Bills DB Damar Hamlin Thoughts...


We all are here @ CTG because of our love of gambling. But when something like this happens, (like it did tonight on Monday Night Football) Well it gives us pause. At least it does for me.

We all love a winning wager. We love the excitement of watching football. But do we ever really consider what these people put their lives through for our enjoyment?!

Watching Cincinnati drive with 5 minutes and 55 seconds left in the first quarter, I'm sure there are those that had the “OVER” 1ST Quarter and thought, this is going over quickly!

Then Damar went down. Hard. Players screaming for help. Players from both teams huddling around a player as CPR is Administered. When all is said and done, there is no, Thumbs Up! “Hey! I’m O.K.!” That’s When we know, they ain’t playing after a 5 minute break, or a huddle in the locker room.

May 23rd, 1999. Owen Hart Died Suddenly From A Fall…They announced that he passed away. Yet and Still; the show went on. (Which 2 This DAY, People Still Call The WWE Out On) It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before The NFL Suspended This Game Tonight…

Yes. We All Know! NFL is a tough sport and injuries are gonna happen… “Yeah Vapster! But What Now?! DO We Pause Like The Oakland A’s / SF Giants Paused For What?! 12 Days Due 2 An Earthquake?!” I. Don’t. Know. Playoffs Are Upon Us… CINN Would Have Won Tonight AND Next Week?! And Las Vegas Beats KC… CINN Has The #1 Spot In The AFC…

Not sure when this game gets restarted…But I’ll Wager EVEN $ Odds That, In The End… Someone…Multiple Players will say…”Damar Would Want Us To Continue On…It’s What He Would Want…”

And Let’s B Honest CTG…That’s Good For Ratings… Sad But True…And You Know I’m Right…

I’ve 4gotten my wager for tonight… It doesn’t matter. It’s Just A Sad Day For All…

You hear that CINN And BUFF Players Hugging In The Locker Rooms…Doesn’t/Didn’t Matter If You Are Red Or Blue, Bloods Or Crips… They ALL Hugged, Cause They Realized…It Could Have Been Them…On. Any. Given. Play…
We all love a winning wager. We love the excitement of watching football. But do we ever really consider what these people put their lives through for our enjoyment?!

I've never thought that they do what they do for our enjoyment. What they put their lives through they do for themselves and their teammates/coworkers.

The Owen Hart example is different, that is performance for the sake of performance. Professional sport athletes; football, hockey, soccer, motosport racing, etc - it is based on competition, achievement and winning - not simply pleasing the audience for the sake of pleasing the audience. And it is how they earn their living. It's what they are good at, what they have learned, what they have trained for, their ability and skill, their work, their sacrifice and their risk of serious injury or death; they do that for themselves and their teammates and family. They do not do it so much for our enjoyment. If we enjoy it, that can contribute to the player's ultimate satisfaction, but they have their own objectives and their team's objectives. To whatever extent "we" enjoy it, that is not why they do it.

The sport of football, this profession is violent, dangerous and situations can arise to make it deadly and after retirement can lead to depression, illnesses, life long ailments and sometimes early death. They have chosen this path in life for them, or the path has chosen them.

They need "us" because that is where the money for the sport comes from. And we need "them" because we want to watch the sport. But Tom Brady isn't specifically trying to please fans or people watching, he has a job to do and he wants to do it as good as he can to achieve the goals he sets for himself and his team.

I appreciate the players that do it, how hard it is and what is at risk for them and I appreciate being able to watch the sport and while I never want anyone to get hurt or worse, there is inherent risk and they are making the choice to put themselves in that position for either the passion or craft of the game, or they do it for a paycheck, they don't do it for "us". If the players could get paid to play in an empty stadium with no TV cameras, they would still play.
I'm sure he was Vaxxed. Wonder if they check for blood clots? We will never know.

It was too soon to bring this up last night but this needs to be asked. Even if the hit threw off a rhythm was he suffering from clots, a fib, myocarditis, etc?

