A-Roid tested positive for steriods in 03

Damn, the one guy I thought was clean who put up numbers. I guess Junior Griff is the only true one out there.
I am steadily becoming more and more pissed off at this sport. The ones that you figured to have taken them ( McGwire/Sosa/Canseco ) just didn't matter as much because you figured they probably did after the Congressional Day......Then Palmeiro after the 3,000 hit, Bonds slowly crept into the above parentheses category, Clemens, well I always thought he did, but no one would mention him until it became public, then this crap with Rodriguez...

The only one I was a fan of was McGwire b/c I lived in STL and got sucked into the hype.

My new favorite player (sounds like a 14yr old) Greg Maddux.....if that f*ckin' nerd took steroids then I am done with the sport

The best of 90's/2000's
Griffey Jr.

F*ck everyone else....I'm beyond pissed, and I don't even care for that douche Rodriguez

So has Pujols always been clean?

I hope he has

He always sided with Bonds, so I'm not sure I'd give him a free pass just for that reason....and I'm a lifelong Cardinals fan...Something about a strong character will to be associated with/or stay away from that discussion with Bonds that always bothered me......and he plays for LaRussa, a known advocate (or turns head towards) steroids. For me, it's guilty until proven innocent from now on with baseball, I'm tired of getting my hopes up for these guys and getting duped.
Don't know if I can call Baseball a sport, this is outrageous, why don't you just inject me with some roids and watch me ding 70 hr's per season no problem, I'll even do it switch hit for jokes.
because hes the highest paid athlete in the sport and he is a Yankee.

yeah i get that, and i understand that obviously the bigger the name, the bigger the story. so i realize that arod would be the highest profile guy to have tested positive.

but i'm not naive enough to think that there are no other all-star or even mvp type players among those other 103 names.
Dont forget The Big Hurt

:smiley_acbe: Was at the palms on the night that Texas whipped the shit out of USC for the national title and Frank was in there ... walking past each other and i was all decked out in my texas gear and he said stopped to congratulate the horns.

my one experience with that guy was good .. and always loved his stance on steroids and testing.
Don't know if I can call Baseball a sport, this is outrageous, why don't you just inject me with some roids and watch me ding 70 hr's per season no problem, I'll even do it switch hit for jokes.

come on...you can inject as much steroids as you want...youre still not gonna be able to touch King Cole's change or Lidge's slider

these guys still have talent...theyre just idiots
:smiley_acbe: Was at the palms on the night that Texas whipped the shit out of USC for the national title and Frank was in there ... walking past each other and i was all decked out in my texas gear and he said stopped to congratulate the horns.

my one experience with that guy was good .. and always loved his stance on steroids and testing.

I ran into him at a hotel downtown and he was very friendly as well. He shook all of our hands and was very polite. He's my favorite player ever and I dont expect that to change. I'm 99.9% sure all of his numbers and mvp's are legitimate and its a shame you cant say that for most players.

a few others off the top of my head that i would assume to be clean as well. but i agree, griffey's and thomas' accomplishments look that much more impressive now.
Man, i'm pretty dissapointed in this news. If there was one guy I thought was legit, I though it was A-rod. I was actually rooting for him to break Bond's record but no more.
come on...you can inject as much steroids as you want...youre still not gonna be able to touch King Cole's change or Lidge's slider

these guys still have talent...theyre just idiots

They might have some talent but not a lot.

I will say they have fantastic hand eye coordination, but like you said, their decisions off the field is what is eventually going to cost them. These players will never know the feeling of being the Best.
has there been any conclusive studies done on just how much steroids 'enhances' ones performance??

its not like its this magic shot that makes you good at baseball all the sudden
and im not defending arod or anyones steroids use, i think its pathetic...

i just wonder how much difference it actually makes
and im not defending arod or anyones steroids use, i think its pathetic...

i just wonder how much difference it actually makes

I would assume it makes a lot of difference or all of these players wouldnt keep putting their reputations on the line.
and im not defending arod or anyones steroids use, i think its pathetic...

i just wonder how much difference it actually makes

Hmmm that I wonder too, I would assume that it generally helps players have more of a value as they grow older. McGuire wasn't too young when he popped those homers neither was Bonds.

