Bankers mlb playoffs

Scherzer k prop has gotten juiced up but Darvish out total is still only -125 to over. Man that feels like cake to me, surprised it hasn’t gotten hit more.
This one was alrssdy out when I came up to cash today tickets:,

McKenzie ov 16.5 outs -125

Pads +160.. I know degrom is a stud but Snell has been nails down the stretch and pressure on muts is mounting in a hurry, if pads can find a way to get 1-2 runs early the crowd will turn, players will press, and Mets season will once again end in disappointment! Just too good a price to pass up with a guy who hasn’t allowed more than 1 run in a month!
Nola ov 17.5 outs -160.. lol. Bitches please. What the fucj woukd Philly do taking him out before he finishes 6 innings?!?? If by some crazy happenings cards do get him for a few they still be better off letting him eat the innings and saving everyone for a possible game 3. I don’t think that how it goes tho, I think just like wheeler he will slice and dice cards offense that went on vacation a month ago!!
Nola ov 17.5 outs -160.. lol. Bitches please. What the fucj woukd Philly do taking him out before he finishes 6 innings?!?? If by some crazy happenings cards do get him for a few they still be better off letting him eat the innings and saving everyone for a possible game 3. I don’t think that how it goes tho, I think just like wheeler he will slice and dice cards offense
Gausman o5.5 ks and Snell o15.5 outs for a bit larger

I know Snell can get his pitch count high pretty quickly but asking him to go more than five innings sounds insane
Gausman o5.5 ks and Snell o15.5 outs for a bit larger

I know Snell can get his pitch count high pretty quickly but asking him to go more than five innings sounds insane

I was back and forth on Snell outs and Ray ov 4,5 k’s. I ditched Ray cause his swinging strike rate has been way down in more games than not down the stretch and that plus money on him needing 5 felt kinda like a setup, seems to me way more value in these out totals so far., my worry w Snell exactly what you said but I do like it, I mean I wouldn’t have bet pads vs degrom if I didn’t think Snell going more than 5. I’ll prob end up on that with you. Just made my 1st trip to casino today but was more focused on ncaa props, just no way I wasn’t hitting Nola, I’d bet my left but he goes 6!! I prob will add Snell later in day tho
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Snell has been way more efficient lately hasn’t he?
Sure seems like it anyway

Didn't do Ray because of the higher pitch counts he can get into but the move to Seattle has made him seem more effecient/less walks than before when he'd routinely get to close to a 100 PC in 5 innings. Gausman has seemed to deliver on those k lines though
Sure seems like it anyway

Didn't do Ray because of the higher pitch counts he can get into but the move to Seattle has made him seem more effecient/less walks than before when he'd routinely get to close to a 100 PC in 5 innings. Gausman has seemed to deliver on those k lines though

Yea I don’t have any problem w gausman, I’ve bet his k total a ton this year, pretty much anytime I could get 5.5, only 1 I recall losing was the game he had the liner go off his ankle in 2nd inning. I’m just a tad skeptical of the k’s as pretty much all the teams did a good job making contact yesterday compared to the season. The stuff Castillo had he shoulda fanned 10 but ended w only 5, Yu stuff was certainly good enough to fan more than he did. So I’m kinda just waiting and seeing on the k’s. Especially while they setting these joke Ass soft out totals!
Pissed off tribe couldn’t get a run that inning they had bases loaded. Would love to cash their series ticket today!
I think I ignored the cardinal rule, and bet with my heart on the Rays. What a despicable performance, by both teams.
Nothing I love to see more than the team I bet on with someone in scoring position...screw themselves into the ground with a swing bugs bunny style
I think I ignored the cardinal rule, and bet with my heart on the Rays. What a despicable performance, by both teams.