24 years old is very young for a heart attack on the field out of the blue.

My brother died at 36 from a heart attack and they said due to fatty liver - he drank a lot on the weekends but only weekends. A lot of people do this. And he had his second jab a month prior. Long story short they can always point to something else.
It was too soon to bring this up last night but this needs to be asked. Even if the hit threw off a rhythm was he suffering from clots, a fib, myocarditis, etc?

24 years old is very young for a heart attack on the field out of the blue.

My brother died at 36 from a heart attack and they said due to fatty liver - he drank a lot on the weekends but only weekends. A lot of people do this. And he had his second jab a month prior. Long story short they can always point to something else.

Not trying to go anti vax. Personally even provided the details above I’m rather indifferent on it and to each their own. What I am is curious and everyone should be in regards to politics, medicine, business, etc.
It was too soon to bring this up last night but this needs to be asked. Even if the hit threw off a rhythm was he suffering from clots, a fib, myocarditis, etc?

24 years old is very young for a heart attack on the field out of the blue.

My brother died at 36 from a heart attack and they said due to fatty liver - he drank a lot on the weekends but only weekends. A lot of people do this. And he had his second jab a month prior. Long story short they can always point to something else.
I get it, but 24 yrs old. Hate to say it but we will see more of this. Die Suddenly explains a lot of this. I would say he's got blood clots. I'm sure we will never know. Swept under the rug , like everything else
I get it, but 24 yrs old. Hate to say it but we will see more of this. Die Suddenly explains a lot of this. I would say he's got blood clots. I'm sure we will never know. Swept under the rug , like everything else

They tell us to our face that a half billion is the “ideal population” despite Musk saying humanity can continue to grow and needs to in order to survive.
Not to turn this into a vax/anti-vax thread, but I'm pretty sure sudden cardiac arrest has been the #1 cause of death in athletes for decades. Thankful that there were medical personnel on hand and that they were able to get his heart beating in short order. No doubt saved his life and gave him a future that isn't confined to life support hopefully
On an individual basis there will most likely be little way we will actually know if the vaccine played a role or not. We know with certainty the vaccine causes heart problems, among other problems in the aggregate. There is no escape from that fact but we cannot know if that is the case with this young man or that many on an individual basis.

I just hope he makes it through this ok. I really do.
The o2 being reduced I think is a positive sign. But I think everything important starts when they try to bring him awake in the next couple of days to determine effect on the brain, etc.
The o2 being reduced I think is a positive sign. But I think everything important starts when they try to bring him awake in the next couple of days to determine effect on the brain, etc.
Yep til they get him up and into the CAT scan it's just a bunch of guesswork

Would like to think that lowering external O2 is positive, sounds like he's able to get a bit on his own
Just horrible...
Damar is a really good guy , humble, and kind.. So young at just 24 ..

I don't care if you don't want the covid vaccine ( that's your choice) , but PLEASE stop with all the vaccine conspiracies when it comes to Damar Hamlin ...I can't believe locally people are even spreading misinformation from an already debunked fake Twitter account that claimed to be Hamlin's Doctor , saying he gave Damar a booster 12/26 ...

Nonpenetrating blunt force trauma to the front of the chest can lead to commotio cordis, a cardiac rhythm disturbance, which can result in cardiac arrest and death. The condition is particularly noted during sport..On average this occurs 15-20 times every year in the states ( usually in athletes aged 12-18 years old ) ....

I get it if your anti Vax, but why interject conspiracy theories into this tragedy??
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Just horrible...
Damar is a really good guy , humble, and kind.. So young at just 24 ..

I don't care if you don't want the covid vaccine ( that's your choice) , but PLEASE stop with all the vaccine conspiracies when it comes to Damar Hamlin ...I can't believe locally people are even spreading misinformation from an already debunked fake Twitter account that claimed to be his Hamlin's Doctor , saying he gave Damar a booster 12/26 ...

