ALL ABOARD the lindetrain - Week 7


Pretty much a regular
Week 6: 7-3, +4.1 units
YTD: 39-33-1, +5.79 units

Got back on track after a miserable Week 5...hopefully this continues in conference play.

I had the pleasure of going to Clemson yesterday, and I have to admit that was the most beautiful campus and college town I've ever been to...I was considering leaving UK before and now I am going to give a serious look at possibly transferring down there with an old high school buddy next year. Extremely nice people, absolutely beautiful girls (I've never seen anything like it), and an overall great atmosphere. Can't wait to go back down there again.

Kentucky + the points and the ML will be my biggest play of the year to date by a wide margin...I've been waiting for it since the summer and it has set up even better than I ever expected.
Navy (+4) at Pittsburgh
Florida State (-3) at Wake Forest
Hawaii (-18) at San Jose State
Kent State (+23) at Ohio State
Central Florida (+12.5) at South Florida
Virginia Tech (-17) at Duke
Minnesota (+4.5) at Northwestern
Purdue (+10.5) at Michigan
Rutgers (-17) at Syracuse
Eastern Michigan (+7.5) at Ohio
Georgia Tech (+3.5) at Miami
Illinois (+3) at Iowa
Baylor (+17.5) at Kansas
Texas (-12.5) at Iowa State
Alabama (-8.5) at Ole Miss
Oklahoma State (+5.5) at Nebraska
Toledo (-2) at Buffalo
New Mexico (+4.5) at Wyoming
Tennessee (-8.5) at Mississippi State
Bowling Green (PK) at Miami OH
San Diego State (+11) at Utah
LSU (-9) at Kentucky
Boston College (-14) at Notre Dame
South Carolina (-9.5) at North Carolina
Washington State (+19.5) at Oregon
Arizona (+25) at USC
Wisconsin (+8) at Penn State
Rice (+18.5) at Houston
Connecticut (+4.5) at Virginia
Army (+6) at Central Michigan
Texas A&M (+6.5) at Texas Tech
Western Michigan (PK) at Northern Illinois
TCU (-8) at Stanford
Fresno State (-6.5) at Idaho
Air Force (+1) at Colorado State
Georgia (-6.5) at Vanderbilt
Temple (+7.5) at Akron
Missouri (+14.5) at Oklahoma
Oregon State (+17.5) at California
Louisville (+5) at Cincinnati
Tulane (-1) at UAB
Indiana (+6) at Michigan State
Marshall (+11.5) at Tulsa
UL Monroe (-5) at North Texas
UL Lafayette (+9.5) at Arkansas State
New Mexico State (-5.5) at Louisiana Tech
SMU (+9.5) at Southern Miss
Auburn (+4.5) at Arkansas
Middle Tennessee (+7.5) at Memphis
East Carolina (+5.5) at UTEP
Colorado (+7.5) at Kansas State
BYU (-9.5) at UNLV
Washington (+8.5) at Arizona State
Nevada (+20.5) at Boise State
I had the pleasure of going to SOUTH CAROLINA yesterday, and I have to admit that was the most beautiful campus and college town I've ever been to...I was considering leaving UK before and now I am going to give a serious look at possibly transferring down there with an old high school buddy next year. Extremely nice people, absolutely beautiful girls (I've never seen anything like it), and an overall great atmosphere. Can't wait to go back down there again.


I think you made a mistake there.
LSU is fucking sick, I know. Sometimes though, I think people forget these teams are still human and they can be beaten. Obviously teams far weaker than UK (Stanford, Colorado, etc.) have proven that over the past few weeks.

I have spoken all year about how much LSU's schedule is trouble for this game, and with the way things transpired in their win yesterday, the spot is only worse for them. As you know, they rallied from a DD deficit in the 2nd half and got the win with a TD late, avenging last year's loss to Florida and establishing themselves as the nation's best team. It was a BIG emotional win for them, as they proved they could come back against a great team and they kept their national title hopes alive.

To make the night even better for them, USC lost to Stanford. So now they no longer have USC at their coattails, and they no longer feel the pressure of proving they are better than the Trojans. There is now no doubt they are the best team in the country.

Onto Kentucky. They went into Columbia in big trouble, with an inflated ranking and facing a very tough and well-coached SC team. They got their asses handed to them thanks to turnovers, proving they were undeserving of their #8 spot. There is now the general perception that UK is not as good as they were hyped up to be - that they beat two weak opponents in Louisville and Arkansas and cannot hang with the big boys. After all, it is UK, and it is inevitable that they fall back to the middle of the pack in the SEC by year's end.

