Adrian Peterson Indicted Negligence to Child resulting in Injury

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has reportedly been indicted for reckless or negligent injury to a child, according to Mark Berman of Fox 26 in Houston...
Jay Glazer of Fox Sports confirmed that Peterson was indicted by Texas law enforcement and added more information about Peterson's cooperation:
"Texas law enforcement handing down indictment today on Vikings RB Adrian Peterson on charges of injury to a child. Peterson has been cooperating w law enforcement. He now had to turn himself into custody," Glazer wrote.
More from TMZ: "Sources connected to Peterson tell us (that) the alleged victim is a male child from Minnesota who was visiting (Peterson) back in May at the running back's Texas home. We're told the child returned home to his mother in Minnesota who noticed injuries and took the child to a doctor. A short time later, the doctor contacted authorities in Texas to report Peterson."'s Ian Rapoport reports that Peterson's arrest stems from disciplining his son with a switch.

If it was his child, why would TMZ not just say that?

I know what the world has already seemingly come to, but if this was his wasn't that many years ago where you could discipline your own child the way you saw fit. I am not condoning child abuse in the least bit, but parents should be able to discipline their kids...without going overboard, of course. I'm sure there are many guys on here who were hit with a belt when they were growing up.
People used to also own other people

Blacks and women didn't used to be allowed to vote

'It was ok in the past' isn't an argument for allowing it today
At least Aaron Hernandez murdered a MAN. Ray Rice hit a Woman and now Adrian Peterson hit a child. Aaron Hernandez Is the better man of the 3
People used to also own other people

Blacks and women didn't used to be allowed to vote

'It was ok in the past' isn't an argument for allowing it today

Right, but those are completely different issues. We are still talking about people disciplining THEIR kids. Now, the police is thrust into everyone's households? Is everyone going to get cameras installed to make sure the police can keep tabs and ensure no kids are getting smacked on the ass?
Right, but those are completely different issues. We are still talking about people disciplining THEIR kids. Now, the police is thrust into everyone's households? Is everyone going to get cameras installed to make sure the police can keep tabs and ensure no kids are getting smacked on the ass?

When studies reveal the lasting harm for many many children who were disciplined physically

Might be something to look at
More from TMZ: "Sources connected to Peterson tell us (that) the alleged victim is a male child from Minnesota who was visiting (Peterson) back in May at the running back's Texas home. We're told the child returned home to his mother in Minnesota who noticed injuries and took the child to a doctor. A short time later, the doctor contacted authorities in Texas to report Peterson."'s Ian Rapoport reports that Peterson's arrest stems from disciplining his son with a switch.

If it was his child, why would TMZ not just say that?

I know what the world has already seemingly come to, but if this was his wasn't that many years ago where you could discipline your own child the way you saw fit. I am not condoning child abuse in the least bit, but parents should be able to discipline their kids...without going overboard, of course. I'm sure there are many guys on here who were hit with a belt when they were growing up.

You can still spank your CAN"T leave a mark though.
I think there's also a difference between maybe spanking a kid in an extremely rare situation

And beating an 11 year old with a stick
But even spanking a child is frowned on now. I knew not to fuck up when I was a kid or I'd be getting hurt

Yes, I know it's frowned on now....that's what I think the issue is. Parents should be able to discipline their kids, and should be able to spank them if they feel it'll work. I'm not saying I agree with it, and I wouldn't do that to my son, but people should be able to discipline their kids.
When studies reveal the lasting harm for many many children who were disciplined physically

Might be something to look at

You're right. If and when those studies come out we should definitely look at them.

Just going by conversations we've all had with guys over the age of 30 or so.....most kids were spanked, hit with belts, etc back when they were kids. Since so many guys had that happen, it's hard to see a study revealing the lasting harm....or it means that pretty much everyone who grew up before the late 90s onward are suffering from the lasting effects (and I don't think that's true).
My mom used to discipline me by hitting me with this stick. It fucking hurt. I vowed never to do that to my kids and to this day, I've never hit them with anything. My words discipline them and they're great kids.
My mom used to discipline me by hitting me with this stick. It fucking hurt. I vowed never to do that to my kids and to this day, I've never hit them with anything. My words discipline them and they're great kids.

Agree with this, I wouldn't do it to my kids either. My only point is, who the fuck is the government to tell you how to discipline your kids (again, we're not talking about beating them unconscious or something crazy)?

You were hit with a stick when you were younger...did it affect you to the point where our society should interfere with how people want to discipline their kids? If anything, it made you go the other way with your kids....which is clearly a good thing,
You guys seem to be missing the point

Didn't his other child get beat to death by the step father.
Agree with this, I wouldn't do it to my kids either. My only point is, who the fuck is the government to tell you how to discipline your kids (again, we're not talking about beating them unconscious or something crazy)?

You were hit with a stick when you were younger...did it affect you to the point where our society should interfere with how people want to discipline their kids? If anything, it made you go the other way with your kids....which is clearly a good thing,

Agree with both....Kids used to respect their elders...My mother used to buy a wooden spoon at Pathmark,pay for it and beat my ass with it on the check out line and I'm sure was cheered.....I turned out pretty good, own my own RE and PI companies, have never been arrested,and still respect my fellow man and elders...Last thing we need is govt in with the correction of our children
The pictures are pretty graphic and reports say AP admitted to doing so, using the word "whooped him". I am about to have my first child and there is no way in hell i would ever use anything other than words to scare him.