It hurt my feelings when you said in another thread “everyone taking them lightly again”, I have made a ton on tampa in playoffs over the years, big fan, they just didn’t have the same feel at all this year, the pitching wasn’t as deep or talented and the offense just didn’t hit for shit this year w a team ops in the low 600s. Everyone said clevland couldn’t hit but they been hot and actually had a respectable middle the pack ops. I just couldn’t believe I got plus money on tribe here as they came in winning and rays not so much.
Regardless neither one those 2 beating their next opponent, Is it tribe vs Stros? That should be over quick, fast, and in a hurry!
Cashing all the series tickets including the Phillies 2-0 +290! Bunch of pitcher props too :). Lost the play on pads today but can’t win them all I guess.
Dunno wtf to do with pads/muts gm 3. Think it a coin flip so pads with the plus money be only way I play it. I dunno, we see.
So div round is 5 game series now? With the favs having sat around all weekend, you basically only get to use your best 2 starters once anyways, I’d assume the guys who pitched Friday prob go gm 2 then Saturdays starter gm 3. This 2-2-1 format I assume? I suppose the division winners might be able to pitch their ace gm1 and game 5 if needed but rotation depth gonna play a big part in these imo.

I don’t like the dogs much to win any series right now, pads are the 1 I feel have the best chance at the moment (I havnt dove real far in yet, gonna do that today) but the favs better not start rusty and lose a game to the WC teams 3rd starter (or 4th in pads case!), they could get into trouble real fast if that bats are sleepy and they drop gm 1 with their ace and then be facing the WC teams best 2 guys in gm 2 and 3! Lot to decipher here, it be nice if teams would announce starters sometime soon.
It kills me houston has owned seattle, I’d love to have got seattle vs yanks cause speaking of rotation depth seattle has it! Of course the Stros the only team that can match them imo with a rotation 4-5 deep w solid arms.
Good or bad I never do much record keeping but nothing going on today so here the WC round numbers:

Series bets:

3-0 +545

Cashed with

Seattle +140
Tribe +115
Phillies 2-0 +290

Pitcher props:


Not real sure on what the number won was, I didn’t post units and I did vary them myself so not gonna worry bout it. Hit every out total but missed the only k prop I played w Scherzer. I was late posting McKenzie out total Saturday as I barely got that in before 1st pitch, sorry bout that, time and game starting time got away from me as that was ncaa football day also!

Only side I bet was pads gm 2 so that was a loss, I did bet them last night but only hinted at playing it, didn’t post it as a play: so 0-1

Went 3-0 on FF team totals but I was late posting the 2nd cle game.

Any way ya slice it the new wild card format was really fucking good!! Hope i was able to help some ppl along the way.

I don’t expect it to go nearly as well in the division round, for starters really don’t think there much value in any series prices as I mostly agree w the prices, I dunno, those AL favs are too steep for me but not sure I can convince myself on either dog. I have to see what pads rotation gonna look like but I do lean to playing them +175, I think there some value in that number but I have to figure out the pitching matchups and see if there a path to them winning 3. Somewhat lean Phillies also but I have a future on them anyways so doubt I’ll add.

Think I’ll be playing way more individual sides this round opposed to series. Can only hope they continue making some really bad lines on pitcher out totals! Lol
I just found a few interesting ways to maybe get down on some series plays.

I like both NL series to go over 4.5 games +155.

Considering yanks win gm1/win series that is even money! Why lay -200? I’m telling ya right now if yanks lose game 1 they not winning the series!

Braves gm1/series is -110, considering this since I have that Phillies future in my back pocket, no interest paying heavy juice on Braves cause again if they lose game 1 I don’t think they winning the series.

Just thinking out loud right now, I know ya’ll love when I do this!! Lol
Nice work in the Wild Card round banker. I like the format, especially when it involves cashing a bunch of tickets!

From one of my 'sharper' outs

Exact series games:

3 +110
4 +130
5 +170

3 +110
4 +150
5 +165
Nice work in the Wild Card round banker. I like the format, especially when it involves cashing a bunch of tickets!

From one of my 'sharper' outs

Exact series games:

3 +110
4 +130
5 +170

3 +110
4 +150
5 +165

Those nice prices on 5. I have +155 on both at DK.