Nonpenetrating blunt force trauma to the front of the chest can lead to commotio cordis, a cardiac rhythm disturbance, which can result in cardiac arrest and death. The condition is particularly noted during sport..On average this occurs 15-20 times every year in the states ( usually in athletes aged 12-18 years old ) ....

I get it if your anti Vax, but why interject conspiracy theories into this tragedy??

I would imagine because we don’t know this is the diagnosis yet. There was one of the top heart guys in the country who gave an interview with CBS Sports today and said nobody has the diagnosis yet. In fact, he said he didn’t think it was commotio cordis but also said he couldn’t rule it out yet because again the diagnosis hasn’t been made.

Why shouldn’t EVERY possible reason be explored though? And don’t you find it odd that the ONE reason you’re absolutely not allowed to ask about is the one that immediately makes it a “conspiracy theory?”

It was okay to tell those not getting vaxxed that they were killing people but nobody can possibly even question whether the vaccine led to this? Come on man.
Here’s the interview article…you’ll also notice that not once is the vaccine mentioned (the interview was “edited” so who knows if it was brought up), which seems again to be extremely odd to rule anything out before the diagnosis has even begun. I can’t imagine why that is…lol.

From your perspective, what are the possible causes of Hamlin's cardiac arrest?

Dr. Baggish:
There's a long list: there are genetic and congenital abnormalities which could be at play, I know there's been speculation about the blunt force from the tackle, but I would say that it's really premature to make any speculation. In fact, to jump to a conclusion would be a mistake. The diagnosis of commotio cordis, for example [which refers to a fatal disruption of the heart rhythm from a blow to the chest], is what we call a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning other things have been eliminated. We would never conclude that unless other factors have been ruled out.

Dr. Baggish: If this ends up being commotio cordis, this is not the first time it's happened, though it's not been a (common) style of sudden death in football compared with ball sports like lacrosse and baseball, or hockey, a puck sport. This would not be the first time it's happened in sports, certainly. But I want to be clear that I'm not saying that is the diagnosis at this point.
Let’s just imagine for one second that the vaccine is to blame (for this and the many other instances we’ve seen in the past couple of years)…how awful is it that instead of being honest and even allowing it to be discussed, people would rather ignore it and blame other issues just to keep their narrative going?

How upset would anyone be that took the vaccine, especially athletes, if they find out they’re hiding information from them? Why wouldn’t everyone want to know? Why would everyone want everyone else to know? If you initially fucked up and put people at risk of heart issues, how awful is that compounded by hiding information?
I'm not trying to make this political or about the vaccine , bc I think there is a better chance that Aliens shot Hamlin with a space Lazer than the vaccine having anything to do with this injury ...

Believe what you want , but when the doctors and experts don't blame the vaccine the conspiracy theorists never believe them ...

To date there has been 9 deaths from the J & J ?? Believe that was in the first few months before they realized the issue as well .
Maybe more but that's all I read before .
You do realize Tucker Carlson's lawyers won a court case when the judge ruled that no reasonable person would believe Tucker's show was factual news ?

I detest cable "news" , all of them ...It's far more hyped up entertainment , than news .

Well, that's not what it said AND every single other "opinon" show host has had the same ruling made against them. This is a laughable argument.

Dr. McCullough is literally a world renowned cardiologist. Why would the forum where he was speaking matter? (Putting aside the awful argument you just tried to make)

Also, what is it when "regular" news shows are the ones who do the lying, have been taken to court and had to pay settlement and make retractions?
I'm not trying to make this political or about the vaccine , bc I think there is a better chance that Aliens shot Hamlin with a space Lazer than the vaccine having anything to do with this injury ...

Believe what you want , but when the doctors and experts don't blame the vaccine the conspiracy theorists never believe them ...

To date there has been 9 deaths from the J & J ?? Believe that was in the first few months before they realized the issue as well .
Maybe more but that's all I read before .

J&J isn't the same as the MRNA vaccines. Maybe you should read a bit more and understand the topic before discussing it.