And thanks to all of this, I will be on the Cats large.

If anyone sat down and watched the SC game, they could tell UK controlled both sides of the ball for the entire game, with the exception of late in the 2nd quarter and late in the 4th quarter. The Cats had no problems moving the ball down the field, yet squandered away opportunities with mistakes. Tied at 10, Woodson throws an INT inside the 10. Down 7 and on SC's 40, they throw a backwards lateral that is returned for a TD. With a chance to possibly tie it up, they fumble a punt return around midfield.

It was not a matter of UK being simply dominated on both sides of the ball - SC really seemed to have no answer for them on the ground and UK was excellent in defending the run. Mistakes simply killed them, and if it weren't for the TO's they more than likely would've won the game. I don't feel as if UK got "exposed" by any means on either side of the ball; there were really no major weaknesses exploited by the Cocks. They still have an offense that can move the ball on anyone, and their defense is serviceable (take away garbage time, and they only gave up 1-2 offensive TD's).

While it is hard to knock LSU as they are the best team in the country, they did not play great against the Gators. Their offense did next to nothing in the first half, and Flynn continues to show there is not a significant passing threat on offense. They found a way to win the game, but I believe they will be completely drained emotionally and physically for this UK game, and I think there will be a complete lack of focus. You can say all you want they won't underestimate a 5-1 team...but there are a lot of people out there who think UK proved last week they aren't that great, and this is a team LSU beat 49-0 last year.

How do you NOT expect to cruise against a team you killed last year, when you know you are the best team in the country and can overcome a big deficit to Florida? I am 100% convinced LSU comes into Lexington thinking they have this game, because, well, everyone thinks they have this game. Even fellow UK fans think LSU has this game. If you're an LSU player, don't you have to be thinking "how in the hell will we lose to Kentucky?" You just beat Florida, you killed VT, and rolled an SC team who beat the Cats.

A lot of people say they don't believe in the "due" theory, but I think that is a little ignorant. Let's take last week for instance. Wisconsin was due to slip up after all their close wins; Tennessee was due to break out of their slump AND Georgia was due to play bad on the road; North Carolina was due to have that breakout game under Davis; Notre Dame was due to have it all come together and shock someone. The "due" theory is not as ridiculous as people make it seem; everyone is "due" to play well/poorly at some point or another.

And for LSU, they are due to play bad. They've taken care of business in every game they were supposed to this year, and have not had that one game where they just play dreadful. Folks, it is going to happen eventually. Do you honestly think a team can go through every single game playing the top of their game, never letting down and playing like shit? As I said, LSU is human - they will play a bad game. And I cannot think of a better spot for it to happen than in Lexington next week against the Cats, who boast the best offense they have seen yet and have guys who have learned how to upset the big boys over the past year.

UK will win this game.
This is so against everything I believe in, but...

Virginia Tech -13

The Hokies may not have been much on offense last week, but winning like that in Death Valley is just the type of thing this team needed to get going...I think they are about to really start putting it on their opponents. Duke has to be worn out after hanging tight in three consecutive games but coming up short each time. The last two years, VT has outscored the Blue Devils 81-0. This line is short to me, and I fully expect the Hokies to completely control this game.
Yeah, that one has nowhere to go but up in my opinion, and I have the luxury of it not being around a key number...
Awesome write-up on the UK game linde. I'm was on the fence there, but I will consider the Wildcats now.

GL this week - keep up the good work this season.
Thanks dmoney...I am not a big fan of this card so far, but last week I didn't even cap until Tuesday/Wednesday (pissed off from Week 5) and it worked out well. I will have atleast 2 units on UK mixed in with the ML...
Initial thoughts:

I didn't know Kent State was apparently this bad. Catching 30.5? Ohio State has been clicking on all cylinders, but we all know 31+ point wins are not Tressel's style...and I'm not even sure this is a team they can beat by 31. I like that Kent lost last week and OSU cruised, because it gives Martin the advantage in practice all week - they have to get back on track while OSU is cruising. Edelman and Jarvis are a fantastic duo in the backfield and I think that team is good enough to hang tough.

Is the wrong team potentially favored in the BGSU/Miami game? I think the Falcons are the better team, although MU did come through with the upset over KSU last week. Worth a shot with the MAC doggie?

What is this horrible South Carolina line? I hate road chalk, but this shit is so short.

Air Force looks appealing against this completely dead CSU team. I don't see how in the hell you don't just quit on the season at this point after starting 0-5 and giving up a TD late to lose to SDSU at home. Atleast AFA is playing well.