Yea i love the new WC round! I’m guessing they won’t be so dumb with the pitcher out totals next year! And prob not this round but we can hope!! I’m just not sure how it gonna impact this Div round as it makes things way different than the div series normally looks! From the favs sitting around for a week to the way the pitching matchups not gonna be 1’s vs 1’s and so on and so forth. Obviously favors the teams with the deeper rotations and better pens. As I been saying I think it makes it really dangerous for yanks and Braves in particular cause cle and Philly gonna have nice pitching edges in a couple games! I’m telling ya, both those 2 better win game 1! Which I do think makes the yanks win gm1/series at even money a fairly attractive bet. Kinda same w Braves gm1/series -110, if you like either those faves I think that absolutely the way to bet them on series price instead of laying a ton of juice, you in a really bad spot with a -210 ticket and down 1-0 after their ace pitches!
Those nice prices on 5. I have +155 on both at DK.

Yea i love the new WC round! I’m guessing they won’t be so dumb with the pitcher out totals next year! And prob not this round but we can hope!! I’m just not sure how it gonna impact this Div round as it makes things way different than the div series normally looks! From the favs sitting around for a week to the way the pitching matchups not gonna be 1’s vs 1’s and so on and so forth. Obviously favors the teams with the deeper rotations and better pens. As I been saying I think it makes it really dangerous for yanks and Braves in particular cause cle and Philly gonna have nice pitching edges in a couple games! I’m telling ya, both those 2 better win game 1!
Yessir...way easier for bats to get rusty. I don't think it's quite as large a starting pitcher mismatch for game 1 as it looks on paper. WC winners hitters have been facing quality stuff in pressure situations already.
Yessir...way easier for bats to get rusty. I don't think it's quite as large a starting pitcher mismatch for game 1 as it looks on paper. WC winners hitters have been facing quality stuff in pressure situations already.

Pads In particular, I know most not gonna agree w me but I think how they hit in the regular season is totally meaningless. On paper that lineup as good as any and they showed it vs 3 very good Mets pitchers. I know Mets were sliding and destined to lose but I still think the all around at bats pads lineup took vs 3 excellent pitchers Is much more a indicator of how they will play this series vs lad.

Phillies bats didn’t really inspire a ton confidence for me, let’s face it they wernt exactly facing studs in cards starters and they struggled a ton against Quintana, then cards overworked closer til he melted down and gifted Phils most those runs in gm1. Gm2 their offense wasn’t much better. makes me think Fried will prob shit on them, I’ll def be looking for props on him. And maybe playing Braves win gm1/series little hedge on my Phillies ticket.
Probably because they'd have to line them both at 12.5 and would get heavy action on overs for both. But it's feasible neither lasts 3 innings as well.

I think these cock-a-roaches are done posting total outs. What a bunch of fucking cowards, all kind of pitcher props up but not 1 out total! Guess us raping those made them pivot away from that! Lol. Fucking pussies!
1st series plays I made today

Pads/lad ov 4.5 games +155

Phi/atl ov 4.5 games +155

Atl win gm1/win series -110 (hope I lose this one).
Lot of bets on day 1, making them smaller than last round pitcher props cause let’s face it, they fucked those out totals up! Looks like they not willing to even post them anymore, weak bitches!

Suarez ov 3.5 k’s -135
Gilbert ov 3.5 k’s -125
JV ov 5.5 k’s -145

Philly ff tt u1.5 -145
Seattle ff tt u1.5 -165
Cle ff tt ov 1.5 +135

Phi/atl ff un 3.5 -105

The juice fucking sucks on those tt unders but think they the right plays. Fading Cole who don’t scare ppl anymore, he good still but hasn’t been dominant and hasn’t been his best on 6+ rest. Cle offense leaves a lot to be desired but think they can find a couple off him, rather play them vs a righty than a lefty.

Still debating what I’m gonna do with the lad game. Clevinger sucks so I’ll be on la in some form or another I think, maybe ff -.5 as they have knocked clevinger around every chance they have had. Or maybe their ff tt over 2.5 at plus money? I dunno, I’ll figure it out 2marro I just wanted to bet those strike out props tonight cause feel like they short.
I just got to casino to take Fried and Jv out totals to pound town (they poste them finally!), but now all fried props off the board, anyone heard anything?