Bankers mlb playoffs

He does get lot of ground balls, this scary tho. Philly winning 5-4 or 6-5 good for my future but it would totally piss me off right this moment.
Wdym when is he, look at his numbers

I’m just looking at his stuff. A crappy fastball and good curve at his best. Maybe that plays in the regular season. It hasn’t these playoffs. Why I been saying for 2 weeks Philly has 2 pen guys and maybe a half in Eflin and nobody else?
Here we go ladies and gents, the World Series I somehow called with saying stros be here since July and with a nice future on Philly! @KJ was right, freaking Stros -185, if you read those convos you know my line on this series is Stros -140 so that puts me in a bit a conundrum. Yes the wise thing to do in my spot would prob be take some Stros and ensure a nice profit either way but I refuse to pay the extra juice, there no world where I think having one team at 30-1 means I should bet into what I think a terrible line on the other. So no Stros series hedge for me, Im gonna let some games play out 1st. Im pretty confident Philly can earn a split in Houston, we see where line is after that. Going to Philly Stros will have the stronger starters but Philly at home has hit everyone, I think they make those games fun and tough outs there. If it gets to point Stros have 3 wins yes I will hedge, if I can get a better price on Stros at any point I will take some of them, but anyways enough of that for now,

What a game 1!! Both these pitchers been fantastic on extra rest and both on about 9 tokghy. Nola k/bb thru the roof on 6+, Jv been microscopic in these spots and I would assume the bats suffered with the week off. Lot of props for this one, I took my ass out last night to make sure I got some these numbers:,

Gm 1

Nola ov 5.5 k’s -120 (1x)
Jv ov 5.5 k’s -175 (1x)
Nola ov 16.5 outs -135 (3x)
Jv ov 17.5 outs -120 (2x)
Phi/hou Ff un 3.5 -130 (2x)
Philly Ff ml +125. (1.5tx)

I might put together a sgp or 2 still, havnt decided. I think these 2 who have been great on extra rest set the tone early as the bats take some time to get settled in against elite pitching. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Philly was able to hit a bomb or 2 and find themselves up 1-0, 2-1 after 5..we see how it goes from there. I’m incredibly confident Philly steals one of these 1st 2 in houston So I’ll be taking the plus money for that to happen. We will revisit hedge opps after that point.
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Series bets

