August 2015 - July 2016 Soccer Picks

Brazil -2.5 (+117) to bet 1 unit

I dont think very highly of this team, but they should crush Haiti

Ecuador -113 to win 1 unit

Highly underrated team....
Romania +1.5 (-136) to win 1 unit

Great D

Chile -2 (-105) to win 1 unit

Panama +1.5 (+108) to bet 1 unit
shit day overall mates

Albania +0.5 (+112) to bet 1 unit

Wales PK (-104) to win 1 unit

Colombia -154 to win 1 unit

Turkey +0.5 (-120) to win 1 unit

Poland -145 to win 1 unit

Ukraine +1 (-116) to win 1 unit

Haiti +2 (+118) to win 1 unit

Peru +1 (+114) to bet 1 unit
Soccer August 2015 - July 2016 Overall 314W-283L-76P +18.56 units (52.59%)

Spain -1 (-139) to win 1 unit

Ireland +0.5 (-143) to win 1 unit

Italy PK (+120) to bet 1 unit

Mexico -1 (-120) to win 1 unit

Uruguay -1 (-114) to win 1 unit
alright then mates

Hungary +0.5 (+118) to bet 1 unit

This has to be some kind of big rivalry right?

Iceland +0.5 (+178) to bet 1 unit

Panama +1.5 (-128) to win 1 unit

Argentina -2.5 (+117) to bet 1 unit

Russia +138 to bet 1 unit

Switzerland PK (-136) to win 1 unit

Albania +1.5 (+112) to bet 1 unit


Wales +0.5 (+147) to bet 1 unit

Ukraine -145 to win 1 unit

Germany -1 (-113) to win 1 unit

USA PK (-110) to win 1 unit
son of a bitch

I am shocked, shocked I say, that Ukraine is the first team out of this tourny

Italy +104 to bet 1 unit

Czech Republic +0.5 (-116) to win 1 unit

Spain -1 (-112) to win 1 unit

Peru +1 (-136) to win 1 unit
son of a bitch

I am shocked, shocked I say, that Ukraine is the first team out of this tourny

Italy +104 to bet 1 unit

Czech Republic +0.5 (-116) to win 1 unit

Spain -1 (-112) to win 1 unit

Peru +1 (-136) to win 1 unit

GL today '87.
Mate, nice hit with Italians and GL with Spain

No doubt I'll be on my new crush, PERU
Belgium -124 to win 1 unit

Hungary PK (+102) to bet 1 unit

Austria +0.5 (+104) to bet 1 unit

Chile PK (+104) to bet 1 unit
adding some more..

Venezuela +1.5 (+104) to bet 1 unit

Vamos! Don't think this game will be as easy as people think

NYC FC +118 to bet 1 unit

Galaxy +0.5 (-127) to win 1 unit

Salt Lake +106 to bet 1 unit
Romania +115 to bet 1 unit

Switzerland +0.5 (+101) to bet 1 unit

Sporting KC PK (-163) to win 1 unit

New York RB -154 to win 1 unit
Soccer August 2015 - July 2016 Overall 313W-279L-78P +26.67 units (52.87%)

Russia PK (-117) to win 1 unit

England -118 to win 1 unit
0-2 day yesterday and braves rubs it in

Ukraine +0.5 (-102) to win 1 unit

Germany -1.5 (+113) to bet 1 unit

Spain +104 to bet 1 unit

Czech PK (-152) to win 1 unit

USA +1 (+105) to bet 1 unit

USA advances +380 to bet 1 unit
0-2 day yesterday and braves rubs it in

Ukraine +0.5 (-102) to win 1 unit

Germany -1.5 (+113) to bet 1 unit

Spain +104 to bet 1 unit

Czech PK (-152) to win 1 unit

USA +1 (+105) to bet 1 unit

USA advances +380 to bet 1 unit

GL today '87.
mates, its been a rough week

straight 0-7 thus far

Portugal -1 (-132) to win 1 unit

Iceland +0.5 (-123) to win 1 unit

Italy PK (-148) to win 1 unit

Sweden (+0.5) +103 to bet 1 unit

Colombia advance +105 to bet 1 unit

Chicago Fire (+0.5) +118 to bet 1 unit

New York RB PK (-105) to win 1 unit
mates, its been a rough week

straight 0-7 thus far

Portugal -1 (-132) to win 1 unit

Iceland +0.5 (-123) to win 1 unit

Italy PK (-148) to win 1 unit

Sweden (+0.5) +103 to bet 1 unit

Colombia advance +105 to bet 1 unit

Chicago Fire (+0.5) +118 to bet 1 unit

New York RB PK (-105) to win 1 unit

GL today '87
Mates, need a turn around this weekend

Wales -101 to win 1 unit

Oh I don't get it, but I am buying it hook line and sinker

Switzerland PK (+120) to bet 1 unit

Portugal PK (+105) to bet 1 unit

USA PK (+117) to bet 1 unit

Seattle +140 to bet 1 unit

Vancouver PK (+145) to bet 1 unit

San Jose PK (-140) to win 1 unit
i am still struggling mates

Ireland +1 (+100) to bet 1 unit

Germany -1 (-118) to win 1 unit

Hungary +1 (-145) to win 1 unit

Chile +0.5 (+109) to bet 1 unit

Portland -126 to win 1 unit
thanks braves ,needed a winning day

Soccer August 2015 - July 2016 Overall 320W-296L-81P +15.58 units (51.94%)

what a terrible week!

Italy +0.5 (-135) to win 1 unit

England -1 (-124) to win 1 unit
Italy PK (+161) to bet 1 unit

Montreal +101 to bet 1 unit

Seattle +0.5 (-123) to win 1 unit

Houston -113 to win 1 unit
France -1 (-138) to win 1 unit

New York RB PK (-109) to win 1 unit

Sporting KC -110 to win 1 unit
Soccer August 2015 - July 2016 Overall 327W-299L-84P +19.32 units (52.23%)

Well here we are mates. The soccer fields are being watered. The boys are coming home. Preseason is nearly here as the Euros begin to wrap up. The Red Lincoln imps are still in the Champions League. Next month, we will have a new thread. Let's just hope this thing doesn't go tits up in the final stretch as a I am fairly happy with my year tho it is rather meager in the grand scheme of a year. A win is a win tho!

Portland +0.5 (+115) to bet 1 unit

Vancouver +0.5 (+128) to bet 1 unit
LADS, doin it all night all summer, gonna spend it like no other! - ~Zara Larrson

Wales +0.5 (-133) to win 1 unit

Wales to advance +160 to bet 1 unit

New England -105 to win 1 unit
