A-Roid tested positive for steriods in 03

At the end of the day its just entertainment

And that's the sad thing about MLB any more. That it's become less of a sport and more of entertainment.
I have no problem with him saying what he said about her, If she tried to break into his house while his daughters are upstairs sleeping thats fucked up. And if hes got the police citation to prove it then why not say so.
And does anybody really believe he only took them from 2001-2003? That's like when a girl says she's only slept with 5 guys, you times that by 3. He was probably juicing as a yankee too.
Nice, make sure you get God in there.

And then you say you don't care what the reporter did, only you basically threw her under the bus not four minutes ago.
the post and times have been BLASTING him this week with a-roid headlines

That's the Post, though. It's sensationalism. They'll rip him for a week, then they'll get back to ripping the Knicks. :36_11_6:

Once baseball actually starts I think it'll be an occasional joke, but I think this gets him off. At least with a lot of NY fans. Not necessarily hardcore baseball fans, but average New Yorkers? They just want to win.


Very true.
I have no problem with him saying what he said about her, If she tried to break into his house while his daughters are upstairs sleeping thats fucked up. And if hes got the police citation to prove it then why not say so.

Because it looks like sour grapes. He says he's got some citation. But what's that, I could call the cops on my neighbor and file a complaint whether I made it up or not.

The fact is he's been lying and hiding this, however she did it, she nailed him, so for him to go after her in any way makes him look bad. If any of that's true he can't be the one to say it.
Nice, make sure you get God in there..

Warner would be proud.

And yep, lets try to sneak something in there to spin him off as someone who is high on ethics and morals, even though he's lying through his fucking teeth, right now.
I think Gammons has done a pretty good job with this interview. Thank God they got an actual journalist to sit down with him. Just imagine DJ Stewart Scott or Steven A. Smith trying to do this interview.
you obviously never played sports.

I played basketball in high school. I just really dont care. I know plenty of people that feel the same way. My manager at work who has played hockey his whole life (he's 30) agreed with me 100%. You guys said it yourself, steriods make you stronger but they dont make you better at the game. You have to have it in you to be able to play.
He was definitely contradicting himself with saying he wasn't mad at her for breaking the story and then ripped in to her. I just have a problem if she in fact tried to break in to a house with his kids, this isnt Woodword and Bernstein breaking watergate he is just a baseball player.
And yep, lets try to sneak something in there to spin him off as someone who is high on ethics and morals, even though he's lying through his fucking teeth, right now.

Thing is, it's all a story. And it's all how you tell it. Notice how he's already trying to lay the seeds of 'let's talk about what a great season this up coming season could be with all the great talent and the new stadium.'

Good for Gammons for not buying into any of it and sticking to trying to get to the truth.
I just have a problem if she in fact tried to break in to a house with his kids, this isnt Woodword and Bernstein breaking watergate he is just a baseball player.

You're totally right in that if she really did try to break into his house that's way over the line.

She's also just put out a statement saying he's lying. Which throws it back onto him to put out the citation.
The best comment I heard on ESPN radio today was someone saying "Who knew steroids didnt work in October?"

That's a great line.
Kurkjan (whose name I can't spell) makes a good point when he says who knows what to believe any more from these guys.

Yikes, nice jump in HR numbers from Seattle to Texas.

From roughly 37 a year to 52--on average? Whoa.
i dont understand ESPN for the life of me.

kurkjian, JUST THREE HOURS AGO, was backing a-roid, saying it was a steroid era and hes still the best player of our time (didnt even use the word, "arguably")

NOW, the kurkjian i have come to know and love ( i do have a lot of respect for the guy, he knows his bases as well as any), has switched his stance.... like you said joe, he basically said he doesnt know what to believe anymore. and we'll see where it goes from here. and just the overall tone of his voice was way more pessimistic and anti-rod then the first one
This fucking guy is too dumb to even lie the right way......there is not a soul alive that thinks he's telling the whole truth. Even as a Yankee fan, A-Roid always has been and always will be a joke. His fragile ego is going to take an enormous beating for the rest of his career in the Bronx.
NOW, the kurkjian i have come to know and love ( i do have a lot of respect for the guy, he knows his bases as well as any), has switched his stance.... like you said joe, he basically said he doesnt know what to believe anymore. and we'll see where it goes from here. and just the overall tone of his voice was way more pessimistic and anti-rod then the first one

This is the problem with the immediate media culture. When this first broke this morning Kurj was on the air and I saw it and you could see him basically absorbing it while he was talking. It was like watching someone eat something live and pretending it was an hour later and saying, 'so, what did you think of the meal?'