Poor Mizzou. Do they think they're forreal now? This team reminds me of Purdue, because they're going to look great until they play a real team. Do you remember everyone loving them at home against OU last year and the Sooners absolutely fucking spanked them? I have to think Mizzou has a false sense of confidence after that blowout, and the Sooners bring them back to Earth.

Trying to avoid betting on shitty/poorly-coached/less disciplined teams...didn't do it last week and it worked out well.
The LSU-Kentucky game IS near a key number!

It's at LSU -9 right now and 10 is certainly a key number!

Yeah yeah, I mean as far as going down, I still have a point until it hits 8. I'm glad it's not on something like 7.5 where I have to decide whether to wait or take it before it drops to 7...
i saw 11.5 at the open for the cats and I pounced. if they don't cover vs the Tigers, I will play the spread with them perhaps the following week vs the Gators

agree completely with you on Kentucky (on them +11.5)...however, I'm extremely surprised to see you on Virginia Tech here...Duke has actually hung tough in 5 straight weeks (covering all of them)...not a great spot for Va. Tech after an emotional win at Clemson...obviously I'm on Duke (took +14)...regarding Missouri, I'm not saying they are top notch or anything but to make a comparrison to them and previous Purdue teams is injust...Purdue has never, ever had as many playmakers on their offense as Missouri does now, not to mention Missouri's run defense isn't bad...this team reminds me of Kentucky in more ways than one...I'm on them this week as well (+10)...
I like VT -13, but your LSU-UK thoughts are skewed. A team is due to play bad? That is no justification for betting on an inferior team. I remember when you called UK as LSU's upset this season, but that was before we knew UK would be a top 15 team; UK can no longer sneak up on somebody. I know UK is your school, but Woodson will have a miserable day and I don't see UK's defense doing anything to stop LSU's five RBs and fast WRs (if they can hold onto the ball). LSU's DL got showed up against Fla, so you can believe they will go to Lexington ready to prove themselves. If anything, 9 is a short number to lay in a game that showcases the best team versus an inferior one-sided team.

These are just my quick thoughts... GL with the rest of your card
I like VT -13, but your LSU-UK thoughts are skewed. A team is due to play bad? That is no justification for betting on an inferior team. I remember when you called UK as LSU's upset this season, but that was before we knew UK would be a top 15 team; UK can no longer sneak up on somebody. I know UK is your school, but Woodson will have a miserable day and I don't see UK's defense doing anything to stop LSU's five RBs and fast WRs (if they can hold onto the ball). LSU's DL got showed up against Fla, so you can believe they will go to Lexington ready to prove themselves. If anything, 9 is a short number to lay in a game that showcases the best team versus an inferior one-sided team.

These are just my quick thoughts... GL with the rest of your card

That was not my sole was one of many points I brought to the table. Do people really expect LSU to go through the entire year without struggling against an inferior opponent? Absolutely not. This is a bad spot for them and therefore I think it's a great situation for them to have that "sluggish" game.

agree completely with you on Kentucky (on them +11.5)...however, I'm extremely surprised to see you on Virginia Tech here...Duke has actually hung tough in 5 straight weeks (covering all of them)...not a great spot for Va. Tech after an emotional win at Clemson...obviously I'm on Duke (took +14)...regarding Missouri, I'm not saying they are top notch or anything but to make a comparrison to them and previous Purdue teams is injust...Purdue has never, ever had as many playmakers on their offense as Missouri does now, not to mention Missouri's run defense isn't bad...this team reminds me of Kentucky in more ways than one...I'm on them this week as well (+10)...

I agree it is not a great spot for them, but VT finally gained that swagger back they had lost after the Peach Bowl last year. Do you remember what happened after they crushed Clemson last year? They really started to get on a roll. Taylor is getting better every week, and the defense/special teams are getting the job done. Duke has hung in their last 5 games, but a couple of those losses were against teams not even comparable to the Hokies.
Do people really expect LSU to go through the entire year without struggling against an inferior opponent? Absolutely not. This is a bad spot for them and therefore I think it's a great situation for them to have that "sluggish" game.

I would say they struggled against Tulane and, to a lesser extent, SoCar already.
USC to win BCS Title (+1200) - 0.5 units

You know what, maybe I will end up looking stupid for making this bet, but it would eat at me for quite some time if I didn't take the chance.