Over 5.5 games -175
Over 6.5 games +210

Im super tired right now but these all the bets I’m pretty sure I made last night. Lol
All I can say is buckle up, yes the Stros better but Philly has that feel about them of the other nl east teams that have knocked Stros off! Should be a hell of a series. I put my baseball rep on the line there no way Stros steamroll Philly here. I don’t love Philly had to wait a week but their pitching and a timely hit or 2 can steal one in houston and when they get to Philly they just mash and will find a way to win a game or 2 w lessor pitchers., don’t fall in too much love w Stros, -180 is not a accurate representation of how close this series will be!!
Oh and other great news for anyone who has read all the baseball discussion all year, I got my contacts back and the ok from docs to wear them so I’m finally at the end of that crappy 5-6 month ordeal w my eye and everything is tip top!!
Despite the great pitching in this series and fact I bet the gm 1 Ff under I do think we will see runs this series, especially when the series moves to Philly as their bats not getting shut down on Philly where they mashing. The 1st 2 games could be pitchers duels but the starting pitcher edge went matter as much for houston in gnaws 2-3 as Philly will hit at home! I’m assuming this still 2-3-2 and think that a edge for Philly, there no chance they don’t win 2 in Philly. I think they get back to Houston up 3-2!!!
I dread reading back thru all those and seeing all the mistakes and shit. I was so out of it wken I wrote all that shit!! Lol. Just got woken up at 9 or so and couldn’t believe I fell back asleep and am all over the place! Lol. Hopefully most of it makes sense!
Those were some strong drugs last night! Lol. It was hard to expresses coherent thoughts while fading in and out!! Lol
well I said I thought despite the pitching I thought this series be high scoring: didn’t think it would start so soon. 3rd bad day of playoffs.
It was a bitch move by Philly manager pulling Nola, had he let someone on I woulda been fine not letting him pitch to Tucker since he did him in but still had 2 more guys, rest of inning he coulda pitched and was pitching well at the moment. Wasted Alvarado way too soon. Can’t believe a manager opposite duasty could cost team a series but wjat he did tonight puts them behind the 8 ball, now they almost have to win this game. I have no doubt think going 7 tho
Hell of of Nola made it thru 5th before tucker I’d have prob let him pitch to him to open 6th: I mean they gave away their lefty weapon for late innings. Big mistake imo.
Def cost us the Nola k’s. Pushed Philly 1st 5,, lost the rest. That will be only bad game this series!!
Little torn here. I was so high somehow I have a JV 5+ k’s/Stros win ticket but I rather lose that and see Philly go up 1-0. Lol
Man I got ahold some super strong drugs. I hardly remember anything I bet today, woke up on coach like 6 o’clock my old lady just sitting there and im like wtf happened to the day? I don’t remember anything! Lol
I could get houston +110 now. Tough but I’m not hedging anything yet! Wheelwr makes yhis 2-0 Phillies!!
It was a bitch move by Philly manager pulling Nola, had he let someone on I woulda been fine not letting him pitch to Tucker since he did him in but still had 2 more guys, rest of inning he coulda pitched and was pitching well at the moment. Wasted Alvarado way too soon. Can’t believe a manager opposite duasty could cost team a series but wjat he did tonight puts them behind the 8 ball, now they almost have to win this game. I have no doubt think going 7 tho
i feel like Girardi got dealt a bad hand and Thompson is just riding off a division that had two teams trying to lose and the biggest playoffs in history

Team got hot to get here, but really wasn't even that hot it was just Wheeler
Philly bats just have that magic hitting in Philly, I don’t expect thor to be bad but Stros getting to Philly best they prob getting a few off thor. McCullers can give up a bloop and a blast at any point, fully expect both offenses to have 2 by the 5th.
If Philly can pull our game 3 I will take another bite the Stros apple, got decent amount on them after they lost gm1, that couldn’t have went better. I still think Philly might win this series, these games in Philly be crazy and mo way does wheeler have another hat game imo. Nola was actually good other than pitching to Tucker. This think going 6-7 games
That’s their plan, yeah. Already announced

Well Nola gm 4 then potentially on 3 days in gm 7, they not gonna pitch wheeler till gm 6 I believe, think it be thor gm 5, I was so wasted Saturday at casino I don’t remember a damn thing but apparently wheeler velo was way down leading to him getting mashed, so I think the plan is to push him back far they can for gm6 and hopefully that regains the velo. That Fuckinh sucks, wish I remembered any of it, I was shocked how bad his start was but guess there was more to it. His previous outing vs pads I believe he was pumping his highest avg velo on the season! Wonder if he over did it? They gonna need him to be himself for 1 game to have any chance imo.
Well that went about as perfect as it could have, sucks I didn’t get to make any bets but I couldn’t get a Fuckin rental car till 2marro and my body so freaking sore I wasn’t really worried bout going out anyways. Regardless it couldn’t have went any better for my ultimate goal, this shit just got real now, if you still selling Philly short I dunno what to tell ya, what a great game plan to just sit off speed and blast that shit when McCullers left it up, Ranger was once again fantastic, when he throws strikes he a good pitcher, just so happens he been throwing them lately! Even tho they don’t let him go thru lineup a 3rd time those extra runs Phillies got in the 5th were huge as it allowed the big guns in the pen to rest! They are really set up to win this series now! I still think they gonna need wheeler to be right cause I don’t think it ending in 5. But I do think it will be 3-2 Philly gong back to houston for game 6.

