to see if you have any picks and any opinion on these:

UCF +16x won
Okla State +10x max bet
Ok St/Baylor under 79 (four units, plus one unit parlay with Okla St +10x)
Oklahoma +5
Fresno/Ne Mex over 66

One pro bet, Pats +2x

Last three one unit each. Good luck this week.

Last Week 4-2
Season 58-32
Max bets 10-0
Multi-unit bets 15-4
Guys, I really appreciate everyone of U stopping by with the nice comments. I am presently parked on the beach in FlaglerBreach Fl. Hot and Sunny here today and a good day to sit out and watch some football. Hampered a bit by only two TVs but will have to make do. I found a house a couple of blocks off of the beach that i liked enough to make an offer on yesterday. Sure as hell cant afford these multi million dollar waterfront homes Hope it goes thru as this warm weather feels good on the Ole hounds bones.Anyways, be here another wk and then head further south.

For todays palys, being up big for the yr, I played mostly big ML's as I didnt have time to look deep at anything so ML investments were the safest way for me to go. I do have some oppinions on some games if anyone wants to chat.This late in the season most of us have a pretty good feel for what teams ''should'' do well.

Hope everyone has a BIG day in college ball and Wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tahoe, u ask about some games....I took a closer look and cant disagree with any...GL enjoy the skiing

Damn Blood, idk how I missed this but glad you are alright

Enjoy the beach and the games buddy!
Enjoy the beach, Blood.

I live in one of the few places where we want it to snow, the more the better. Most of the local ski areas will open for Thanksgiving, but still need another 10 feet of snow to be fully open.

Look forward to hearing from you next season. I don't bet anything but football and I'm way, way ahead for the year (luck was with me this year, and I had a lot of endings like Auburn/Georgia and Patriots/Broncos go my way so I'm not bragging.) I may bet a little this week and next. I'm willing to make a big one if I find a good situation, but mainly shut it down and take my profit this time of year.

Last Week 6-0
Season 64-32
Max bets 11-0
Multi-unit bets 16-4
Find anything you like this week, Tahoe?

Been reading your posts and tailed most plays last couple weeks. Thanks for the winners. :shake:
Have two one unit plays so far.

Missouri -4
USC -3

Both teams have what I like to bet, best defense--especially best rushing defense--both at home, both motivated, both playing teams with questionable motivation. I actually rate Missouri a 4 unit bet and USC a 2 unit, but I pull my horns in this time of year.

Leaning to Ole Miss, Texas, Tulsa, and Pitt, but haven't made up my mind.

Like everyone else I see Minnesota and Arizona might be playing teams--and coaches--who know the game is meaningless and just want to get through it without injury. I like that situation, but Mich State and Ariz State are two of the best defenses in the country and I won money on both all year. Might just play a parlay with the two dogs.

What do you like this week?
Good work on the yr Tahoe!!
I quit keep count about a month ago but going thru my post on a quick count I'm up over 179 Units posted. the record doesnt mean that much to me but some peps like to look @ #s

I like all of the plays and leans except Tulsa and I just cant win with them so will not play them. I understand u liking them with a bowl game pretty much certain at 7-4, North Texas probably doesnt come to play on the road and 4 pt are big here in a close game.

I played a bunch for the holidays but nothing over two U Like Texas tonight by 10 and like a hi scoring game.
Played the TT's and game over in every qtr also

I see im in the minority with OleMiss but I like them by 7. Russell has been playing hurt and was hit hard near the end of regulation last Saturday, Russell’s back-up Prescott has also been hurting. Mississippi State is 5-6 and needs this for bowl-eligibility, but the annual rivalry game is no gimme. Hell, no games are gimmes in wk 14 imo, therefore keeping plays small and just trying to out-capp the linemen. Ole Miss QB Bo Wallace was ill Friday night and played sick in Saturday’s home-finale loss vs. Missouri.He better now and will show it.