I am 100% convinced that NO team goes undefeated this year. While I think all the teams who still are unblemished are pretty good, I don't think any of them are good enough to make it through the thick of their schedule without dropping a game. Even LSU will lose a game in my opinion, which will bring USC right back into the national title talk.

Remember how USC lost early last year? Well, by the end of the year, they had moved right back up near the top of the BCS thanks to teams dropping games later in the year - it benefited them to lose early in the year. This is the same exact situation, despite them facing a much tougher schedule.

One of the reasons I feel obligated to bet this is USC will not be an underdog in any of their remaining games. At this point it isn't unreasonable to say they would be against Cal - but after they win their next 4-5 games leading up to that game, they will have established themselves worthy of being favorites.

The schedule is daunting, but isn't that bad when you look at its structure. They have a couple winnable games before traveling to Oregon, then catch Oregon State at home in the week leading up to California - so they aren't facing back-to-back big road contests there. They have a bye week after Cal, then play a primetime Thursday night game against Arizona State the following week, which I think it would be tough for them to sleep on. I think there is a very realistic chance they win all 3 of these games, and finish up the year with one loss.

And once they get to the title game, you have your coaching mismatch of the century with Miles vs. Carroll...and don't forget all the shit Miles said about USC in the summer, which adds a little fuel to the fire for the Trojans. If they make it through the rest of the year without losing, they could potentially be favored in that game as well.

Just seems worth it to me...and it's only 0.5 units. My 2.5 unit prop bet on South Carolina Over 7 wins is looking great, so it couldn't hurt to add this while the stock is low.

c'mon bro...Ore is averaging less than 3 ypc and Tyrod Taylor, while athletic, still has a lot to learn at QB...they gave up almost 400 yards passing last week to even admitted that you placed this bet before you knew LB Hall was out for this one...I'll take my chances with Thaddeus Lewis and Eron Riley...

c'mon bro...Ore is averaging less than 3 ypc and Tyrod Taylor, while athletic, still has a lot to learn at QB...they gave up almost 400 yards passing last week to even admitted that you placed this bet before you knew LB Hall was out for this one...I'll take my chances with Thaddeus Lewis and Eron Riley...

We will just see how it pans out man, I have to admit seeing you and all these other guys liking Duke, along with Hall being out, doesn't make me feel great, especially since it is the first time I've laid road chalk since Week 1 (FSU -2) is just one play of many, it may come back to bite me, and that will just prove to me that I have no business laying road chalk.

I'm not going to buy out of a bet though, that's for sure, because it would eat me alive when VT covered.
Kent State +30.5

I think this team is good enough to hang tight with some big schools...

Kent State report
Flashes realistic about OSU game

Backups to play more; regulars to rest for MAC

By Stephanie Storm Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Tuesday, Oct 09, 2007
KENT: The Ohio State University.

Ranked No. 3 nationally, Ohio State University.

The highest ranked opponent Kent State has ever faced, Ohio State University.

The reality that smacked struggling Kent State in the face is after a disappointing Mid-American Conference loss a 20-13 loss Saturday to Miami awaits undefeated Buckeyes at noon Saturday.

And the game will be played at the 102,329-seat Horseshoe in Columbus.

''You get exposed in every game,'' Kent State coach Doug Martin said at his weekly news conference Monday. ''But especially when you play the No. 3 team in the country. This game here, you're going to have to play your heart out just to keep this thing close.''

Perhaps more important for the Golden Flashes than going against all odds by playing for a win is simply getting out of Columbus healthy.

That's why Martin and his staff already have decided that Kent State's backups will get most of the action this weekend.

''We'll play (backup quarterback Anthony) Magazu in this game for sure,'' Martin said. Junior starter Julian Edelman ''has taken some shots the last couple of weeks, and we need to freshen him up for this upcoming (MAC) stretch. So when we go with the second group, that entire second group is going in.''

Martin doesn't mean after the first half or if the game potentially gets out of hand. He means much sooner.

''By the third or fourth series we'll go ahead and rotate those guys in,'' he said. ''Definitely by the time the second quarter begins we'll have those guys in.''

It's not that Martin is conceding a loss. He simply is being realistic about the more important course for this ailing team right now: throwing everything KSU has at the big boys of the Big Ten or resting regulars in hopes for a much-needed strong finish in conference play.

''If we go out and Ohio State plays (its) best game and we play our best game, they're probably going to win,'' Martin said. ''But that's why you play the game; you never know what might happen. If we catch them on a day when they don't play their best game and we play really well, then that's when special things happen.''

But dreaming about an Appalachian State-like upset isn't on the minds of the Flashes.