I would say tomorrow he'll have not a completely different take, but a more solid take and stance that he'll stick with more.

The other problem, though, that he and pretty much all of ESPN has here is that ESPN has a vested interest in MLB. Just like they do with the NBA so NO ONE was surprised when they helped sweep the game fixing scandal under the rug, they have a vested interest in serving the greater good of MLB because it's such a pillar of their programming.

I would venture to say that tomorrow you will get the majority of ESPN talking heads backing A-Rod if only for his honesty then changing the discussion to what do we do with the era itself and getting off A-Rod. You might get a lone wolf, some B-list personality or one guy who can provide that dissenting opinion, but I would venture to say the majority of guys on the network back A-Rod to a large degree.
I want to know who the other 103 players were. I'm sure you'll have some big name guys there.

Despite the agreement to keep it secret, it's in the best interest of baseball to release it, get it all out, once and for all, and move on.

But if they continue to keep it under wraps, there will forever be questions and the story stays alive.
I feel that even after all of this.. People like Bonds got ripped off the most. Many would argue the following things for A-rod.

-At least he was truthful
-It was not illegal in 2003
-The media is crucifying him
-It was a trend of baseball and a cultural infection

Seriously.. You look at any of those arguements and Bonds got fucked over 10x harder. The fact that Bonds, Palmeiro, Clemens, Pettite, etc were already caught made it EASY for A-rod to say "I'm stupid." "Sorry." Do you guys really think A-rod would have admitted it straight up if he was one of the pioneer convicts (like bonds) to be caught? Fuck no. It is complete BS to make the argument that "Hey, at least A-Rod was truthful." He was put in a place where the truth was the only way. Silence is truly not an option when the people will continue to cast fire on your ass.

a lot of guys have called Bonds a scum bag for years. He is a liar, he is fake, he is tainted. I'm not gonna lie, I have a certain attachment to bonds. He is one of my favorite childhood athletes along with Eckersely and Henderson. Even though people talked shit on him and called him a liar, he never folded. A-rod has taken the easy way out here through apologizing, and then following up with that he stopped in ST of 2003. Let's be logical. If you got caught stealing a CD at Target, get arrested, and they ask you if you've ever taken anything else in the past (lets say you have), are you going to say "absolutely, i apologize."?

Baseball is honestly fucked for a while. I have started to turn my head and engulf myself in the player's statistics and situational stats rather then personal qualities in recent years. This just gives me further reason to do so..
You're pretty much 100% right, True.

No possible way he owns it like this if he's first. Because his was a charge you could fight easier. And more because he and his agents/advisers could look at the track record of who's told the truth and who hasn't. Do that for only a few minutes and you can see who's had the easier time of it. So if he can handle this right, he can overcome it just like Kobe Bryant overcame Colorado.

But here's the reality on Bonds. He's been treated the way he did not only because he's been proven guilty, but for one simple reason. He's an *sshole.

Baseball, more than any sport, for a long, long time, is pretty much run by its writers. Because nobody else is with these teams every day. And the grip is looser now because of ESPN, but for a long, long time the only access that you and I had to these teams was through their writers. And the fact is, Bonds is a complete d*ck to the media and to many of his teammates.

If they loved this guy he'd have gotten such kinder treatment.

And you don't even have to take my word for it. Look at the Hall of Fame, why did it take Jim Rice forever to get into the Hall? He was a prick to the press during his playing days. He tried to correct it some once his career was done, but it still took him forever for them to get over that.

Is it right, no. But it's reality. Same with what Bonds did. Is it right, no. But it's the way it is.
Joe, I completely agree Bonds is a cocky asshole to the media and not a great team mate a times. I still think that is a poor excuse to say that A-rod is any better then Bonds. And because of that, I really think the 60% of CTGers and people that called Bonds a scum and A-rod the savior, really owe a few minutes of implicit remorse and apology.

I have met Bonds in person. My Grandfather who owned a flowershop used to deliver flowers to his house once a month or so for years. He was always carrying his daughter around and was actually a pretty nice guy. Never was he rude or slammed the door in my grandpa's face. There is a difference sometimes when athletes are dicks to people in their profession versus people outside of it. Writers or whoever, I think it's complete shit to say A-rod is still not as bad as Bonds cuz he wasnt an asshole. Bonds has paid for his baseball sins more then ANYONE, EVER. Put the court case aside. I'm talking strictly in the baseball world. A-rod gets off with a half ass apology, followed up with "i never did it again"? Wake up people.
You know what's funny, True, is that I've heard, by and large, to fans Bonds is pretty cool. I just think, for whatever reason, he's always felt the media was his enemy. Maybe that came from his upbringing, who knows. But your experience doesn't shock me.