That said, he has his right to a day in court even though the media will have him guilty by 7pm tonight.
A grand jury has indicted Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson with reckless or negligent injury to a child, WCCO has confirmed through multiple sources.
Sports Radio 610 in Houston obtained a draft of the police report which says Peterson admitted that he did, in his words, “whoop” one of his children last May while the boy was visiting him in Houston.
When the 4-year-old boy returned to Minnesota, his mother took him to a doctor. The police report said the boy told the doctor Peterson had hit him with a branch from a tree.
The doctor told investigators that the boy had a number of lacerations on his thighs, along with bruise-like marks on his lower back and buttocks and cuts on his hand.
The police report says the doctor described some of the marks as open wounds and termed it “child abuse.” Another examiner agreed, calling the cuts “extensive.”
Photographs obtained from the Houston police report showed pictures of the injuries.
(credit: Houston Police Department)
(credit: Houston Police Department)
Another picture showed Peterson demonstrating the kind of switch he used.
When investigators questioned Peterson, they say he told them he regarded it as a normal spanking and not excessive. A grand jury seated earlier this summer decided not to charge him, but now a second new grand jury has indicted Peterson.
The Minnesota Vikings released a statement Friday afternoon saying the team is “in the process of gathering information regarding the legal situation involving Adrian Peterson. At this time, we will defer further questions to Adrian’s attorney Rusty Hardin.”
WCCO reached out to Hardin, and he is currently out of the country.
So far the media has rushed to report boy is 11 and boy is 4. Boy was his, boy was not his. All in hopes of getting their story out first, void of facts
According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that "Daddy Peterson hit me on my face." The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that "there are a lot of belts in Daddy's closet." He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson "likes belts and switches" and "has a whooping room."
Agree with both....Kids used to respect their elders...My mother used to buy a wooden spoon at Pathmark,pay for it and beat my ass with it on the check out line and I'm sure was cheered.....I turned out pretty good, own my own RE and PI companies, have never been arrested,and still respect my fellow man and elders...Last thing we need is govt in with the correction of our children

Ditto. Less govt interference, less derilects in the streets. As far as rearing kids go.
You're right. If and when those studies come out we should definitely look at them.

Just going by conversations we've all had with guys over the age of 30 or so.....most kids were spanked, hit with belts, etc back when they were kids. Since so many guys had that happen, it's hard to see a study revealing the lasting harm....or it means that pretty much everyone who grew up before the late 90s onward are suffering from the lasting effects (and I don't think that's true).

oh look Science
My mom used to discipline me by hitting me with this stick. It fucking hurt. I vowed never to do that to my kids and to this day, I've never hit them with anything. My words discipline them and they're great kids.

This. Just raising my voice a little makes them immediately stop what they're doing. It's a great feeling that they listen so far. They're still young though (8,6). We'll see when they're teens.

My mom broke a few wooden spoons on my ass then switched to plastic which hurt like hell. My dad would always threaten the belt but never actually got it. I was definitely not as good as my kids though. I deserved the discipline.
I was hit a few times when I was young with a belt and had a wooden spoon or two broken across my body, but not at age 4 and I was never left with bruises and lacerations of the sort in the pictures above (which I am a little bit uncomfortable in seeing). Also, these pictures were taken after the kid returned to Minnesota from Houston so it's not like they were taken just after the act. I agree wholeheartedly, that the government has no right to say how a parent can discipline their child but at this point it does seem like this crosses the line into abuse, just my opinion.
Those pictures are not good. I don't think Adrian intentionally tried to go that far, but he did, and he deserves the punishment for it.

I'm for spanking and discipline, but tend to agree with this being more than that.
Yeah that is not just "spanking". That is leaving some serious fucking damage on a kid. Fuck that guy
You guys seem to be missing the point

Didn't his other child get beat to death by the step father.

Those pictures are not good. I don't think Adrian intentionally tried to go that far, but he did, and he deserves the punishment for it.

I'm for spanking and discipline, but tend to agree with this being more than that.

yep pictures are damning. Makes me sick as a father of 2. Fuck that dude.
Daddy Peterson's whooping room is disturbing in itself.

Take it there's no '#1 Dad' mugs in All Day's crib.

Sick fuck.

National Felons League right now.
These things come in threes so we're moments away from the discovery of Peyton Manning's "Silence of the Lambs" style pit full of captive women in his basement.
Wonder which is more damaging to the kid psychologically ... to have taken a whooping from his old man or to be the center point for his old man's arrest?

he might have gone too far with it ... but kids today need a beating or two, imo. Also, a whooping room is probably no different than a timeout area .. it is where the whooping happens. It is where a parent can say "Do you want to go to the whooping room?" so the kid knows the exact consequence of not changing their bad behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean it is some sick twisted place within the dudes house.

if the kid was 4 .. I think it was excessive ... if he was 11, then Adrian probably taught him a good lesson
Agree with VK. Time out, give me a Fucking break. I would tell my son when he was a teen that I would put him out, fuck time out. The pussyfication of America continues.
it's not pussification of america, it's not being an asshole and taking responsibility for your shitty parenting. if it takes violence to get through to your kid you're doing it wrong. get the fuck off the internet and be a better parent.
Wonder which is more damaging to the kid psychologically ... to have taken a whooping from his old man or to be the center point for his old man's arrest?

he might have gone too far with it ... but kids today need a beating or two, imo. Also, a whooping room is probably no different than a timeout area .. it is where the whooping happens. It is where a parent can say "Do you want to go to the whooping room?" so the kid knows the exact consequence of not changing their bad behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean it is some sick twisted place within the dudes house.

if the kid was 4 .. I think it was excessive ... if he was 11, then Adrian probably taught him a good lesson

Agree with VK. Time out, give me a Fucking break. I would tell my son when he was a teen that I would put him out, fuck time out. The pussyfication of America continues.