I’m not sure who wins game 4, no secret I’m a big fan of both these pitchers. Javier is freaking awesome but he hasn’t pitched in like 10 days, who knows how that effects him? It’s a shame he not on more normal rest cause I would pound his over k prop, not sure with so much time between starts tho? He been fine on 6+ this year but I don’t think any of those were more than 7 days between starts and most were 6, 10 feels like a bigger deal to me. He does have the Advantage Philly didn’t see him in that series they played at end the season. It really just gonna come down to whether he sharp but I have no way to know if the long lay-off will effect him which a bummer.

Nola going on his normal 4 but Stros seeing him for 3rd time in last month. He was great when he clinched Philly playoff spot, of course he got knocked around game 1. He really wasn’t bad in that start, if you take tucker away the rest the Stros didn’t do much. I fully expect he will be better this time. This would feel like a great Ff under except the fact I dunno what we gonna get from Javier? There no pitcher props or even innings lines out yet. Think I’ll prob have a few plays on this one just gonna have to wait and see, Ff and fg under both make a ton of sense, again the Javier rest problem worries me tho, gonna wait and see where houston numbers are as I don’t think Nola plus the 2 big guns out the pen giving up much in this game. I have a feeling Philly going up 3-1.
Seeing how long it now been since Javier pitched I really don’t understand why the hell dusty went McCullers over him anyways? Nothing against McCullers but that makes no damn sense, I could argue Javier their best starter pure stuff wise, why in gods name would you start McCullers before him? Dude has a 1.79 era in 2nd half the season! Hell, I dunno why he didn’t start game 1 or 2 so he coulda pitched 2 games this series! Instead they bring him in rusty as shit in gm 4? Thanks Dusty! Only 6 innings pitched in the last month, something doesn’t make sense to me! He did walk 3 in 5.1 innings vs NY, I think Phillies should be patient here and make him prove he can find the strike zone. I can’t imagine pitching so little of late he be able to go super deep if they get his pitch count out. I think dusty made a huge mistake here but we see how it plays out. Clearly I think more of this kid than his manager does!
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I was wrong, most the year he hadn’t pitched on longer than 6 days rest but he has basically pitched in the seattle game on 9-10 days rest, he didn’t start, went 1.1 innings fanned 2 and gave up a home run. Then another 10 days rest before pitching against the Yankees who couldn’t hit a beach ball. He was fine going 5.1 only allowing 1 hit but waking 3 and leaving after 84 pitches. Now he facing the hottest lineup in baseball who just mashing in this park on another long layoff. I really think this was a huge managerial mistake by Dusty, at worst he shoulda been the 3rd starter and I think I woulda started him earlier to get him on more normal rest. We see, maybe im making too much out of this but I damn sure woulda handled this a lot differently, of course I rather have him pitching for me down 2–1 than McCullers, just not sure on the long layoff.
It doesn’t make a ton of sense for me to bet Philly to win this game but given everything I said above I think Philly should be favs in this game.
I know it don’t make a ton of sense for me to be doing this tonight considering if they win this game my future all but cash! My thinking here is Javier will have to be dominant to win so I could lose the phi bets but hit the houston unders. As I’ve talked about plenty i love Javier but I don’t think Dusty has put him into a enviable position at all. 3 appearances the last month now he has to pitch to the the hitter lineup who hits everything in this park, i just don’t see it. I’m never scared, not leaving what I think good plays on the board just cause the future in my grasp.
Well javuer did exactly what I would have expected on regular rest, I let the 10 days off deter me from what woulda normally been a monster bet on over 5.5 k’s. Shoulda went @KJ method and watched his 1st inning then bet live if his control was on. Anyways missed a huge opportunity there. I hated the Phil’s pulled Nola before giving up a run! I think you gotta let your Guy who had been pitching great work thru that. Lose with your best having the ball in his hand imo. Anyways, what can I say, I fucked that one up.

Phillies gotta get this game tonight but thor VS Jv? I think this gonna be a crazy game, jv havnt been a great WS pitcher, Philly not getting shut down 2 nights in a row in last 2 home playoff games the way they have hit here all playoffs. JV don’t scare me, thor does. Strange fact, Stros havnt scored a run after the 5th all series, woulda never guessed that, or how Philly 2 aces getting hit while the others been great! Think this gonna be a wierd and wild game, stand to win decent money however this ends but still much better off with Philly so taking little shot here.