Funny, I'm not one of those who even gets into the debate between who's better. I personally think Bonds was a great hitter and a decent fielder who became a tremendous hitter in large part thanks to the juice. But it's never surprised me that he's never won much of anything in a team context because of his personality.

Oddly enough, that A-Rod has won next to nothing as well doesn't shock me either. You listen to his apology today and what does he talk most about, numbers, his numbers, his stats, then somewhere down the list is winning.

Personally I think A-Rod has always been about himself and why I think he has trouble in NY is because, first off, they don't care if you're all about yourself, they sort of expect it. But, second and more importantly, he ran into a guy, Jeter, who not only handles all of it better both on and off the field, but somebody who the press there actually likes more--and I think that really gets under his skin. Because in his previous stops, Seattle and Texas, man, it couldn't have been more about him.
You're pretty much 100% right, True.

No possible way he owns it like this if he's first. Because his was a charge you could fight easier. And more because he and his agents/advisers could look at the track record of who's told the truth and who hasn't. Do that for only a few minutes and you can see who's had the easier time of it. So if he can handle this right, he can overcome it just like Kobe Bryant overcame Colorado.

But here's the reality on Bonds. He's been treated the way he did not only because he's been proven guilty, but for one simple reason. He's an *sshole.

Baseball, more than any sport, for a long, long time, is pretty much run by its writers. Because nobody else is with these teams every day. And the grip is looser now because of ESPN, but for a long, long time the only access that you and I had to these teams was through their writers. And the fact is, Bonds is a complete d*ck to the media and to many of his teammates.

If they loved this guy he'd have gotten such kinder treatment.

And you don't even have to take my word for it. Look at the Hall of Fame, why did it take Jim Rice forever to get into the Hall? He was a prick to the press during his playing days. He tried to correct it some once his career was done, but it still took him forever for them to get over that.

Is it right, no. But it's reality. Same with what Bonds did. Is it right, no. But it's the way it is.

That is for the most part the reason why Bonds is treated like he is. He's a douche to his teammates, club house employees, the media and almost everyone else he associates with. A-rod is dealing with this situation the best way possible. Coming out and apologizing, accepting responsibility and moving on instead of denying it helps you significantly. Who still talks about Pettite and Giambi? You can't talk shit about A-rod for apologizing for his actions, if Clemens and Bonds did the same life would be alot easier for them.
if Clemens and Bonds did the same life would be alot easier for them.

Yep, but it's just not in their character. Clemens really showed his true colors when this whole thing hit. He'd had a pretty good rep until this, and now we've kind of got to see him for the *sshole he seems to be.
dude, its kinda like homosexuality... People would live their lives in denial until they realized they werent the only homo out there...

I know it's crude, but misery loves company. The followers always have the easier choices and are credited with decisions they wouldnt have made without those that suffered before them.
True...Bonds is scum. A-rod is scum. The difference is A-rod handled the situation the correct way. Apologize and people move on. Bonds still denies using performance enhancing substances to this day. He's brought up on 13 federal counts of lying under oath about using performance enhancing substances. He is a scumbag. A-rod is smart for fessing up, plain and simple. If Bonds did the same you would be singing his praise.
Oh, you're totally right.

You know, except for the part where you sort of equate homosexuality to misery and every single supporter of Prop 8 picks up a pitchfork and starts heading for your house.
dude, its kinda like homosexuality... People would live their lives in denial until they realized they werent the only homo out there...

I know it's crude, but misery loves company. The followers always have the easier choices and are credited with decisions they wouldnt have made without those that suffered before them.

Its called being smart. Why make the same mistake Bonds and Clemens made? It's common sense for him to come out with it like this. If he denies using steriods, the story looms and haunts him. By opening day, this will barely be a story.
I am not arguing that bonds did a scum thing by taking roids....but this is the bottom line.

A-rod apologized. IT WAS HIS ONLY OPTION. Without Bonds getting completely fucked, A-rod would not have aplogized. It's like j-walking accross the street and seeing your friend get hit by a car. Are you gonna j-walk? NO? Why? Is it because its against the law, or because you already saw someone get fucked up..
If Bonds did the same you would be singing his praise.

Well, I don't know if I'd go that far. But I think we'd probably laugh at his massive jump in hat size a little less.