''Defensively, (Ohio State) has been stellar from the beginning this season,'' Martin said. ''Offensively, they've gotten a lot better than they were at the beginning of the year, particularly (wide receivers Brian) Robiskie and (Ray) Small.

''I think they've also found what their quarterback is comfortable doing stretching the field and throwing deep a little more than they had been. They're starting to hit their stride offensively.''

<HR color=#cccccc SIZE=1>
Wow, may have to hit Ohio State quick here today.

Good luck this week Linde, I'm probably going to be on Kentucky as well.
What the fuck is going on here?

Is someone going to post some shit about Kevin Smith and Kyle Israel not playing after I bet UCF as well? First Vince Hall, now this...
Ole Miss +7 (-112)

The Tide have really struggled with two week Ole Miss teams the past two years, winning by a FG both times despite being one of the nation's top teams in 2005 and being a big home favorite last year. Don't get me wrong, Saban has this group headed in the right direction, but they are not playing good football right now and now gotta travel to Oxford in a horrible spot.

The Rebs are gaining confidence as they battled against Florida, were neck-and-neck with UGA for 2.5 quarters before getting blown away, and won easily against LT. Seth Adams has helped bring a little balance to the offense, and they look much improved from last year. Bama really struggled against FSU, then went on cruise control and let Houston make a game of it last week before winning by six. They've got two BIG games coming up hosting Tennessee and LSU, but first they've gotta try and take care of a team who has given them fits in recent years...and I simply don't think they're clicking well enough to go in and kill an Ole Miss team who is starting to come around.
Kentucky +9 (+100) - 2 units
Kentucky ML (+325) - 0.5 units

This line is going nowhere but down if you ask me, as I can certainly see Dr. Bob riding the Cats...I'm not going to take my chances of letting it drop below 8.
I love Ol' Miss. As a tide fan, all I'm hoping for is a W. No chance Bama covers 7+. Besides Wallace Gilberry and Prince Hall this team has no killer instinct on defense and ABSOLUTLEY NONE on offense(read: backdoor chance every week). most importantly, this D has no depth on the d-line. The defense was on the field 75% of the 2nd half vs Houston, and got WORN OUT. It was ugly. The tide was very lucky to come away with the win, even after being up 23-0. I don't know how this team is going to respond on the road, but I wouldn't go near bama this week. I'm with you on MS.
Just got very fortunate as someone had a bet out at -104 for LSU that back and ate only 2 cents juice.

Should read:

Kentucky +10 (-110) - 2 units
Kentucky ML (+325) - 0.5 units
Iowa State +16 (+103)

What a BIG advantage for the Cyclones to have Chizik on the sidelines. The former Texas DC knows that D inside and out, and will know exactly what he needs to do to put up points. Texas' season is shot all to hell, and now they gotta go play an early game up in Ames without one of their best offensive weapons in Sweed. They played pretty poorly last week, but I think this ISU team is much better than last year's edition...and their win over Iowa earlier this year proves to me they can play with the big boys at home. I can guarantee you this game means a lot to them.
Okay, I'm in a bit of a rut. Have a lot of games I'm interested in, but not sure which ones to play. Please share your thoughts...

Toledo - never really gave this one a look until I saw Garfather play it, but it really does seem interesting. An awfully impressive win for the Bulls last week over Ohio, but I simply have to question how long their success lasts. Laying chalk to anyone is always a very appealing fade. I really like Toledo's ability to run the ball, and I wouldn't mind seeing that backup QB start again this week as he is a breath of fresh air and didn't seem totally lost in their win last week. Overcoming a 12-point 4th quarter deficit, despite being against a 1-AA team, might have been just what they needed to pump a little energy back into this team. Let's not forget how high some of us were on them earlier on in the year, as they are a very experienced group.

Bowling Green - this is an opportunity to bet the better team as an underdog, simply because Miami OH's has pulled off two major upsets over Ball and Kent State. Take away the blowout BC handed them last week, and the Falcons really have had a pretty impressive year...they can throw the ball around and put up quite a bit of points. I think this is a letdown spot of sorts for MU, as they just shocked the MAC frontrunner in KSU and took the divisional lead. I am convinced BGSU comes into this game with a lot more to prove, and comes away victorious as most MAC dogs do.

