berryhorse tracker

I like his number crunching for comparable advantages.

I need to break down his picks as if each game was to win one unit with his odds played and see where he really is.

People seem to be impressed on his units won which is based solely on his weighting which is ridiculous to me.

How can you benefit from his success unless you play it in the exact random way he does?

How can he justify even saying 13 units?

I'm definitely not looking to argue with you scarf but I really dont get it.

He's also lost 3 in a row since I heard of him.

From reading his page the other day, how much he wagers, meaning such weird units, is also based off some aspect of his model. Probably increasing units wagered based on higher percentages of statistical edge. With the math that this guy is coming with, to me it only seems obvious that he is letting his model determine how much, or how many units is actually wagered on the game. I mean only way possible to come up with wagering 13.44 units. I still don’t really understand what part of that you don’t get or find ridiculous Johnny? This isn’t your regular handicapper that just recommends a game and a unit play. He is letting his math model and stat analysis tell you how much to bet based on the percentage advantage calculated. I also am not trying to argue with you and I get your point about how you could only be up the same amount of units if you actually bet the same way he did, but again you are talking about flat betting and this guy’s model is essentially giving you bets in like levels to a degree, based on statistical analysis rather than just his feel on a game or him personally weighting a game, which is again the reason he comes up with 13.44 units instead of simply 10 or 15. He is essentially doing no thinking and just riding what the formula tells him to do, which tells him both who to bet and how much based on the percentage of the stat analysis.

And Inspekdah, as I am new to this guy and following his system, rather than just focusing on his recommended plays, meaning the plays that go over 5% statistical advantage, I have been looking at the entire list of day games that he posts for the day and the team that his statistical edge is given to for each day. Sunday 11/15 correct and yesterday 6/9 correct. The bigger interesting aspect to me is that 6 of the 7 losses between the 2 days were dogs rather than favorites getting busted and the 7th game was essentially a pick, -110. To me that kind of successful information is huge, especially if it rings close to that accurate on a daily basis. Can you imagine getting 17/24 games right in baseball with essentially risking no added juice on huge favorites? Would absolutely crush this game.
Sorry for the book guys, I just started typing and then all of a sudden.... that’s what i had, haha.
I’m glad the Padres game already started when I read he liked them bigly

I ain’t going lie, made me think twice about my Giants bets but I was already committed to the action and good thing I ain’t cross bet myelf. Way I see it is this, it’s either you play ALL games and decide to go with his system units or stick with a unit you’re comfortable with and ride out.

Gonna keep tracking with the rest of everyone and see how it goes.
Sorry for the book guys, I just started typing and then all of a sudden.... that’s what i had, haha.
It’s all good and I was incorrect in my statement. I skipped over some info and thought 2 no plays were actually plays.
It’s all good and I was incorrect in my statement. I skipped over some info and thought 2 no plays were actually plays.
It’s cool, I am kind of following his stats beyond just his “recommended” plays as well for the time being. I know that wasn’t the way his system was used for, but I just wanted to point it out because even though it has only been 2 days, 17/24 correct is some pretty serious stats that we could probably all benefit from. Of course, this also caused me to allow myself to get a little OOC tnite. I am sure tnite will be the night it hits about 50% at best, haha
Mr. P, so you are just gonna continue tracking/posting on this same thread instead of posting a new thread every day then I assume?

ya i guess...we'll see how it goes. he may crash and burn

usually when you been that hot, you're due for bad run

I did notice he had 3 5 game losing streaks and a 5 game lose str

he had a 10 game win streak and 2 7 game streaks separated by a single loss (14-1) among other shorter streak..point being, this shit is cyclical

we'll see
ya i guess...we'll see how it goes. he may crash and burn

usually when you been that hot, you're due for bad run

I did notice he had 3 5 game losing streaks and a 5 game lose str

he had a 10 game win streak and 2 7 game streaks separated by a single loss (14-1) among other shorter streak..point being, this shit is cyclical

we'll see
That might be true, but again thats with only looking at games over the 5% threshold. I realize that is what his system is based on as a whole, but I feel like that sheet can be used as beneficial outside of just those plays. If the rest of his games hold up like they have been, and still can predict most of the winners, that can still be a useful tool for reference/guidanceI believe.
I dont wish him to lose but I've seen enough to know when someone is hyped, it never lasts. No disrespect intended.
Wise, I’m not insinuating you’re being disrespectful. I think people have every right to think this is a fluky thing and a gimmick.

I’ve never followed a single pick the guy has made so I have no idea how good long term this model is.

Honestly, it does seem like his model is running way too successfully from what we know about Math models for baseball.

So if you picked right now to fade when he’s hitting 28 games over .500 betting on average a 125 dog...simple variance to the mean may be in your favor to be honest with you.

So my content wasn’t meant as a knock...I don’t think doing the opposite of what many think is a horrible strategy...that’s all im Saying...ESPECIALLY if you feel he’s overachieved so far, which is quite reasonable to think.
The comments on some of his twitter posts are pretty funny, obviously the guy doesn't give a fuck about who follows him or not, hell he tells people not to if they don't understand his system (I only vaguely do). That first post where he says if you can't follow it, this probably isn't for you, and that's ok is pretty solid. Honestly if I were starting a sportsbook that's exactly the kind of guy I'd pay big bucks for to line games, don't find that many of them (and let's face it, it's all computer-based these days anyway as is his)
I have no horse in the race...I don’t know what to think of this guy to be honest. It’s just a different model and all I’ve ever said about him is that he’s very transparent and I respect that about anyone betting sports and being public about their picks.
Yeah scarf I couldn't bet on or against his stuff simply because it's a tad over my head
Yeah scarf I couldn't bet on or against his stuff simply because it's a tad over my head

KJ, I’m a super mega numbers geek and it’s way over my head. Anyone that creates a model where if the backup shortstop is in the lineup, significantly changes their perspective is way too deep for my understanding.
There was a comment asking him about September call ups and if he's concerned that it would affect his model and he came back laying down the gauntlet saying that his model is chalk full of AAA and AA data so he expects even greater success as others acclimate lol
Yeah scarf I couldn't bet on or against his stuff simply because it's a tad over my head
I blind tailed 2 of his games, ROX I was already on, and the Rays and Phillies which I never would have played and may hold on with both
I’ll continue to selectively tail him, mostly his plus bets. I’m playing with his money now :cheerleader:
Lol. I just think everyone can easily get brain washed into someone and something unknown. This group is much better that this.
Lol. I just think everyone can easily get brain washed into someone and something unknown. This group is much better that this.

Tbh, end of the day it’s always a gamble regardless what side we’re on. But it’s hard to follow or tail someone unless you’re all in, if you question his picks here and there and nit pick, it’s not going work. Either go for it with him or don’t. To each their own.

Like @T-Rex said, his numbers could help even if it’s a play or not for his “system” one way or another, so hopefully we can conjure something up and make $ for everyone here.
This league stinks overall. This launch angle crap is killing the league. It's a brainwashing approach for an attempt at power numbers which = contract $$$
Left handed hitters vs left handed pitchers is almost no contest. Ask Keith Hernandez or Will Clark or Tony Gwynn or Wad Boggs or Rod Carew or Ted Williams if they would try to pull a left handed pitcher. Its impossible but this generation is too stubborn or too ignorant. It's a very ignorant league