We did one last year ...don't remember the buy in...I'd prefer 50 but will do whatever
i think i have some dough in a league safe left from soemething
can i just use it? thanks
I'd be okay w anything up to 50.. but I'd be concerned at the amount of people who would be interested if ot were raised. Wondering if we keep this at 20? And maybe someone else sets up another higher stakes one?
Were running short on time so that's an issue too.
Thanks for putting it together btw.
i'll join too.
also, fwiw, CTG will have a sponsored bowl confidence pool up soon as well on yahoo.
Will the ctg one be free to enter?
When is the first bowl game for the confidence pool? Anybody?
I'm in, and I might be able to get a non-ctg member. Is this open to all?
how do you pay on leaguesafe without the invite?
Will the ctg one be free to enter?
When is the first bowl game for the confidence pool? Anybody?
glad to see the interest building.. dont forget to pay the league safe by the 20th and fill out your brackets before the first game starts.
Let me know if it works
I believe all has to be completed prior to first game.. But someone correct me if I'm wrong