There are also many doctors who would, at the very least, want to discuss whether it's the vaccine...but they've been silenced. This is all fact too, everyone should know that it is...if you don't you should ask yourself why. "Experts" is laugh out loud funny as well.

You're more than welcome to head over the covid/vaccine thread and read a whole bunch more from @ethical skeptic, Alex Berenson, Dr. Malone, and many other people who have started to unpack the damage the vaccine may be causing. Hint...all cause mortality is WAY up from any year prior, and it's not covid related as that's already factored in.
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You do realize Tucker Carlson's lawyers won a court case when the judge ruled that no reasonable person would believe Tucker's show was factual news ?

I detest cable "news" , all of them ...It's far more hyped up entertainment , than news .

His guest though is more than qualified to talk about anything cardiological related. Your statement is simply wrong to discredit this particular piece.
We can all believe what we want.

If the attending doctors/experts conclude that the vaccine played a part in Hamlin's tragedy I'll believe them , but will you believe them if they don't?
We can all believe what we want.

If the attending doctors/experts conclude that the vaccine played a part in Hamlin's tragedy I'll believe them , but will you believe them if they don't?

Sure. Will it even be allowed to be questioned though and brought up at all? You don't find it the least bit strange that there is ONE thing no one is allowed to ask about, even in the face of the mounting evidence?
We can all believe what we want.

If the attending doctors/experts conclude that the vaccine played a part in Hamlin's tragedy I'll believe them , but will you believe them if they don't?

We can also all believe what we want...but there's also a TRUTH, whether or not someone "believes" in it is inconsequential. Some people believe the Earth is flat, that doesn't make them right, it's makes them dumb.
Back to Damar though, and I posted this in the in-game thread but thought it was really good so I'm going to post in here...

Love that interview , shared that on Twitter and FB today....( although I hate social media )

Damar and several other Bills played pick up basketball this spring at Niagara University ...Most of the BILLS were all on the same team, Hamlin elected to play on a team made up of local HS players who were invited ...He played with amazing sportsmanship , calling fouls on himself and admitting when he was out of bounds etc ...Remember he stayed long after hopping was over several times talking to the HS players .
We can also all believe what we want...but there's also a TRUTH, whether or not someone "believes" in it is inconsequential. Some people believe the Earth is flat, that doesn't make them right, it's makes them dumb.
Do you know how fast the Science community would turn on the vaccines if they were dangerous ?
Love that interview , shared that on Twitter and FB today....( although I hate social media )

Damar and several other Bills played pick up basketball this spring at Niagara University ...Most of the BILLS were all on the same team, Hamlin elected to play on a team made up of local HS players who were invited ...He played with amazing sportsmanship , calling fouls on himself and admitting when he was out of bounds etc ...Remember he stayed long after hopping was over several times talking to the HS players .

Yeah, he’s very wise for such a young man. Everyone is pulling for him, hope he’s able to live a full and healthy life.
Do you know how fast the Science community would turn on the vaccines if they were dangerous ?

Do you know how political the “science community” is at this current time?

How would you think they’d go about doing that at this stage, by the way? This is “vaccines” either, this is one vaccine for one virus we’re talking about. The one that was rushed through without the proper trials (they usually take YEARS), and even saw a whole bunch of results hidden and covered up. Yes, that is all true and has been proven to be so.
His guest though is more than qualified to talk about anything cardiological related. Your statement is simply wrong to discredit this particular piece.
Fair enough brother ...
I'm not here to argue , respect everyone's opinion...

Tucker's had plenty of "credited people" on who's conspiracies never came to fruition...

Let's just see how this plays out...

We're living in a weird time, when anyone dies conspiracy theorists immediately imply the vaccine was the cause ....
When it's not proven the conspiracy theorists just move on to the next celebrity/former athletes death ...

Heart issues have long been a leading cause of death ..

Please don't take my comments as anything negative towards you or anyone else here
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Plenty have scientists have turned on the vax and they‘ve paid the price and/or have been silenced
Let's just see how things play out over the next 5 years or more ....