Big slate of games and I have played everyone in some form. I will try to post with some reasoning later

One unit on parlay:
Ole Miss (I got -3 on this one. -4 this AM, so I guess a lot of people like Miss St)
Texas -4x

Like both teams, but decided to just parlay instead of bet each.
Nebraska* -2½ -110 u vs Iowa x half
Iowa/Nebraska* Under Under 49 -140 x 1... Iowa’s 10th-ranked defense will have a challenge at Nebraska with Husker RB Abdullah who is avging145 ypg rushing last 8 games. Hawkeye frosh QB Rudock has been playing well on the road Neither offense has impressed in the second halves of games vs. real foes this season But my feeling tells me to play Neb at home. I think they have a small adv at most positions

Toledo* -7 -130 vs Akron x1
Toledo/Akron* Under 57 -115 x half Zips playing better but I dont see them keeping within a TD of TU. Rockets will rally after last wks loss for MAC champs facing state rival Arkon. I think the total is closer to 52

Ball State ...The Cardinals get a double digit win and can name the score here but I cant bring myself to give up 34 pts so I'll buy this down to 27 and put it a parlay

Central Michigan is probably a 21 pt winner here buy once again 18.5 is to much for me to lay so this goes in a two game parlay with BallSt
Ball State* -27 -325/Central Michigan* -13 -240 100/86

back later with rest i hope
Thanks Wise...U to buddy

OleMiss let me down last nite.
Looking forward to a full day of good college ball today

Ohio* -17 -140 vs Massachusetts xhalf Ohio should win by 21-28 but they are to unpredictable to lay much on imo.UMass has fewer playmakers and 4 fewer days of prep time. At 1-10 SU, averaging only 10.2 points per game I'll take a chance on Ohio one more time small. I'm thinking 35-10 score

Marshall* -3 -140 vs East Carolina x half
Carolina/Marshall* Over 66 -110 x1
...The Herd are 5-0 at home outscoring their opp by 42 ppg (+252ypg). ECU is no pushover but I like Marshall by 6 assuming they can hold on to the damn ball. I think they score Over 70 pts in this game

Bowling Green* -145 vs Buffalo U x1
Bowling Green/Buffalo U* Under 51 -110 x1...Winner will win the MAC East. I think this game stays close and relativity low scoring as these teams run up and down the field.BG has been more impressive to me outscoring those foes by an avg of 41-11 (+236 ypg) while UB is outscoring those foes 38-17 (+157 ypg).
Trust you are enjoying that warm weather-colder than a whore's heart here. Big bet on your boys tomorrow?,because I have. Any word on the house purchase? GL today,pal.
LSU* -23 -140 vs Arkansas x2
Arkansas/LSU* Under 54 -110 x1 ....LSU's 'D" is finally playing the way we are used to. I caped this @ 27 pt win for them as Arki with a lousy passing game and a defense that wasn’t built to stop oversized running backs who run hard behind big offensive line. I played this on the Open and bought it to 23 but still like it small to med at 26. LSU 38-10 win
LSU* -23 -140 vs Arkansas x2
Arkansas/LSU* Under 54 -110 x1 ....LSU's 'D" is finally playing the way we are used to. I caped this @ 27 pt win for them as Arki with a lousy passing game and a defense that wasn’t built to stop oversized running backs who run hard behind big offensive line. I played this on the Open and bought it to 23 but still like it small to med at 26. LSU 38-10 win
Trust you are enjoying that warm weather-colder than a whore's heart here. Big bet on your boys tomorrow?,because I have. Any word on the house purchase? GL today,pal.

Hello my old friend. Hope all is going well with U and family.
On the house, they have except my offer and hope to close next wk. I hunted for a house close to the beach and still enough room to park my motorhome and boat in the yard....they build these damn beach houses right next to each other. The house s 3 blocks from the beach and two block from a nice boat launch on the intracoastal with some great fishing. Planning on staying here maybe 6 or 7 months a yr. btw...temp is 71 here...but believe me, I understand the cold old bones just doesnt handle the cold any more.