Which kind of speaks to this, the reason people are easier on those who own up to it, in part, because people like Bonds play both the media and the public for fools. The guy's head size--the size of his f**king cranium blows up at like age 38. How stupid does he really think we all are to buy that this was in any way natural? Being taken for an idiot just pisses people off all the more.
I don't understand why baseball players need steroids...They sit on the bench half of the game. :4_12_12:
I disagree that it was his only option. I agree that it was his only 'smart' option. I also agree that by opening day this will be a minor story in comparison to the rest of what's going on with the Yankees.

That's another reason this was smart. Let the media chew it up real good now for a few weeks rather than slowly sucking on it for the next few seasons. Get it out, get done with it.
Its called being smart. Why make the same mistake Bonds and Clemens made? It's common sense for him to come out with it like this. If he denies using steriods, the story looms and haunts him. By opening day, this will barely be a story.

and that's my point... a-rod makes a half ass apology... and its all good brother? :shake::cheers:

Bonds can't even get a job now. Why? cuz he lied? A-rod lied too.. for years. It's not fair and it never will be.
True we are making the same point, he used Bonds and Clemens' experiences and went the complete opposite direction with handling it. He did the right thing, Bonds should have done it. He didn't because he wanted the home run record.
and that's my point... a-rod makes a half ass apology... and its all good brother? :shake::cheers:

Bonds can't even get a job now. Why? cuz he lied? A-rod lied too.. for years. It's not fair and it never will be.

It's not all good. They all are shit heads and horrible role models for the youth population that looks up to them. I dislike A-rod more than I dislike Bonds, don't get me wrong, its not all good. He handled it the best way. Plain and simple. The difference between bonds' and a-rods lies....Katie Curic. Bonds fucked himself by lying under oath in a congressional hearing. That is why he can't get a job, not because of the steriods. Who wants a guy with that baggage looming over his head?
I'm watching that too. Surprised how quickly the questions shifted from the economy to the middle east. With an a-rod quesiton thrown in there
Also, Bonds can't get a job for another reason. Just like in any industry, if people don't want or like to work with you, it's going to be harder to get a job.

It's almost the same situation that Manny is in right now. It has nothing to do with that guy's talent. His talent is not keeping him off a roster. It's questions about his attitude. Right or wrong that's what's going on.
and that's my point... a-rod makes a half ass apology... and its all good brother? :shake::cheers:

Bonds can't even get a job now. Why? cuz he lied? A-rod lied too.. for years. It's not fair and it never will be.
The difference between Bonds and A-Rod is that Bonds lied to congress under oath. He was given immunity as long as he told the truth. He chose not to. They were after BALCO, not Bonds. That's where he fucked up. You lie to the government, they will come after you with everything they have.

And the other thing Bonds didn't do is admit guilt. Everybody knows he did it. The writings on the wall. Namely Greg Anderson. You think he would spend almost 2 years of his life in prison just to not talk. Bonds fucked up, shoulda told the truth. This headache he has would've been over by now.
I'm watching that too. Surprised how quickly the questions shifted from the economy to the middle east. With an a-rod quesiton thrown in there

Quite frankly, I'm surprised the question was asked and surprised he had an answer. First, there are far more important questions to ask President Obama right now. But that he had a comment--and that he was able to turn it into a 'hopefully this proves there are no shortcuts to greatness' moment was pretty impressive.
I'm watching that too. Surprised how quickly the questions shifted from the economy to the middle east. With an a-rod quesiton thrown in there

Quite frankly, I'm surprised the question was asked and surprised he had an answer. First, there are far more important questions to ask President Obama right now. But that he had a comment--and that he was able to turn it into a 'hopefully this proves there are no shortcuts to greatness' moment was pretty impressive.

I almost expected a pass or half ass'd comment from the president. Solid answer though. Now huffpost getting some tv time.
I'm having a small problem with the "financial" end of all this about steroids. Not one interviewer from what I've seen or heard has asked A-Rod, or anyone else for that matter IF they should or would surrender EVERY DIME they have ever made ,plus interest, and in effect be left living under a bridge in total shame with no money, for using performance enhancing drugs. Or perhaps if a deterrent similar to the latter be put in place contractually to eliminate it entirely.

I have not read this whole thread, but I ask this:

Does anyone think the bigger story here is the little part where he says he was told when he would be tested in 2004?

This just feels to me that everyone was doing it and instead of Selig either:

A - really cracking down on it for the health of the players


B - making it legal to use them completely

Selig just chose to ignore the problem. And then it took a senator and our tax dollars to uncover possibly one of the biggest scandals in sports