If these conspiracies have merit it will play out ....

Obviously none of us want to see mass death from either covid or the vaccine..
Do you know how political the “science community” is at this current time?

How would you think they’d go about doing that at this stage, by the way? This is “vaccines” either, this is one vaccine for one virus we’re talking about. The one that was rushed through without the proper trials (they usually take YEARS), and even saw a whole bunch of results hidden and covered up. Yes, that is all true and has been proven to be so.

Please don't take my comments the wrong way ...

Let's just see how things pan out over the next 5+ years ..
Well, that's not what it said AND every single other "opinon" show host has had the same ruling made against them. This is a laughable argument.

Dr. McCullough is literally a world renowned cardiologist. Why would the forum where he was speaking matter? (Putting aside the awful argument you just tried to make)

Also, what is it when "regular" news shows are the ones who do the lying, have been taken to court and had to pay settlement and make retractions?
When guests go on fox news they lose all credibility imo ...
When I see them on there they immediately shape shift to the my pillow guy or Rudy Ghoulani LOL ..

But that's just my opinion..

I respect your opinion, let's see how this plays out...

All I really care about is Damar's health..
Fair enough brother ...
I'm not here to argue , respect everyone's opinion...

Tucker's had plenty of "credited people" on who's conspiracies never came to fruition...

Let's just see how this plays out...

We're living in a weird time, when anyone dies conspiracy theorists immediately imply the vaccine was the cause ....
When it's not proven the conspiracy theorists just move on to the next celebrity/former athletes death ...

Heart issues have long been a leading cause of death here ..

Please don't take my comments as anything negative towards you or anyone else here

There are countless "conspiracty theories" that have come true just in the past 5 years.

Who has ever "proven" anything related to the vaccine either causing or not being a cause of a death? The same politicized "science community" who tells us men can be women and women can be men? Okay, sure.

Also, there's a difference here...I'm not saying the vaccine caused the injury, but I would like it to be at least honeslty looked at and find it very odd that it is the ONE thing you're not allowed to bring up (or again you're labeled a "conspiract theorist"). You, on the other hand seem to be convinced it's not vaccine related at all, and even have "the" answer even though the actual diagnosis hasn't been made. Can you spot the difference?

Please don't take my comments as anything negative towards you personally either, I think we should be all mature enough to have a discussion and bring facts to the table to be discussed.
When guests go on fox news they lose all credibility imo ...
When I see them on there they immediately shape shift to the my pillow guy or Rudy Ghoulani LOL ..

But that's just my opinion..

I guess we've found the problem. We have many guys here who immediately discount the information and facts based the medium to which that info is being disseminated, as opposed to looking at the source of that info. Seems an odd way to go about things...but that's just my opinion.

This isn't a defense of Fox News either, as outside of two shows the network is pretty much just part of the uniparty.
I guess we've found the problem. We have many guys here who immediately discount the information and facts based the medium to which that info is being disseminated, as opposed to looking at the source of that info. Seems an odd way to go about things...but that's just my opinion.
Fox news has set a legal precedent that it's not factual news ...

Just can't take their fear mongering, conspiracies, gaslighting , and what if's seriously ....

I hate CNN too though ...

Please don't take anything I post In a negative manner or a slight towards you or anyone else here....

I really love the community we have here at CTG .
Fox news has set a legal precedent that it's not factual news ...

Just can't take their fear mongering, conspiracies, gaslighting , and what if's seriously ....

I hate CNN too though ...

Please don't take anything I post In a negative manner or a slight towards you or anyone else here....

I really love the community we have here at CTG .

This isn't true. Again, you're talking about OPINION shows and EVERY SINGLE network has had the same rulings go against their opinion hosts (the ruling simply says you can't take anyone's opinion as the truth and no reasonable person should take it as says nothing about the guests they have on, the info they disseminate, etc, is simply about THEIR opinions).

I think you're a bit misinformed, I hope you'd take a little time to research what you're saying because you'll find out it's not true.