I mean giving a guy like David Eckstein steroids wouldn't do much, the furthest he could hit would just be 365 ft
i think it probably has more to do with avoiding injuries, shortening recovery times, lessening daily wear and tear and prolonging careers than actually making them better players per se
I wonder if Arod is still a hall of famer now? Interesting how they have been treating the "steroid era" players especially the ones they know used.
has there been any conclusive studies done on just how much steroids 'enhances' ones performance??

its not like its this magic shot that makes you good at baseball all the sudden

It doesnt help you play baseball. I know little, but this is what I know. You take a steriod and you are gonna be able to workout longer, go beyond your means. Meaning you get stronger meaning you hit balls longer, throw them harder etc...thats how I understand it
1. A-Fraud indeed.

2. As a White Sox fan, good to see so much Big Hurt love getting dished out.

3. I think both Ichiro and Manny are clean. Word is, for all Manny is not, he's a complete workout machine in the off-season. Now, I'm sure many others are, too. But something about his character just says he would find that s**t more trouble than it's worth--although I wouldn't be totally shocked if he tried it once, that too seems to be his personality.

But Ichiro, just look at his body type and how healthy he's stayed. Clean.

4. I am steadily becoming more and more pissed off at this sport.

Welcome, we've been waiting for you.
I love the quote from ARod they keep running, too. "You'll have to talk to the union."


Thing is, you and I know they'll find a way to sweep this one under the rug. They'll say it was six years ago, Fraud will say it was a false positive and that they can test him now or whatever. He's too big of a star for them to let him go down.
LMAO at all the Bonds haters who consoled themselves with the fact that "at least his record wont last long with ARod around".
LMAO at all the Bonds haters who consoled themselves with the fact that "at least his record wont last long with ARod around".

True, it's funny, and yet this doesn't make Barry any less of a horse-steroid injecting jackass.
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px inset ;" class="alt2">
The best of 90's/2000's
Griffey Jr.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Adding Ichiro.

Adding Tony Gwynn

cmon, you almost have too.
LMAO at all the Bonds haters who consoled themselves with the fact that "at least his record wont last long with ARod around".
I'm now rooting for Ryan Howard. I don't think he's on juice, just a big powerful guy. But what the fuck do I know, everybody can be on it.
Pujols has a way better chance...

hes actually a couple months younger than Howard and hes got 319 Hrs

Assuming 800 is the magic number, that means he "only" needs 10 years of 48 homers...
I don't think Howard will get there, but just as a player I agree that he's very easy to root for.

Pujols, engh, not as much.
Canseco probably had this epiphany at one point of, "you know what, if I'm just honest about what's going on in baseball, I could make a pretty good living." Either that or someone had it for him.

Either way, yeah, that guy looks like a genius right about now. I wonder if he knew about the ball-washing clause in Clemens' contracts.
I'm now rooting for Ryan Howard. I don't think he's on juice, just a big powerful guy. But what the fuck do I know, everybody can be on it.

I faced him in 1998 my junior year in high school. Fox vs. Lafayette. He was about the same size in high school...maybe a few cheeseburgers less, but still a freakin' beast.....I tried to get a first pitch curve over on him and he hit it about 530 feet (self-proclaimed estimation) to straight away center....the ooh's and ahh's from the crowd is something I will never forget. At this point for the sake of MLB, I just hope he breaks the 500 HR total marker and makes it in the HOF. To Mr. Howard:cheers:
"Puroids"??? I've been saying that A-Roids has been doping forever but nobody ever wants to listen. Same goes for Pujols. Honestly I'm a bit tired of all the hitters getting railroaded though. They've also been hitting off of pitchers who were all juiced up for the last 10 years. Personally none of the roid scandal bothers me much. The only thing that really bothers me is that the MLB gets run through the stringer while the NFL gets a free pass. If you don't think that a great % of NFL players are on roids you're crazy. When you start offering players tens of millions of dollars to be the most extreme athletes in the world they are bound to cross moral lines to attain the most fame and wealth as possible.