Arkansas - obviously Auburn is starting to hit their stride and is not as bad as it first appeared, but this is a dreadful spot for them as they play a Hog team in a similar situation to UT last week. They embarrassed themselves early in the year, have had to sit around and play cupcakes since, and are now dying to get out there and prove they aren't as soft as everyone makes them out to be. We all know the Hogs were a couple breaks from beating both Alabama and UK, but things didn't fall in their favor and they came up short. They still have an electric offense who can put up a ton of points, which is something I just can't say about the Tigers. You can play the revenge card with this game, but that angle has not done well so far this year (just ask Florida and Texas about it). Arkansas carved right through Auburn on the road last year and I'm trying to figure out how this defense is improved enough to have any success again. Tuberville and Co. got their big road upset a couple weeks ago, and it's not happening again.

Colorado - yet another one I was prompted to look at after seeing Garfather played it...and it looks good. Don't get me wrong, it was an impressive win in Austin a couple weeks ago, but simply put KSU is just not a great team. KU carved right through them at home last week in what was supposed to be a "revenge" game, pulling the upset. Now CU comes in playing outstanding football, beating Oklahoma and blowing Baylor out big time (that score is deceiving). Anyone looked at CU's defensive numbers the last few weeks? They've been remarkable. I'm trying to figure out how KSU will have success on offense against that group. The Buffs are just really clicking on all cylinders...the only thing that concerns me is this is not the greatest spot in the world.

What do you all think?
After reading that I'm kind of thinking about taking a small shot on the Iowa St. ML.

That's what I'm thinking.
After reading that I'm kind of thinking about taking a small shot on the Iowa St. ML.

That's what I'm thinking.

It's tough to see Texas losing 3 consecutive conference games, but I could see this one decided by a FG or so.

Of course you're gonna get unbelievable odds on that ML, so it may be worth it for a fraction of a unit.
I won't be betting the above four for the following reasons:

Toledo: Actually, I lied. There is a possibility I bet on the Rockets. This prescribes to the scenario that one should fade horrible teams when they are favored (Temple in the same situation against Buffalo). However, I'd feel a lot more comfortable with more info about Toledo's QB.

Bowling Green: I was originally going to play BG, but I missed 3. Miami OH's D is better than BG's. If Dr. Bob somehow moves it back to 3, I'll consider it.

Arky: Pretty good sport to pick up a much needed conference win. I just think that this team is absolutely terrible.

Colorado: I think this line is right on and don't see an edge either way.
I won't be betting the above four for the following reasons:

Toledo: Actually, I lied. There is a possibility I bet on the Rockets. This prescribes to the scenario that one should fade horrible teams when they are favored (Temple in the same situation against Buffalo). However, I'd feel a lot more comfortable with more info about Toledo's QB.

Bowling Green: I was originally going to play BG, but I missed 3. Miami OH's D is better than BG's. If Dr. Bob somehow moves it back to 3, I'll consider it.

Arky: Pretty good sport to pick up a much needed conference win. I just think that this team is absolutely terrible.

Colorado: I think this line is right on and don't see an edge either way.

With Bob pushing the Toledo line up even more, it makes this play really appealing.
Bowling Green ML (+100)
Toledo +5 (-107)
Washington +11.5 (-103)

BGSU and Toledo thoughts are above...I really see no way you can pass on the Rockets with that line.

ASU enters the thick of their schedule after this Washington game, as they host California coming off the bye week then travel to Oregon the following week. They started out the season extremely well, but did not look impressive last week in a close win at WSU; they were outgained 451-296 and Carpenter threw 2 INTs. Washington is arguably the best team they've faced yet (played Colorado before the Buffs got going), and the Huskies have had an extra week to prepare coming off three consecutive losses. I am not yet a believer in this ASU defense and I think Locker and Co. should be able to keep this one close and possibly pull off an upset.
Updated card:

Virginia Tech -13
Kent State +30.5 (-105)
Central Florida +11.5
Ole Miss +7 (-112)
Kentucky +10 - 2 units
Kentucky ML (+325) - 0.5 units
Iowa State +16 (+103)
Arkansas -3 (-102)
Bowling Green ML (+100)
Toledo +5 (-107)
Washington +11.5 (-103)
I am personally snakebit in ASU games but I agree with just about everything you say above. They have played a lot of drop back type passers too... not sure how they handle the running qb.

good looking card as usual lindetrain.

Drbobbed into toledo ?

congrats on Va. took a lot of balls to lay that kind of number in conference, but you made the right play...nice job...

congrats on Va. took a lot of balls to lay that kind of number in conference, but you made the right play...nice job...

It wasn't the best bet in the world, but it came in pretty easily...

Great call on Auburn though, I looked silly on that Arkansas bet.