A-Roid tested positive for steriods in 03

since that interview was so entertaining, and was 20 minutes of lies and beating around the bush, daily a-fraud quotes of the day for the next week will be in my sig, brought to you by the one and only, a-roid!!
today's is below... yesterday was the GNC comment.:cheers:
i wish somebody would just come out and say, "i did steroids, you fuckers paid me millions of bucks,nothing you can do about it, and i never have to work again..so while im on the beach enjoying my fucking cocktails,enjoy grinding out that hard work,thanks"..how great would that be?
i wish somebody would just come out and say, "i did steroids, you fuckers paid me millions of bucks,nothing you can do about it, and i never have to work again..so while im on the beach enjoying my fucking cocktails,enjoy grinding out that hard work,thanks"..how great would that be?

This guy sort of did, he just isn't loaded sitting on a beach somewhere. He is broke trying to beat up ex crack head/child tv stars.

i wish somebody would just come out and say, "i did steroids, you fuckers paid me millions of bucks,nothing you can do about it, and i never have to work again..so while im on the beach enjoying my fucking cocktails,enjoy grinding out that hard work,thanks"..how great would that be?

so about half of the yankees starters take/took roids...

pornstar jiambi
andy P
roger P

i'm sure there are others...
so about half of the yankees starters take/took roids...

pornstar jiambi
andy P
roger P

i'm sure there are others...

Why does it have to be Yankee starters?

A-Roid was juiced up in TEXAS
Giambi was juiced up in OAKLAND
Sheff was juiced up in LA/ATL
does anyone else remember last year (spring training maybe?) when a-rod casually mentioned that he had been tested 9 or 10 times for PED's and they all came back clean? then later when reporters followed up, saying that he would only have been tested that frequently if he had already failed a test, him and boras said that he was just exaggerating?

just funny that everyone was so quick to accept that explanation even though it seemed kind of suspcious at the time. people can say what they want about how the culture around PEDs has changed, but that was still post-mcgwire, post-balco, etc....the media, mlb, and everyone else was still turning a blind eye whenever it was convenient to do so.
i'm just curious as to why no one has played up that angle when discussing the positive test and the admission...i guess maybe it's just easier to act like it was a complete surprise and there were no warning signs.
"He claims to be sorry that he used hardcore steroids, but it obvious he is only sorry he got caught," USADA chief Travis Tygart said.

Perceptive man, this Mr. Tygart.
yep. he said I'm glad I'm finally getting this off my chest. wtf, no you aren't. you're just admitting after you were backed into a corner with hard evidence. thats fucking easy.
Has Jim Thome ever been linked to steroids?

I don't see it myself. If not he'd have to be one of the better players of the 80s/90s