Hou Ff tt ov 2,5 +130 (2x)
Phi Ff tt ov 1.5 +105 (1x)

Jv ov 1.5 earned runs -155 (2x)

Game over 8 +105 (5x)
Game over 9 +165 (2x)
Game over 10 +240 (1x)
GL tonight Bank, you were deadeye dick on Javier, too bad the rest factor was such an unknown.
GL tonight Bank, you were deadeye dick on Javier, too bad the rest factor was such an unknown.

I watched him just mow them all down thinking any other time I coulda got him ov 5,5 k’s -105 I woulda freaking max bet and had nothing on it here. then Nola/Phils meltdown In 5th to just kick extra dirt in my face, feel like should have at least got the cash on hou Ff tt under and the gm under 3.5 but somehow they string 1 inning of hits together, worst possible inning of course! I have no clue why Dusty has used Javier so little? I can easily argue he the best of the bunch! @KJ did the smart thing and I was up at casino right before 1st pitch so I coulda easily stuck around and watched a inning and started hammering him live soon as I saw the control was good, hindsight and all. After 1st I knew he was for sure fanning 6, after 2nd thought he might hit double digits, hopefully there no hangover from that but I don’t think there will be, JV a all timer and all but I don’t think he can dominate these guys with his heater like that, In their last home game where they had hit everyone up until then? I don’t believe it.

Another crazy thing about this series that don’t make much sense, Stros havnt scored a run after the 5th! So if Nola just got thru that 5th they might have played 15 innings of 0-0 ball! Lol, how crazy is that considering outside a few guys we all pretty much agree Philly pen the biggest weakness (outside their d maybe). I guess no more crazy than Nola and wheeler basically giving up all the runs Philly pitchers have given up! So thor will probably dominate tonight and kill my overs!! I can’t see it tho, 5 innings 2-3 runs would be fantastic from him amd think would give Philly a legit shot in what I think a must win for them. I’m not very confident they win series anymore, even if they do win here but they buried they lose this one and make it harder for me to get it when:where to hedge more, I really could use Philly winning tonight even if it 1-0 and burns all my overs! Lol
Seeing how long it now been since Javier pitched I really don’t understand why the hell dusty went McCullers over him anyways? Nothing against McCullers but that makes no damn sense, I could argue Javier their best starter pure stuff wise, why in gods name would you start McCullers before him? Dude has a 1.79 era in 2nd half the season! Hell, I dunno why he didn’t start game 1 or 2 so he coulda pitched 2 games this series! Instead they bring him in rusty as shit in gm 4? Thanks Dusty! Only 6 innings pitched in the last month, something doesn’t make sense to me! He did walk 3 in 5.1 innings vs NY, I think Phillies should be patient here and make him prove he can find the strike zone. I can’t imagine pitching so little of late he be able to go super deep if they get his pitch count out. I think dusty made a huge mistake here but we see how it plays out. Clearly I think more of this kid than his manager does!
Agree with you 100% about starting Javier in Gm. 3 (or earlier). I was worried about his extra rest in Gm. 3 ALCS and made a bad hedge to my F5 under play, but the guy is like a machine
Agree with you 100% about starting Javier in Gm. 3 (or earlier). I was worried about his extra rest in Gm. 3 ALCS and made a bad hedge to my F5 under play, but the guy is like a machine

Yea he awesome, id take him to start biggest game of any Stros really good starters, thanks to dusty for using him all stupid and not letting me get the easy money on his k prop
GL tonight Bank, you were deadeye dick on Javier, too bad the rest factor was such an unknown.

easy to say now, but i'm not sure rest really matters too much to pitchers besides short rest limiting how far a SP can go if he pitches on 3 days for example...

At least PHI didn't care that Nola had drastically different splits on 5 days rest and Wheeler was better on shorter rest, yet they flip-flopped them for this series