I really think Bama is a safe play but having played in it and having been around this game all of my life, I know shit happens with all of the emotions thats involved and never worth a large play

GL my friend
please excuse all of the typos and mistakes....we have an old man typing on a very old laptop and both have seen their better days :) :)
Troy* -7 -110 vs Texas State x1....I played this earlier @ -7 now 8.5 I think its at least a 10 pt game.Troy as they are off a bye while TXSt is being forced to travel on a short wk.
One unit on:
Pitt + 2x

This line has been plunging since last night. Don't know exactly what is causing it. I took Pitt because they have the best defense and Miami looks to me like they have lost interest, plus have to play in a wind chill of about 24 degrees.
One unit on:
Pitt + 2x

This line has been plunging since last night. Don't know exactly what is causing it. I took Pitt because they have the best defense and Miami looks to me like they have lost interest, plus have to play in a wind chill of about 24 degrees.


Played Pittsburgh U* +3 -130 vs Miami Florida x1 ...on the open and now it +1 to a pk. Miami just doesnt play well in cold weather and Pitt’s defense is allowing 78 ypg less than what their opp are avg while UM’s D is all’g 54 ypg more than what their opp are avg.Miami’s pass defense is bad,there secondary is slow and the re pass rush is piss poor
I looked long and hard trying to find a clear cut winner in these individule games @ present line and couldnt
So a 4 tem parlay with pts bought to key #s seams in order
334 Central Florida* -16 -600 vs South Florida
335 Fresno State* -410 vs San Jose State
340 Washington U* -7 -600 vs Washington State
344 Oregon* -14 -500 vs Oregon State
South Florida/Central Florida* Under 53 -150 x2 ..... I followed DrTim on this one. I like this play as much as any on Friday South Florida head coach Willie Taggert said more than a month ago?: ‘You haven’t seen our offense yet.’ As if he was sitting on something big? Well, we’re still waiting! They’ve made only 14 trips inside of the red zone this season. That’s like, 1.2 per game! USF has had only two rushing touchdowns all season.I Think So Fla has trouble against the Knights #21st D
CentFl 35-SoFL 7
Have two one unit plays so far.

Missouri -4
USC -3

Both teams have what I like to bet, best defense--especially best rushing defense--both at home, both motivated, both playing teams with questionable motivation. I actually rate Missouri a 4 unit bet and USC a 2 unit, but I pull my horns in this time of year.

Leaning to Ole Miss, Texas, Tulsa, and Pitt, but haven't made up my mind.

Like everyone else I see Minnesota and Arizona might be playing teams--and coaches--who know the game is meaningless and just want to get through it without injury. I like that situation, but Mich State and Ariz State are two of the best defenses in the country and I won money on both all year. Might just play a parlay with the two dogs.

What do you like this week?

Thanks for responding, Tahoe...didn't have a chance to respond, crazy past couple days. I really like UNC and K-St on Saturday and agree with you on the Trojans.

Good morning guys.....biggest day of the yr for us Bama fans. I hope we can pull it off!!
Sad day in other ways as I think of all of the old players/friends that are not here today to witness the Bama/Auburn game.
14-9-0 +4.10 so far this wk. Yesterday was just a taste of the upsets that we will see today. BeCareful.

I have played these for today. Discussion on any or all if wanted. Will I win all of them...Of course not, and especially on rivalry upset Saturday

Ohio State -14 -140* <small>vs</small> Michigan x1
Boston College* -135 vs Syracuse x half
Maryland* -3 -110 vs NC State x half
Vanderbilt* -13 -140 vs Wake Forest x1
North Carolina* -3 -150 vs Duke x1
Rutgers* -138 vs Connecticut x1
Michigan State* -13 -140 vs Minnesota U played on the open
UAB* -13 -140 vs Southern Mississippi x2
South Alabama* -6 -160 vs Georgia State
Alabama* -9 -130 vs Auburn x2 played on open
Florida State* -27 -140 vs Florida x1
Colorado State* -13 -140 vs Air Force x2 played on open
Kansas State* -16 -140 vs Kansas x2
Stanford* -13 -130 vs Notre Dame x2 played on open

I have lots of leans and will play some @ gametime but lets see how these early games start out. If U have some games that I left out or that U really like I would love to hear them.
